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NAB Spotlight: Teradek Talks video Go HDMI

流媒体 Producer's 安东尼Burokas and Teradek's Michael Gailing discuss the new, 在NAB 2019的Teradek展台上展示了价格较低的Teradek video Go.


安东尼·布罗卡斯:大家好,我是安东尼·布罗卡斯. 我是来参加NAB 2019百家乐软件app最新版下载大会的. 我在Teradek的展位, Teradek is the maker of lots of different solutions but I'm here with Michael who's going to tell us about this 流媒体 solution that we have here. 这是什么??

Michael Gailing:这是video Go, this is latest live流媒体 encoder that we initially released back in December but today at NAB, 我们发布了HDMI. 所以它和原来的vidu Go是一样的, 唯一的区别是它不再有SDI连接器, 现在的价格更实惠了. 所以从1500美元降到了1200美元.

安东尼·布罗卡斯:对,我知道很多人会说,天哪! 但如果你相信这个, I think they don't realize you're buying into a lot of capability when you buy into this like go through some of the advantages you have with it, 它不仅仅是一个流媒体盒子.

迈克尔·盖林:不,不是. It's much more complex than that and actually it's probably the most advanced 流媒体 encoder you can buy by a long shot at this price point. 首先, 这是一个HEVC直播设备, 它有3G-SDI和HDMI输入, 双频无线, 以太网, 就在两边, you'll see there's an USB port and that means you can plug two of our Node for VidiU Go modems which are a 4G LTE modems, 就在这边,这是一个很好的积分解. The beauty of having these nodes is that you can put any SIM card in your region in and you don't have to worry about firmware issues and we built these off of our, the nodes are actually broadcast-quality modems which we built for our Bond products which are the ones that we sell to broadcast television and professional sports, 等等. 所以你得到了很多, 比你从其他地方得到的连接要好得多, 通常来自现成的载波调制解调器.

Anthony burrokas:对,对. 现在, 你有所有这些不同的以太网连接,这意味着绑定, 成键, 需要有下半场. 后半部分是什么?

Michael giling:是的,这就是这两个调制解调器的美妙之处. 正确的? 不仅仅是这两个调制解调器. It's also the 以太网 and the 无线网络 being bonded together and once you stream it over the aggregated bandwidth, 你可以使用我们的云服务Core. Core所做的就是把所有的视频拼接在一起. 然后是Core, 你可以把它发送到不受限制的目的地, 多个Facebook页面, 你知道, YouTube, Vimeo, 凡是你能想到的. You can manage your entire encoder from Core as 好吧 and in addition to a whole slew of other features that you can check out at our website.


Michael Gailing: Yeah, so actually the power jack is USB-C and we do that for a reason. We found that a lot of people on our previous encoders were frustrated with the barrel connector, 只是有点奇怪, I mean I've got like five different barrel connectors at home just for different electronic devices, USB-C在智能手机上更普遍,所以我们认为, 好吧, 你只要把调制解调器连到上面就可以了. 但它的内部也有大约两个小时的电池. 所以如果你想要真正的移动化,你可以做到,没有问题.

Anthony burrokas:对, 好吧, and that sounds like a great little tool for people who are out there and looking to up their game in terms of, 你知道, 细胞干扰, 竞争, 无线网络, and have your own solution in terms of getting your multi-camera livestream out to the inter网. 百家乐软件app最新版下载,我是NAB 2019的Anthony burrokas. 感谢收看.

Anthony burrokas评论了新的Teradek Wave, 结合成键, 编码, 流媒体, 记录, and monitoring in a single compact devices that users control using Teradek's handy 流媒体 app on its 7" touchscreen.
Airmix comes in two versions: the full-featured Airmix iOS video production suite ($29.每月99美元),以及免费的Airmix Solo. 本文将触及每个版本的一些不同特性. We'll also explore how Airmix Solo works and how you can use it to elevate your live streams with minimal additional investment.
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安东尼·布罗卡斯在NAB 2019上采访了松下的米奇·格罗斯.