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Post-Pandemic Storytelling: The New Fault Tolerance

Using remote production, houses of worship, schools, concerts, and creative individuals can utilize their flexible, 软件支持的系统,使他们的信息在大流行期间和以后能够传播到世界各地.
Featured Articles, Posted 12 Aug 2020

DiscoverVideo Introduces DVMeet for Video Conferencing

DiscoverVideo has announced the addition of DVMeet, an HD web conferencing feature, in its DEVOS enterprise video
Featured News, Posted 15 Jul 2020

DiscoverVideo Introduces DVMeet for Video Conferencing

DiscoverVideo has announced the addition of DVMeet, an HD web conferencing feature, in its DEVOS enterprise video. 目前和未来的DEVOS客户现在可以拥有一个全面的系统,提供无限的直播, video on demand, and web conferencing
Featured News, Posted 08 Jul 2020

Best Practices for Streaming Deployment

Featured Articles, Posted 08 Jul 2020

NewTek首次推出顶级的TriCaster 2 Elite,具有实时通话连接功能

Featured Articles, Posted 07 Jul 2020

How to Manage Livestream Planning in a Pandemic

Liz Hart Event的Liz Hart和090 Media的Alex Lindsay讨论了管理客户关系的挑战,以及在COVID-19时代,灵活地从一种流媒体场景转向另一种流媒体场景的重要性, 现场事件的偶然性总是超过确定性.
Featured Articles, Posted 01 Jul 2020

Will the Success of Virtual Events Impact In-Person Events Post-COVID?

After virtual events became the only game in town, and event producers recalibrated to a streaming-only approach, 高参与度让他们重新思考自己的方式,这种方式可能会对面对面的活动产生长期影响. 090 Media的亚历克斯·林赛(Alex Lindsay)讨论了新冠疫情时期虚拟活动的惊人成功,以及它可能对活动产生的影响, their producers, 以及他们的与会者,这段视频来自2020年流媒体东部连接.
Featured Articles, Posted 23 Jun 2020

Pros and Cons of Going Live with Remote Production

As social distancing necessitates remote production, 直播制作人面临着新的挑战和新的变数,这就提出了一个问题:走直播的“走钢丝”是正确的选择吗? It depends, say Ben Ratner and Alex Lindsay, in this clip from their panel at Streaming Media East Connect 2020.
Featured Articles, Posted 17 Jun 2020

Has the Age of the Solo Live Producer Arrived?

有距离的需要和广泛可用的多才多艺吗, small-footprint, low-cost, 多摄像机流准备工具将单制作人现场制作带入主流? 本·拉特纳和亚历克斯·林赛在2020年流媒体东部连接讨论.
Featured Articles, Posted 09 Jun 2020

How COVID-19 Has Changed Streaming Workflows

由于COVID-19需要将以前的现场直播活动虚拟化, streaming producers' roles and workflows have changed, 制片人兼副导演利兹·哈特和090媒体的亚历克斯·林赛在这段视频中讨论了流媒体东连接2020.
Featured Articles, Posted 09 Jun 2020


巴尔的摩的GBMC医疗保健系统需要一种快速简便的方式来发送信息, so Jenoff facilitated live streams for them.
Featured News, Posted 02 Jun 2020

Tutorial: Remote Live Production in the Age of COVID-19

随着社交距离的增加,现场生产几乎不可能实现, Anthony burrokas演示了如何使用vMix Call使用多个远程视频馈送制作专业的现场表演.
Featured Articles, Posted 21 May 2020

How to Manage Client Expectations

A large portion of my time is spent educating clients on what I do, what I can do, and what I can't do. 特别是,我不能做的是管理客户期望的关键. By making sure we're both working toward the same goals, we have a better chance of avoiding potential conflicts down the road.
Featured Articles, Posted 21 May 2020

参加Nadine Krefetz“云流媒体工具”研讨会的十大理由

你不想错过纳丁·克雷费兹在流媒体东部连接的深度在线研讨会的10个关键原因, Tuesday, May 26, 3 pm ET/12 pm PT.
Featured Articles, Posted 20 May 2020

How to Master the Art of Digital Audio Mixing for Hybrid Events

为视频录制或实时流混合音频涉及许多相同的技术和设备, 但每个都有不同的生产标准,你不必担心使用扬声器的现场扩声. In this article, 我解释了我同时为这两种环境混合音频的方法.
Featured Articles, Posted 18 May 2020

FOR-A HVS-2000视频切换器帮助定制媒体解决方案从现场活动转向有限人员的流媒体活动

当2019冠状病毒病大流行迫使2020年橙色大会从现场直播转变为, 4月29日开始的为期三天的流媒体节目, CMS依靠美国fora公司的HVS-2000视频切换器向更多的在线观众提供高端产品.
Featured News, Posted 13 May 2020


The AW200 Shares Content Over Wi-Fi or Ethernet with a Simple Tap
Featured News, Posted 13 May 2020


Blackmagic Design今天宣布焦点制作正在使用Blackmagic Design现场生产工作流程为GBMC医疗保健系统生产教育内容.
Featured News, Posted 13 May 2020

Create4MentalHealth Simplifies Streaming Workflows with AJA HELO

总部位于英国的非营利组织Create4MentalHealth通过社交媒体网络与AJA的独立HELO H向全球观众提供实时内容.264 streaming, recording and encoding device for capture and delivery.
Featured News, Posted 13 May 2020

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