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Interview: Jeromy Young, Atomos

肖恩林 and Atomos' Jeremy Young discuss the Samurai Blade, Atomos' new field recorder that features an improved 16:9 preview screen, 波形的功能, and enhanced 佳能 5D Mark III support.

Sharper, Bigger 16:9 Preview Screen

肖恩林: It's 肖恩林 here for 流媒体 Producer. I'm here with Jeremy from Atomos, and we're looking at the Samurai Blade. This is an update on the original Samurai. 你做了什么??

杰里米·年轻: 客户对操作系统非常满意,但他们对小型bnc不满意. And we gave them the cable so they were kind of happy in the end, but we've decided to put on some full-size ones. 最重要的是我们更新了屏幕,现在是1280x720的5英寸屏幕. It's a full 16:9 perfect aspect ratio. We worked with a panel partner to customize this panel. You get 48Hz, 50Hz, 60Hz operations. 无论视频格式是什么,它都会切换到那个频率,这样你就能看到完美的视频. SMPTE颜色规格, 伽玛和对比度/亮度调整——我们已经有了全面的控制. So it's really an awesome IPS panel. We call it the Super Atom IPS Panel. 它超级锐利,超级明亮,超级黑,一直到最后一个原子.
Format Support, Waveform Monitoring, Focus Peaking

尚伟: So, are you still support the same ProRes, the HQ, the LT?

杰里米: 正确的. The whole operating system from AtomOS 4 is ingested into this, 但可能主要的特点是我们现在增加了波形监控. And that gives you Tektronix-level accuracy on RGB, 亮度游行, and vectorscope with the push of a button. 现在完成了监控工具,现在有了一个325dpi的大屏幕,你可以认真地关注它了.

有了监控工具,我们也更新了焦点峰值过滤器. And we only went in the horizontal direction originally. 现在我们在两个方向上,平滑边缘,给你更多的细节. The old Focus Peaking worked really well, especially for cameras that didn't have it, 但我想改进它, so our engineers have worked hard to get that done

Recording and Log Capabilities

尚伟: What about recording in terms of like log capabilities?

杰里米: 对,这样我们就可以从索尼相机上取S-log或C-log,然后记录下来. It's not a separate file, but it's recorded inside the video stream. And then when you come back into like a Final Cut, etc., then that's what you're viewing, 是s对数, 然后你可以在编辑包里调整伽马和其他东西.


尚伟: 所以我认为最重要的一件事就是当你有一个外接录音机的时候要给它供电. 最初的模型是电池供电的,你也可以用交流电供电?

杰里米: 正确的, and we now include that in the box. So we used to include two batteries and a charger. 这更多是因为我们看到它是一种便携式设备,一直坐在相机前, but we did get a lot of requests, “我需要一个交流适配器." So we were asking people to buy the 索尼 one that's clicked on there. 这不是一个很好的解决方案,因为这与从Atomos购买是分开的, so we now include the AC power adapter in the box.

尚伟: 然后当它是交流供电的,它的一边有一个电池,假设我们失去了交流电源. 会发生什么?

杰里米: It flicks straight across, seamlessly. I think it's like a couple of milliseconds and it's up and running. The operating system continues to function completely.

尚伟: So we don't lose power on the record.

杰里米: 从来没有.

尚伟: 会发生什么 if we do lose power on the record or you pull the disk out?

杰里米: 所以,所有发生的事情是,你没有正确关闭文件,因为你失去了电源,操作系统无法关闭文件. 所以当你重新启动它或者把磁盘放回去的时候,我们看到的是一个损坏的文件. 我们重建报头,因为帧仍然在磁盘上. They just haven't been pointed to correctly.

然后我们重建标题,它会出现“我们看到了一个破碎的视频文件. 您想要取回吗?“你可以马上做,或者如果你在拍摄过程中,你可以稍后再做.

尚伟: 这是优秀的, because I know I was on a shoot previously, and we were using a KiPro and we had a Samurai, 我们失去了动力, and there was no battery backup on either of the two. And we powered them both back up, and this was the one we were able to actually recover from, 或者至少是武士, 不是刀锋战士的版本, 而对于Ki Pro,我们被告知必须将其寄给独立的第三方公司,并支付400美元才能完成.

杰里米: We used to have the same issue, but then we built it into the operating system, because we saw it as really a safety issue, and safety is probably everything for video shooting. That's why we have locking mechanisms, as you know, for the hard disk. We have locks on the batteries. That's peace of mind as well as a very important function. And file recovery is extremely important. If you've been shooting for an hour and suddenly something happens, you definitely don't want to not be able to recover your files.

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