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As I write this, Adobe is currently navigating some interesting content ownership & usage issues.

As I write this, Adobe is currently navigating some interesting content ownership & usage issues.

On June 5th, 2024, users of various Adobe apps were faced with a pop-up notice "we may access your content through both manual and automated methods, 比如进行内容审核.“唯一的出路就是同意. There was no "opt-out.“它假定包含了您的内容. 这是错误的做法.

你能被告知已经很幸运了,因为, 正如Mashable所指出的:“Adobe服务条款的更新部分, actually, 早在2月17日就悄然生效了, 2024. It says, "Our automated systems may analyze your Content and Creative Cloud Customer Fonts (defined in section 3.10...) using techniques such as machine learning in order to improve our Services and Software and the user experience.语言故意含糊不清. 但是具体提到“你的内容”," and using "machine learning in order to improve our Services and Software," immediately drew concerns that users' creative work would be used as training data for Adobe's AI tools."

The worst part, to me, is Adobe's assumption that any and all user content can be used by Adobe without credit or compensation, 不管“为了训练”还是其他什么他们想用的理由. Where was the big "caution" sign asking you if this was okay in the first place? 看起来每个人都被悄悄地包括在内了, 你必须找到它, 手动选择退出——这绝对是错误的做法.

Grummz on X noted: "Summary of rights Adobe is asserting over YOUR work:
1. 他们可以审查内容审核,2. 他们可以手动审查它(人类),3. 他们可以出版或免费赠送. 他们可以将其出售给第三方(转授权). 他们可以并且将会用它来训练他们的人工智能.
即使文件是本地的,你也不能完全退出, 比如内容感知填充和其他非指定工具."

使用Facebook知道你愿意发布什么是一回事, Facebook will use to keep others engaged on the platform so Facebook can sell ads. 对Adobe来说,向使用工具的用户收费完全是另一回事, 我们一直认为是私人的, to now realize they've slowly been moving the ownership legalease and policies to include Adobe's ability to use your content, without compensation, regardless of reason.

Some have postulated that it's only content you upload to their servers (which should still be private, 它不应该属于Adobe, Dropbox, iCloud, etc.),并指出您可以“选择退出”内容分析. 但是Adobe法律术语实际上说, "Turning off content analysis doesn't affect our ability to analyze your content when you participate in programs ... 如果您不希望您的内容被用于此类目的, 你应该避免参加这些项目, including, but not limited to..." Where Adobe lists four programs, but admits it's "NOT limited to" those four programs.  Also, "if you use features that rely on content analysis techniques (for example, 内容感知填充(Photoshop), 当你使用这些功能时,你的内容仍然会被分析..."

斯科特·贝尔斯基(Scott Belsky)在网上引起了轩然大波, Adobe’s Chief Strategy Officer and Executive Vice President of Design and Emerging Products, and Dana Rao, Adobe的执行副总裁, General Counsel, and Chief Trust Officer to post a response on the Adobe blog in June 10th, saying in part, "“We recently rolled out a re-acceptance of our Terms of Use which has led to concerns about what these terms are and what they mean to our customers. 这促使我们反思我们在条款中使用的语言, and the opportunity we have to be clearer and address the concerns raised by the community."

Those are the two people who should have had that ironed out BEFORE rolling out the "re-acceptance of Adobe terms." (Maybe they did!) In fact, while promising that, “我们从未针对客户内容训练生成式人工智能, 获得客户工作的所有权, 或者允许访问超出法律要求的客户内容.“这就引出了一个问题——你说你没有做过, so why did you deliberately craft the legal Terms of Use to leave a lot of grey area? 如果Adobe真的打算尊重这一点,为什么法律术语不匹配呢? 如果能在一篇博文中说得这么清楚的话, 为什么使用条款一开始就没有这么说呢?

Why isn't there a big notice describing uses and asking us to opt-in for any potential company use of our content. Even generative fill should let us know; each time! Why do we have to find an article to track down a preference to "opt-out,“如果我们从未选择加入, in the first place. It's because companies are already stepping over the content ownership line and hoping you won't notice.

我觉得这只是未来的预兆. All sorts of companies are desperate for content they can leverage for their engines and tools. In many cases they have to pay to license images or absorb huge libraries of public content, 有时还是会被发现使用受版权保护的作品. But Adobe, 我相信其他人也会效仿, 找到了新的解决方案, 你不仅要花钱使用他们的工具, but their actual Terms of Use establish their right to use your content, 没有补偿——不管他们在博客上发表了什么.

As for me, I'm a long-time Premiere user (version 2, 3, 4 back in the 90's. 我现在要学习使用一个新的非线性编辑工具, like ShotCut, or Resolve, Vegas Pro, Lightworks, Final Cut Pro, Media Composer, etc. There's no shortage of alternative tools that (currently) don't claim ownership of your work for their needs. However, 我知道我需要注意了, 因为另一个工具可能是我的内容之后的下一个工具. I'm sure this will not be over soon, as each of the tools needs to keep pace with the others. We'll all need to be extremely vigilant of all our tools and services any more, 如果你想保住你的东西, just yours.

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