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因为保持社交距离需要远程生产, live producers face new challenges and new variables that raise the question: Is walking the live streaming highwire the right choice? 这取决于, 本·拉特纳和亚历克斯·林赛说, 这段视频来自他们在2020年流媒体东部连接会议上的小组讨论.

从流媒体东连接观看完整的面板, “不断变化的世界中的直播,“在…… 流媒体YouTube频道.

了解更多关于直播制作的信息 流媒体西部2020.


本·拉特纳: One of the biggest problems with remote production is inter网 upload speed. 其他的部分都是可以控制的. Camera, lights, audio, all good--but you can't always control the inter网. If there is not an interactive element or a timely element to your stream, 我觉得重要的是至少考虑一下不要现场表演. 很多时候公司会说,“哦,我们应该做现场直播. 每个人都在现场表演. 我们一定要做一个变焦. 或者我们应该这样做."

But what I've found is that a good portion of the time you just don't need to do that. 这样可以减轻剧组的压力. If something has to go perfectly, there is a non-zero chance that you'll have a problem live. Facebook有首映,YouTube也有首映. You're basically streaming in real time to people with something that you prerecorded or edited earlier.

以学校毕业典礼为例. 你在演讲. You're not necessarily responding to the crowd that isn't cheering in front of you. 如果你知道,成千上万的人将会观看, 你需要它是完美的,它不需要是现场的, 这值得考虑.

相信我,我告诉人们“不要直播”已经失去了生意. 你不一定需要我的服务.“但这更容易,也更划算, 取决于生产, 让每个人都在手机上录下来,然后放到iMovie里, 如果你需要更便宜或者更可靠的话.

弄清楚客户的需求是很重要的. Sometimes they don't realize that their desires are not necessarily in the right place, so it's good to have that conversation and potentially shift them in a different direction.

亚历克斯·林赛: 我完全同意本的观点. 当我们与客户交谈时, 我们基本上是说,如果你没有运动, 突发新闻, 或交互性, 你可能不应该流媒体. 你是在为无回报增加巨大的负债.

现在, the caveat to that is that we find that if you don't have interaction in three to five minutes, 观看时间开始像石头一样下降. Esports or sports in general can be a little less of that because there's something happening, 很多都是相互作用的. There's something really breaking and unpredictable in the sports realm and in the esports realm.

但对我们的大多数客户来说, 我们要说的是, "You have three to five minutes to start engaging the audience before you start losing them.“人们想做一个45分钟的演讲. Unless it's really good--I'm talking, $75-100,000 dollars a minute--you're not going to keep them. 你很快就会看到褪色. 你必须有很好的直播才能, and really good production values to hang on to people for very long without some kind of interaction or some place for them to interact.

Some of our clients aren't ready to have that kind of level of interaction. But when we talk to clients, I think that participatory video is the future. 人们想要成为对话的一部分, 当我们找不到让他们参与对话的方法时, 它只是没有效果. 随着越来越多的人擅长于此, it's going to get harder and harder to do just a straight playout and have any kind of meaningful viewership.

videoRx CTO Robert Reinhardt outlines best practices for choosing and testing players and targets for client streams in this clip from 流媒体 East Connect 2020.
videoRx CTO Robert Reinhardt walks viewers through the basics of streaming ingest and distribution in this clip from 流媒体 East Connect 2020.
Robert Reinhardt outlines his streaming gear and workflow from ingest to delivery in this clip from 流媒体 East Connect 2020.
Liz Hart of Liz Hart Event and 090 Media's Alex Lindsay discuss the challenges of managing client relationships and the importance of having the flexibility to pivot from one streaming scenario to another has become in the age of COVID-19, 现场事件的偶然性总是超过确定性.
在虚拟事件成为城里唯一的游戏之后, 活动制作方也重新调整为只播放流媒体的方式, high participation got them rethinking their approach in ways that could have longterm effects on in-person events. 090 Media's Alex Lindsay discusses the surprising success of virtual events in the Covid era and how it might affect events, 他们的生产商, and their attendees in this clip from 流媒体 East Connect 2020.
Blizzard Entertainment's Corey Smith discusses the shift toward full cloud remote (REMI) production in large-scale event streaming in this clip from a panel at 流媒体 East Connect 2020.
有距离的需要和广泛可用的多才多艺吗, 内存占用较小的, 低成本, multicam streaming-ready tools brought single-producer live production to the mainstream? Ben Ratner and Alex Lindsay discuss at 流媒体 East Connect 2020.
As COVID-19 has necessitated the virtualization of formerly in-person live events, 百家乐软件app最新版下载的角色和工作流程已经发生了变化, as Producer and Associate Director Liz Hart and 090 Media's Alex Lindsay discuss in this clip from 流媒体 East Connect 2020.