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Are REMI Production and Hybrid Events Here to Stay?

Gigcasters的Casey Charvet讨论了Gigcasters及其合作机构如何采用远程制作、虚拟和混合活动——首先是出于应对疫情挑战的需要, 然后认识到他们提供的新的可能性和机会.

Learn more about REMI production at Streaming Media East 2022.

Read the complete transcript of this clip:

Casey Charvet: At Gigcasters, we were edging around a remote production for a number of years, like a lot of other technology providers. And we had begun installing certain pieces certain equipment, software packages in our data center footprint, incorporating it into our workflow for our regular clients. 但直到COVID,我们才真正开始充分利用它的潜力. 我认为这种动力来自于——我们与很多代理商合作,这些代理商直接与品牌合作,其中一些品牌非常大. 我认为这些机构在三四月份的时候很快就意识到了这一点, 他们计划的所有活动和他们今年计划的所有现场活动都不会发生.

他们开始和我们讨论什么是可能的,什么是值得赞扬的, they got really, really creative and innovative on the narrative side. andso they, they started thinking in terms of like, well we want to do things like virtual wine tastings now, 或者是虚拟的烹饪示范你知道,和我们不同的品牌大使一起巡回演出每周在我们不同的品牌大使的家里或厨房里轮流进行, or what have you. 它改变了他们的模式从每年在现场活动中做几个大型的激活活动到做更广泛的活动, more frequent set of activations, 还是想上YouTube和Facebook,以及那里的社交媒体, or standing up a microsite with a white label player.

But really what we saw was the frequency went way up. 所以,突然之间,我们的制作日历上的所有时间都被封锁了. 我们需要扩大我们的足迹,以适应这一点以及人员配备. But then the ask in terms of production started to go up as well, 因为我们之前所做的很多事情是我们只是获取饲料并处理分配现场工作人员会做剩下的生产工作这很快就变成了, okay, can you do a pre-roll video? Can you do a lower-third? Can you do background music? What, okay, what can't you do remotely, 如果我们能给你提供高质量的信息,像蜂窝网络和好的现代协议这样的东西,就能真正为我们打开这一大门, by the way.

所以这个问题变得越来越复杂到了我们现在要建立虚拟场景的地步, and you know bringing in participants from other areas as well, 把它打扮起来,在它周围放上图形,从品牌的角度来看,这些激活让一切都变得连贯. And so I think that the narrative has fundamentally changed that, that these agencies are looking to tell for their brands. And I think that's going to stick around because they like it. And all of the performance indicators are really high. Like we see, we see engagements. If I plot a minute by minute graph for some of these streams, if it's an hour cooking demonstration, we see it goes up and it plateaus for an hour, and then it drops off.

所以我们有长期的合作,这对很多机构来说是闻所未闻的. So we're really able to make pretty compelling content. And it's cool to see, if you're in the cooking scene, 比如,你会看到所有詹姆斯·比尔德奖的获奖厨师,你会看到他们在家里的厨房里做饭,非常整洁. Or if we do a hybrid, there we go. 如果我们把哈莱姆的一个厨师和巴尔的摩的另一个厨师请来他们互相交谈,同时做同样的菜, that's impossible to pull off in any other way. So I think now that it's sort of like saying once content, producers, and storytellers started thinking about things, 当他们从广播转到电视时,他们开始思考, okay, how do we, how do we actually leverage it?

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