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How Cloud Workflows Enhance Streaming Scalability

支持流媒体生产商向云迁移的一个流行论点是可扩展性的经济性. CBS Sports' Corey Smith, Intellivid Research's Steve Vonder Haar, 和丹麦TV2的洛克·杜邦讨论了迁移到云流工作流程的主要好处,这段视频来自他们在流媒体连接2023的小组讨论.

支持流媒体生产商向云迁移的一个流行论点是可扩展性的经济性. Steve Vonder Haar, Senior Analyst, Intelligent Video & Enterprise, IntelliVid Research,与Corey Smith, Sr .讨论了迁移到云流工作流的主要好处. Director, Advanced Production Technology, CBS Sports Digital, Paramount, and Loke Dupont, Staff Engineer, TV 2 Denmark, from their panel at Streaming Media Connect 2023.

Vonder Haar asks Smith, “For your video production workflow, 哪一个更适合大规模地做事情,或者云在这个领域能扮演什么角色? 云解决方案是否被认为是孩子们的餐桌上的东西,无法处理规模? 或者它是否带来了一些您可能无法从内部部署类型的产品中获得的东西?”

Smith says that it largely depends on the type of production. “当你开始考虑更多远程集成模型(REMI)类型的云应用程序时, I think that there's a good fit there,” he says. “But sometimes, 当你在办公桌前与来自其他地方的面试者进行长时间的讨论时, 您仍然需要较低延迟的通信协议来实现无缝操作. 所以我们对基于云的混合材料所做的就是让它们成为工作室的创意百家乐软件, and then we take that content, move it to the cloud, and mix the production there.”

He cites live sports streaming as a use case. When acquiring a live sports stream from the cloud, he says, “We mix in the onsite desk shows at our facilities, between halftime, pre-game, post-game. We acquire feeds from other partners delivering the content to us, 我们把这些装饰得和其他大型体育赛事一样, but we're mixing it in the cloud instead.”

Vonder Haar对Loke Dupont说:“你处理大量的内容. 您对利用云解决方案扩展主要编码和视频存档活动有何看法?”

杜邦表示,在处理来自外部的大量内容时,云解决方案是必要的. “也许你从外部获得了一些授权内容, you get a catalog of, let's say, 你必须在一段时间内消化掉1000个资产,” he says. “没有人希望现场有多余的产能,因为这些设备大部分时间都处于休眠状态,你基本上是在浪费钱,买一些不会在任何地方使用的东西。. 所以,如果你在一个这样的世界里,事情总是在变化, 你在哪里获得一堆内容,你必须摄取到一个平台上,你从其他方获得整个目录的许可, 你几乎必须在云环境中构建它,因为这是你唯一能做到的, within a reasonable timeframe, handle processes and get that content ready for distribution.”

他指出,在竞争激烈的流媒体服务领域, as much efficiency and speed as possible is crucial, 他说,体育是一个很好的例子,因为体育直播的时间表多变. “It's there when it's there,” he says. “You have to be able to show it when it's live. 没有人想延迟或在其他时间点观看体育比赛. And some sports events [are] easy. It's just a football match, there's only one field, that's it. [But] other stuff like Wimbledon, for instance, you have multiple different courts going at the same time. In a cloud environment, 你可以扩大规模,拥有比传统广播更多的直播频道. 这也是我认为云有所贡献的一个例子.”

Watch full sessions from Streaming Media Connect November 2023. 我们将于2024年5月20日至22日亲自回来参加纽约流媒体大会. More details here.

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