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Writing an RFP for Maximum ROI

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供应商需要证明他们了解您的需求,他们是稳定的,有足够的经验来赢得您的信任. 你还想知道他们是否有能力和知识随着你的网络广播需求的发展而与你一起成长. For example, you may start with a full-featured, corporate webcasting platform, but in the future, 您可以决定添加自助服务网络广播,以便您的员工可以在他们的桌面上创建网络广播,反之亦然. Product datasheets, or "at-a-glance" charts, may cover minimum requirements only, 所以,让你未来的伴侣确切地告诉你,你得到了什么以及为什么. Additionally, 要求每个供应商提供屏幕截图,以获得其功能的可视化表示.

Here are questions to ask about the product line:
—What are your core webcasting products?
—Do you provide services as well as products? What is the split between them?
—Do you sell a software or a hardware solution?
—Does your company have plans to exp和 the line? Are there planned upgrades?

Here are questions to ask about the company:
—Are webcasting systems your main focus?
—How long has your company been in the webcasting business?
—What is the history of your business?
—What industries have you served? How big are the companies that you typically serve?
—What makes your technology unique? Do you hold any patents?

Webcasting Product
Functionality Considerations

实施公司网络广播计划有很多方面. The vendor 和 product evaluation processes work together. As you consider each potential vendor 和 product line, 您应该详细检查产品功能的某些特定组件.

Live 和/or On-Dem和 Webcasting. 了解供应商提供的深度功能是一项关键信息. 如果您的组织计划运行实时网络广播事件或希望将来使用此选项, 从观众的角度和管理的角度来看待产品的功能是很重要的. There are many components to a live webcast experience, 和, through the research you do with your userbase, you can determine which ones are essential.

For live webcasting, you need to decide which options you require, 例如在现场活动期间对观众进行投票的能力. 管理功能对于确保在这些事件期间一切顺利进行至关重要. Since there are a lot of moving parts, 提供程序的实时事件管理功能必须是灵活的, 直观的, 和 easy to use. 这包括一个制作人控制网络直播的所有方面的能力, if necessary, or for the tasks to be divided among many producers. For example, 有很多互动组件的动态现场事件, 您可能希望一个人控制幻灯片,另一个人控制投票. 如果不希望控制投票的人访问幻灯片, 然后确保您正在考虑的管理工具具有适当的权限控制. 也, 一定要要求供应商用可验证的客户示例来支持他们对实时事件的可靠性和可伸缩性声明.

一个设计良好的网络直播系统是一个好的点播系统的基础. Much of the functionality overlaps, 但是按需系统涉及到额外的考虑, 例如编辑以前发布的内容和存档内容. (请参阅侧栏“网络直播体验的组成部分——直播或点播”.")

Here are questions to ask about live webcasting:
-您的系统能够支持的最大并发观看者数量是多少? Are there extra viewing costs for more viewers?
—Can your software manage multiple concurrent live webcasts?
—What is your overall webcast "look 和 feel"? Can you provide screen captures 和 graphics?
—Does your system allow for live-screen demoing?
-你如何描述你的系统的功能与实时事件的调节和接受能力, 过滤器, 排序, 和 deliver inquiries 和 questions to the audience? 将过滤后的结果提供给演示者进行实时响应的能力怎么样?

Here are questions to ask about on-dem和 webcasting:
—How can video content be edited? Can live event content be edited? 这里需要寻找的关键项目包括:支持所有标准格式(视频可以编辑), 进口, 和 exported), slide-sync editing capabilities, ability to preview edited content items before publishing, manual entry 和 editing of metadata 和 keywords, 和 ability to import 和 export other media files (e.g.AVI).
-允许观众观看网络直播的点播版本的存档过程是什么? 您的系统是否允许创建按需演示文稿?

Customization. 最新的技术进步使您能够实现真正定制的好处, 使你能够满足组织和部门的独特需求. 定制界面的能力也是控制品牌的强大工具, 随着时间的推移,在公司演示中加入一致的元素将有助于你获得更大的品牌认知度.

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