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The next key element of feeding the beast and maintaining high-volume video output is workflow; the choices that you make for your workflow are important for everything that you do, 从工作室到制作, 帖子, 联合, 和归档.

当我在晨星公司工作的时候, I didn’t have a dedicated production space; I had two cameras, 几个麦克风, 还有一个灯箱. We had to constantly set up and tear down around the office or on location, and it was exhausting. 我几乎到了决定“我不能再这样做了”的地步,” because we were trying to respond to breaking news and produce video in a professional and timely manner in this office environment, 但是人们从旁边走过, 电话响了, 谈话正在进行, I was getting kicked out of rooms--it just wasn’t conducive to being productive.

幸运的是, 此后不久,我们搬到了一个新办公室, and I was able to stake out my domain and build a dedicated studio space in that new office. For us,350-400 square feet is probably the minimum; the space shown in 图5 is 25 by 15. I’d prefer it to be more than 20 by 20 so I could have a little bit more depth. We’re fortunate enough to have a proper lighting grid but certainly you could do without. Sound isolation is important; it doesn’t need to be recording studio sound isolation, but the ability to close a door and have decent isolation between you and what might be happening in the hallway or the room next door is essential to producing effective video.

我们也有一个独立的控制室. You can have your equipment in the room where you shoot--as we’ve done in several other offices where we retrofitted conference rooms for video use--but you have to pay attention to fan noise and other sound from your editing gear that may interfere with your video. If you already have an existing drop ceiling, you can get clamps to hang lights off of it. There’s definitely a lot you can do with an existing room as you work towards a more dedicated space in the future.


图1和2(下面) 展示我们的工作室. 在图1中,您可以看到玻璃后面的主要工作室空间. This is the setup used in the segment in the first video clip where we did a three-camera shoot for a one-on-one interview with a simple backdrog. 其中一个摄像头装在滑块上. In Figure 1, you can see in the control room that we’re doing a live edit to disk.

图1和2. 晨星公司的专用视频工作室. 点击图片查看完整尺寸.

图3(下面) 显示监控墙. 我们尝试了很多不同的背景. 这可能很艰难, 尤其是在线视频, 创建一个传统的场景,就像你在广播中看到的那样. 通常, 如果你在看《今日秀, they have a much larger stage; there’s a lot more depth between the subject and the background. If I were to add bookshelves and fake plants and the like in our small space, 那会看起来很俗气. It would be in focus, most likely, making it more obvious that we’re shooting in a small room. So what we’ve done is blacked out the room and--because 晨星 red is part of our core branding--added accents of red around. We’ve got simple printed pop-up banners that you might have at a conference, which is great because we can take them with us; we can bring them on location and still maintain that branding. 最后,我们增加了三个55英寸的液晶显示器. These are so inexpensive now that it’s a great way to create a dynamic backdrop. We’re able to change out these graphics as we produce the different shows that we do, 快速改变布景的外观.

图3. 监控墙. 单击图像以查看其全尺寸.

图4(下面) 显示了一些照明网格. 它基本上就是一个敞开的天花板,没有支柱. We’ve got a three-pipe grid going in one direction, and we we’ve added some aluminum-pipe crossbeams. 我们已经和奶酪市镇联系过了, a type of clamp that allows us the flexibility to swivel the pipes around. 当然, 如果你有更大的一套, 就像在新闻编辑室一样, 你会有更复杂的照明设备, 但是对于一个小房间来说, 一个25x15的房间, 有这么大的灵活性是件好事. It leaves the floor clear of lighting stands, which gives you more flexibility to place your cameras. It gives you an added layer of safety so people aren’t tripping over stands or cables and that sort of thing.

图4. 柔性照明格栅. 单击图像以查看其全尺寸.

图5(下面) 这是控制室,我们的主工作站就在那里. 左边是NewTek TriCaster的控制和显示. On the right is our Mac Pro running Final Cut Pro 7, which we capture to live.

图5. 控制室,左边是TriCaster,右边是Mac Pro.

This article will discuss an all-day webcast that 晨星 does every year for its Individual Investor Conference, 回顾在前期制作中做出的决定, 选择的供应商, 工作流程, 并分享一些建议,读者可以在你的网络直播制作中使用.
Video publishers often struggle to keep up with the demands of viewers expect fresh content on a daily basis, 还有想要大量广告的广告商. This article explains how a two-person production crew generates 800-1,为一个领先的投资者网站提供每年000个新视频.