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Telestream’s Lightspeed Live Stream Helps 奥本大学 Stream Sports Events, 毕业典礼, 建立粉丝粘性

Auburn also uses Lightspeed Live Capture to record live event video to archival storage

Telestream®, 领先的工作流自动化提供商, processing 和 quality monitoring 和 management solutions for the production 和 distribution of video, 今天宣布 奥本大学这是美国奥本的一所公立研究型大学, AL—has chosen Lightspeed Live Stream to live stream special events, 比如毕业典礼, 体育赛事和其他活动. Lightspeed Live Stream takes live video feeds from production switchers, 视频路由器, ISO相机, or other sources 和 streams them simultaneously to the University’s Facebook, 推特, 和YouTube频道, 以及它自己的网站.

From its production facilities in the Athletic Video Services Building, Auburn Athletics also uses a companion product from Telestream—Lightspeed Live Capture—to ingest 和 record live video of sports 和 special events onto their 网work attached storage system. An added attraction of the system is that both the stream 和 capture applications run on the same server hardware simultaneously.

While the University has contracted with ESPN to produce 和 deliver exclusive live video of its Auburn Tigers Southeastern Conference (SEC) sporting events that the major sports 网work streams, the use of the integrated Lightspeed Live Capture solution constitutes a completely separate 和 unrelated workflow. 在现场比赛和特别活动期间, Lightspeed Live Capture is used to create an archive of Auburn’s valuable sports footage that can later be repurposed into fan engagement videos, 突显出卷, 以及其他宣传材料. It’s also used to record live events video into the archive, while Lightspeed Live Stream simultaneously streams video to social media.

“我们的目标是找到一个强大的, reliable solution that could provide streaming of multiple feeds to various social media platforms simultaneously 和 recording functionality that we needed, 都装在一个盒子里. 通过Telestream的光速直播, 我们找到了理想的流线型解决方案,韦斯顿·卡特说, 媒体系统视频服务总监, 奥本大学, AL.

在录音方面, Auburn Athletics needs to record roughly 350 live events per year, 相当于几千小时的编程时间. 观看实况足球, 棒球, 垒球, 还有篮球主场比赛, this means recording live video produced in one of two control rooms in the Athletics Video Services Building. 然而, it could also mean recording live video feeds of ISO相机 at different playing fields, 遍布校园的体育设施和竞技场.

在流媒体方面, the solution needs to run uninterrupted for long periods of time; for example, 整个足球比赛日的赛前和比赛活动. It must also be able to live stream important events to a mix of social media sites simultaneously, 包括Facebook, 推特, 和YouTube.

“Lightspeed Live Stream 和 Live Capture have proven to be affordable, user-friendly systems that run reliably on a single piece of hardware. 和, Lightspeed Live Stream simultaneously delivers up to four video channels to the social platforms we need to stream to, 都在一个盒子里,”卡特说。.

“因为学生是我们制作团队的重要组成部分, we wanted to make sure that the Lightspeed Live solution would in fact be very easy to learn 和 use, 但对于我们需要执行的任务来说,它足够强大. We found that our students could indeed jump on it 和 start managing the live streams 和 recordings. 有了更高的效率, 我们在培训学生方面节省了大量时间, who can quickly be entrusted to h和le these important tasks independently. 我们现在正在更快地填满我们的社交媒体渠道, while preserving video of our cherished moments 和 heritage for posterity,卡特补充道。.

下载完整的个案研究: http://www.telestream.net/pdfs/customer-case-studies/cas-Auburn.pdf

Telestream provides world class live 和 file-based solutions for automated workflow 和 quality monitoring 和 management solutions for video that allow consumers 和 businesses to transform video on the desktop 和 across the enterprise. Many of the world’s most dem和ing media 和 entertainment companies, 服务提供商, as well as a growing number of users in a broad range of business environments, 依靠Telestream产品来简化操作, 接触更广泛的受众, generate more revenue from 和 ensure the quality of their media. Telestream products span the entire digital media lifecycle, including 视频捕捉和摄取; live 和 on-dem和 编码 和 代码转换字幕回放和检查交付,以及 在线直播自动化和编排; with its iQ产品线, Telestream enables the monitoring 和 management of quality service 和 experience over any 网work.

Telestream’s corporate headquarters are located in Nevada City, 加州和韦斯特伍德, 麻萨诸塞州. 这家公司是私人控股的. 有关公司和产品信息,请访问 www.telestream.网.