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Biographical Information
Nadine Krefetz
Consultant, Reality Software

Nadine Krefetz has a consulting background providing project and program management for many of the areas she writes about. She also does competitive analysis and technical marketing focused on the streaming industry. Half of her brain is unstructured data, and the other half is structured data. She can be reached at or on LinkedIn.
Articles By Nadine Krefetz

NAB 2024: Top New Tech for a Disruption-Ready Streaming Industry

Exciting new and (mostly) AI-driven tools and services from NAB 2024 that very specific problems, from shooting great iPhone footage to automatically creating short clips to providing live low-latency translation and captioning to creating customized radio programming to building purpose-driven social communities.
Featured Articles, Posted 24 Apr 2024

The Top 10 Reasons to Attend Nadine Krefetz' "Cloud Streaming Media Tools" Workshop

10 key reasons why you won't want to miss Nadine Krefetz' in-depth online workshop at Streaming Media East Connect, Tuesday, May 26, 3 pm ET/12 pm PT.
Featured Articles, Posted 20 May 2020

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