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Navigating the Cloud Transition: Tailored Strategies for Broadcasters in the Digital Age

The broadcast industry has identified the benefits of cloud technology, including its adaptability and versatility. Cloud technologies facilitate remote production and streamline workflows. 然而, this shift may come with an adjustment period and a myriad of other challenges, which broadcasters today are still overcoming.

The emergence of advanced cloud solutions is reshaping the broadcast landscape, 解决了一些与网络安全相关的历史问题,以及与传统内部部署基础设施相关的成本限制. The shift towards cloud solutions promises broadcasters streamlined, 灵活的, 更安全的生产工作流程, 提供战略机遇,通过整合可提高规模和运营效率的解决方案来适应媒体和娱乐行业不断变化的需求.

当今观众对高质量观看体验的需求——包括超高清(UHD)内容——意味着云工作流程现在是行业未来的基础. But the process of balancing these evolving expectations, alongside navigating complex media ecosystems, 需要深思熟虑的方法. 对云迁移没有放之四海而皆准的响应——每个业务的实现过程都是独一无二的. 这就是为什么精明的广播公司越来越多地转向战略合作伙伴,他们了解他们的具体业务需求,可以作为值得信赖的顾问,指导他们做出及时和明智的战略决策.

Delivering UHD Content Efficiently and Flawlessly

Traditional on-prem solutions have struggled to keep pace with some of the changes in broadcasting needs, particularly as new advanced video formats and codecs have emerged. The growth in demand for UHD content is one of the key trends already reshaping traditional broadcasting, and it’s spotlighting some of the limitations of traditional on-prem infrastructure. Scaling up for UHD content production workflows involves substantial hardware upgrades, including more powerful processing units and increased storage. 这些硬件升级可能包括安装额外的服务器和扩展到更大的物理空间.

另一方面, cloud solutions offer a cost-effective alternative, providing seamless scalability for UHD content without the need for physical infrastructure expansion. 通过利用动态百家乐软件分配, cloud production technologies can provide access to more advanced tools and workflows, 根据超高清内容的波动需求轻松放大或缩小,并确保最佳利用率,而不会给系统带来不必要的压力.

广播公司还面临着大量持续的财务承诺,以维护和升级用于超高清内容工作流程的本地基础设施. This demands significant technical resources and expertise, introducing operational complexities that may hinder responsiveness to dynamic broadcasting demands. 云对不断变化的广播需求的灵活适应,确保广播公司能够正面应对超高清的挑战,并以更高的响应速度和效率做到这一点.

过渡到云简化了UHD内容管理过程,最大限度地减少了硬件依赖,并确保可行的, 长期, and 灵活的 operation through cloud-based software updates. 这种具有成本效益的方法使广播公司能够通过释放百家乐软件和技术带宽来专注于内容创意和创新, offering a streamlined and economical alternative to on-premises solutions.

Keeping Up With Today’s Viewers and Ever-Growing Content Libraries

广播公司的另一个考虑因素是,由于在实现新工作流时需要物理配置,本地系统的设置和处理时间会延长. 这会导致内容生产和可用性方面的不可接受的延迟,并且在编码等任务上花费的时间增加进一步加剧了这种延迟, 代码转换, 内容准备. Overall, it means slow, sub-optimal workflow execution on physical systems. The cloud, however, significantly reduces content production timelines. 利用先进的计算能力, 云技术为广播公司提供了高速处理能力,并有助于加速这些任务,以实现更高效、更快速的媒体运营.

云提供显著优势的另一个领域是响应需求高峰,或者快速移动的事件需要产品适应工作流程或在短时间内扩展. The cloud’s elastic resources enable broadcasters to dynamically adapt based on content volume, 输出分辨率, 或者其他因素. 此外, 这种灵活性通过实现无缝的远程协作扩展到生产团队,这种协作超越了地理限制,并利用全球人才库来促进提高生产力的环境. 此外, cloud technology can help streamline repetitive tasks such as automated metadata tagging and indexing, 从而产生有效的媒体存储解决方案,并为内容创建者节省宝贵的时间,使他们能够专注于工作的创意方面.

英国独立电视台, 著名的英国广播公司, recognized the benefits of implementing a cloud-based archive for improved performance, 灵活性, 和弹性. The pressing need for cloud production technology became urgent in mid-2020, coinciding with a remote working mandate at the onset of a global pandemic. 英国独立电视台需要一种与现有系统兼容的解决方案来进行远程编辑,同时确保业务连续性并促进远程操作. 英国独立电视台全面的云生产工作流技术解决方案部署了本地记录的复制内容,并以最小的中断被带入云中. 结果是, the 英国独立电视台 team successfully migrated its substantial tape library to the cloud within 12 months.

如果组织要接受云解决方案,并实现更高效和可扩展的生态系统的潜力, 他们的业务, 具体工作流程, 必须从根本上改变. This shift will undoubtedly give rise to experimentation with new business models, 更身临其境的观看体验, and further consolidation between industry players. 为了利用这一点, media organizations must engage in open discussions with their suppliers, ensuring they work with partners prepared to innovate to solve their unique ecosystem challenges. 这个过程的一部分取决于清晰地传达一个定义良好的云策略,然后采取措施实现它. 最终, thanks to cloud-enabled media technologies, 广播公司可以与客户密切合作,创造和提供解决方案,以满足他们的需求, 中期, 以及长期需求和期望.

[Editor's note: This is a contributed article from Telestream. 流媒体 accepts vendor bylines based solely on their value to our readers.]

将流基础设施和内容存储从本地迁移到云的一个问题是,确保您的内容资产可以通过远程数据中心访问,就像您将它们全部存储在物理接近的现场一样. CBS体育节目科里·史密斯报道, signant的Rick Capstraw, Telestream的理查德·安第斯报道, 和IntelliVid Research的Steve Vonder Haar讨论了随之而来的挑战以及如何在流媒体连接2023的这个剪辑中克服这些挑战.
支持流媒体生产商向云迁移的一个流行论点是可扩展性的经济性. CBS体育的科里·史密斯报道, Intellivid Research的Steve Vonder Haar说, 和丹麦TV2的洛克·杜邦讨论了迁移到云流工作流程的主要好处,这段视频来自他们在流媒体连接2023的小组讨论.
Should all streaming production operations be shifting to the cloud to take advantage of the scalability, 灵活性, and economic benefits of cloud streaming workflows? Or does on-prem still have its time and place? Telestream的理查德·安第斯报道, 安永的Waseem Ahmad报道, and IntelliVid Research's Steve Vonder Haar debate the pros and cons of cloud vs. on-prem in this clip from 流媒体 Connect 2023.