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Corporate/Commercial Video

Artbeats Releases New HD Aerial Stock Footage of Washington, DC

Subjects include the Capitol Building, Pentagon, Arlington National Cemetery, National Mall, Washington Monument, Lincoln Memorial, Jefferson Memorial, US Supreme Court Building, the Watergate, as well as hospitals, universities, stadiums, and other government buildings and landmarks.
Featured News, Posted 20 Mar 2012

Producing Corporate Identity Videos Part 3: Directing and Editing

在我们的企业形象视频系列的最后一章, 我们将和序言电影公司的制片人罗谢尔·莫里斯一起去片场,进入剪辑室, Keith Kelly of Innovative Communications, Ryan Koral of Tell, and Dave Williams of Media Wave. 他们在这里分享的一些片段是他们自己的企业形象视频.
Featured Articles, Posted 15 Mar 2012


To storyboard or not to storyboard? Should the story drive the interviews or vice versa? 在一个公司项目中,你在什么时候设定视频长度和预算? 这些问题以及更多的问题将在我们制作企业形象视频系列的第2部分中讨论.
Featured Articles, Posted 07 Mar 2012

佳能推出5D Mark III,配备22MP全画幅传感器和新的帧内H.264 Compression for Easier Editing

佳能5D Mark III新的视频功能包括更好的降噪, longer continuous recording times, and a built-in headphone jack for audio monitoring
Featured News, Posted 02 Mar 2012

The Live Event Producer's Guide to the Sony NEX-FS100

索尼的NEX-FS100带来了传统摄像机从未遇到过的挑战, 以及与单反相机相比,不同的镜头安装选择和注意事项. 在本文中,我们将讨论FS100在现场事件制作工作中的功能和限制.
Featured Articles, Posted 01 Mar 2012

Selling Storytelling: Producing Corporate Identity Videos, Part 1

In as few as 30 seconds, 一个独特的企业形象视频可以让网站访问者相信该公司的专业知识, poise, and uniqueness. But it's easier said than done, of course, 所以我们采访了四位主要制作人,了解他们是如何处理这类项目的. 在这个由三部分组成的系列中,他们将分享讲述和销售公司故事的秘诀.
Featured Articles, Posted 29 Feb 2012


当你的工作是制作在线发布的公司演示视频时, 在为数不多的网络视频类型中,少即是多,你如何使它们既可观看又有效? KnowledgeVision在一个新的平台上找到了答案,这个平台可能会重塑在线视频世界的演示文稿.
Featured Articles, Posted 22 Feb 2012

Featured News, Posted 16 Feb 2012


数码单反已经成为评判当前和未来大传感器摄像机的标准. 但当我们采用数码单反相机和数码相机为客户制作更多的“电影”视频时, 我们留下了一些关键的东西:羽毛平滑的伺服变焦,为故事片制片人提供了很好的服务. So how do you get that capability on your DSLR?
Featured Articles, Posted 16 Feb 2012

Tutorial: Adjusting Color and Brightness in Adobe Premiere Pro CS5.5

当你为网络压缩视频时,视频会变暗,颜色会变淡. In this tutorial, 我将向您展示如何使用Adobe Premiere Pro的快速色彩校正器纠正颜色并调整亮度和色彩饱和度.
Featured Articles, Posted 15 Feb 2012


最近我不得不为一些屏幕截图教程拍摄两个绿屏介绍, and it took three hours to produce them. So, just to have ammunition for higher fees next time, 我想我会详细说明我必须设置和配置的设备,以完成这项工作.
Featured Articles, Posted 15 Feb 2012

Review: NewTek TriCaster 850 Extreme

极限版本提供了许多增强的原始TCXD850,包括全高清录制处理, 能够记录1080p30的任何离散输入以及程序或AUX输出(TCXD850只能记录输出). 这种扩展的记录输入和输出的能力意味着850 Extreme可以使用其专有的IsoCorder软件进行多达8个同步相机输入的隔离记录.
Featured Articles, Posted 10 Feb 2012

Producing Conference Video Pt. 4: Live Delivery and Postproduction

What happens when you deliver your event live? This is nothing new for live TV broadcasters, 但是越来越多的活动视频制作者被要求实时执行他们的后期制作活动, live as the event is occurring.
Featured Articles, Posted 16 Jan 2012

Producing Conference Video Pt. 3: Shooting Presentations and Directing Live Switches

屡获殊荣的制片人肖恩·林着眼于这一过程的两个关键要素:为实时切换制作和后期制作编辑有效地捕捉多媒体演示, 以及如何成为一名成功的现场切换拍摄技术总监, 无论是图像传输还是为广播或网络广播提供实时馈送.
Featured Articles, Posted 16 Jan 2012

Producing Conference Video Pt. 1: Setting Up

Whether you're shooting a conference, a convention, or an AGM, 拍摄的设置是制作过程中最重要的部分之一. It's the step where you select the equipment, establish your camera positions, lay your cables, and check and recheck your audio and lighting.
Featured Articles, Posted 15 Jan 2012

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