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NAB Spotlight: Panasonic Talks 'World's First' NDI-Enabled Camcorder

安东尼Burokas interviews Panasonic's Mitch Gross at NAB 2019.


安东尼: 大家好,我叫安东尼·布罗卡斯. I am here at NAB 2019 for 流媒体 Producer. I am here with Mitch in the Panasonic booth with the first NDI camcorder. cx350

米奇:ag - cx350. 这是第一款支持ndi的摄像机. 不仅仅是NDI


米奇:上面有一根以太网线. So we also, we can be using it to go direct streaming using like RTMP. 去Facebook Live或YouTube或任何你可能想要能够从这个相机流媒体内容.

安东尼:正确, 所以有, I think all the major manufacturers have had camcorders with streaming capabilities. But with NDI growing and growing and even Panasonic, with your NDI video mixer. 有, 你知道, 有人说, “嗯, I wish somebody besides pan-tilt-zoom cameras, I wish somebody would come out with an NDI camcorder,“你是第一个.

米契:是的, so building out these systems, NDI has been very successful.


米奇:我们一直在和纽泰克合作建立我们的系统,所以我们确实有, we are the number one manufacturer for PTZ camera systems.


米奇:我们有一大堆. And then you can get them in white or black, so it's twice as many actually.


米奇:我们有很多. And then along with that we have our own switcher system. The HLC 100 and that's a very complete NDI system. And you can use an NDI and you can also have channels that are direct connect--

安东尼:对,对. 这是一个混合系统.

米奇:用BNC连接SDI. 所以你可以混合并且可以在两者之间来回切换这样你就可以构建出很多不同的功能. But whether you're using our switcher system or going to another NDI system, a lot of people wanted to have the ability to, 而不仅仅是一种严格的限制安装PTZ类型的系统将允许你. So t嘿 wanted to have the flexibility of a camera man on a camera on a tripod. Be able to move it to wherever you might need it to be.

安东尼: For like sports or something like that where you really can't. You know, it's got to like really follow the action fast.

米契:完全, I mean if there is a quarterback running down the field, a PTZ camera just might not be able to keep up. And be able to be nimble, do it the way you want. 或者为下一出戏准备, 一旦你拿起三脚架,跑到另一个地方,能够得到一个更好的角度.


Mitch: So that's why we now have a very flexible lightweight camera. 这台照相机只有四磅重. And it's a very high-performance camcorder, just on its own.


Mitch: But then also connect through NDI to connect its systems.

安东尼: Well, I think that's an important point too. And I mean the news for 流媒体 is that it's NDI-capable, meaning it's an additional license that you get to enable it on the camera.


安东尼: But if you're not into NDI or you don't need that aspect right now, 有这个相机真好, 好吧,如果我以后需要的话. 但开箱即用,它内置了很多生产能力,就像HEVC一样.

米契:是的, this camera can record in three different types of codec. 所以我们有一个全眼帧间编解码器. 我们有每秒400兆比特的数据. 非常丰富的格式. And of course we can do 4K, we can do HD in this camera. 4K最高可达每秒60帧. 高清高达每秒120帧.


Mitch: You can also record in our longGOP structure and then we have the new H.265, HEVC编解码器. And by having these three different systems, 并不是说一个比另一个好, 它实际上是用于录制格式.




米奇:因为这取决于你的邮政系统是什么样的,以及你更喜欢使用哪种分析方法, 一种可能比另一种更好,只是因为使用速度更快或更容易获得材料. However, that might be for rendering out and such. 所以我们把三个都放进去. 我们不会限制你只做一件事. And the way I look at it is that on Sunday you might be shooting the game.


Mitch: And be all hooked up to the switcher system. And then on Tuesday you're doing a seminar, 你在做脸书直播, and then on Friday you're doing some interview and just recording in the camera.



安东尼:正确, 对我来说, 好的摄像机起价在3000美元左右, 而且它的所有功能似乎都没有价格溢价. I mean it's right in that mid-level hunt there 你知道 we're not talking ENG, 肩膀上的大, 1万美元以上. 这台摄像机好像有, 嘿, 你会得到一个很棒的摄像机, 你会得到一个漂亮的长镜头, 你得到了所有不同的特性集, and it's also got that NDI hook for people who also want to say 嘿, and now I want to jack it in to my thing for a live stream. And it's almost like there's no cost premium to it.

米契:是的, NDI对我们来说非常重要,流媒体对我们来说也非常重要,但我们希望它能成为一个伟大的全方位生产机器. So we could've put a huge price tag on it. Some people would've bought it but we wanted this--

安东尼:是的, so oh did you want the NDI camera, that's another $1000.

米契:正确, we don't want to slice it up that way. 我们做了, 你知道, 你需要获得NDI的许可因为不是每个人都会使用这种东西,这是很重要的, 你知道, NewTek. 你买了相机就可以随心所欲地使用它. But it has lots of capability in it for all users. 因此,作为我们整体产品线的一部分,它与我们的一些其他相机相比落在哪里. We want to make it an affordable easily access system.

安东尼:嗯,我认为你做得非常好,我甚至期待能得到一个复习单元. 用我的NDI系统测试一下. 我是TriCaster的用户,所以拥有NDI是我一直希望摄像机拥有的东西,现在他们做到了. 非常感谢大家.

米奇:谢谢, 我想你会发现在这里有一个20倍的镜头比其他人的更宽. 然后你放大,你可以使用数码变焦部分,使其比其他人更紧密. You're going to find it's a very versatile machine.

安东尼:正确, 我是Anthony burrokas,我和Mitch在NAB 2019的松下展位上,这里是百家乐软件app最新版下载. 感谢收看.

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