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您是否希望将网络广播功能引入内部? Do you want to make sure your corporate webcasting system is state-of-the-art? 你的公司是否打算结合音频, video, 演示文稿, 屏幕截图, 以及其他工具来与100人的观众交流? 10000人? 如果是这样的话, this article will help you know what to look for in corporate webcasting systems so you can make an educated choice.

As video webcasting capabilities become a corporate communications standard, 组织正在远离本地解决方案, 服务提供商, 过时的系统和向工业实力发展, 内部富媒体解决方案,以节省资金和获得功能. 除了, recent advances in technology are making it possible and much more economical for companies of all sizes to easily set up, 扩大, 维护, 并使用现场升级网络广播系统, 防火墙后解决方案或软件即服务(SaaS)产品. The key to selecting the webcasting solution that will work best for your company is to fully understand your various organizational needs as well as your desired goals and objectives, as only a few companies offer robust corporate enterprise webcasting capabilities that support rich media, 现场直播和点播活动, 并能容纳成千上万的观众.

The following article offers guidelines that will walk you through the necessary topics and questions you will need to consider and ask as you go through the RFP process. (Although we are going to orient this article as though you will issue a formal RFP, the topics outlined will be useful even if you opt for a more informal selection approach.) These guidelines will provide a framework that will compel potential vendors to disclose all the 信息 you will need to find the right webcasting technology solution and to make an educated purchase that meets your company’s needs today and in the future.

Determine your webcasting needs holistically by doing internal as well as external research. It is wise to create a checklist that will allow you to capture the 信息 you collect and a spreadsheet to keep track of the data. This spreadsheet will be instrumental during the RFP process with the various vendors you are considering.

内部研究. Write out your company’s desired goals and objectives to get a complete picture of where your company is today and where it is going. 然后, make a list of the departments in your organization and ask the members of each one what is working and what is not. 尽早让所有部门的决策者参与进来. Different departments will have different webcasting and/or supporting technology needs and perspectives. It may be helpful to create a list of potential features or customizations for them to consider. You should also speak with other relevant individuals who can provide a broader perspective—including your userbase, 工作人员, 客户, 客户, and other management—and take the time to fully understand your existing IT infrastructure and how webcasting products can fit into it. 除了, determine your current and future webcasting needs and potential applications. 在RFP的这一部分中, it will be helpful to present a list of internal audiences who may rely on video webcasts for specific purposes.

Determine what you like about your current webcasting program and place those requirements in a "must-have" column. 然后, let conversations with others inside the organization help you to create a list of "nice-to-haves." The RFP process and the multiple exchanges and demos you have with potential vendors will give you a better indication of how many of your nice-to-haves and must-haves can realistically fit into your new system. 它还可能催生新的必需品.

外部研究. Find out about industry best practices via trade publications; trade shows; industry associations; industry analysts such as Gartner, 弗雷斯特, and IDC; and specialist firms such as Wainhouse 研究 and Interactive Media Strategies (IMS). This will allow you to learn what has worked and what hasn’t worked for organizations similar to your own. 然后, compile a list of potential vendors who you would like to consider during the RFP.

It is of utmost importance to make sure the partner you choose shares your vision and has the webcasting products you need to reach your goals. 你在早期收集的信息越多, 就越容易缩小潜在伴侣的范围. 在考虑供应商时, 你应该询问一下他们公司的概况和历史, 专业领域, 以及产品信息和技术.

一个基本的公司介绍应该包括它的故事, 它的整体历史, 以及它能为你的组织带来什么. Be sure to understand the company’s 专业领域 and how it differentiates itself from its competition in regard to products and services. This way, you can avoid the standard reply of, "We are a webcasting solutions provider."

Webcasting offerings fall into three categories: services, hardware products, and software products. It is important to find out if the company you are evaluating provides services, products, or both. By understanding its business and the focus of its major product offerings, 你可以决定你会得到多少关注, 在某种程度上, 如果你成为公司的客户,你将得到怎样的支持.

现在就订阅 最新一期 过去的问题


How can companies that create video content make sure it remains salable for many years to come? 通过对未来的验证. 请继续阅读,了解如何保持内容新鲜和文件可访问性.