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proDAD Ships ProDrenalin All-in-One Software App for GoPro Shooters

ProDrenalin helps GoPro and other action/sports camera users significantly improve their videos by removing fisheye & 透视失真, 稳定, 校正滚动快门失真, 去噪, 色彩校正, 调整亮度 & 视频对比

proDAD, the highly acclaimed developer of digital video effects and image enhancement technologies for the video enthusiast and broadcast & 专业市场今日宣布上市 ProDrenalin, a revolutionary all-in-one software application for GoPro and other action/sports camera users to significantly improve their videos by removing fisheye & 透视失真, 稳定, 校正滚动快门失真, 去噪, 色彩校正, 调整亮度 & 对比的视频-所有在一个单一的有效, affordable application with batch processing and support for 4K and 2.7K视频剪辑.  ProDrenalin can also load sequences of still images (including 4k resolution and higher) and convert them to video and optimize them; a fantastic workflow improvement for those wanting to create supersize resolution movies with higher frame rates.

GoPro and other action cameras are extremely versatile and they are becoming increasingly popular among sports enthusiasts and even video professionals.  是否从空中平台拍摄, 安装在头盔上, 自行车, 冲浪板, 船舶, 摩托车, 越野车辆, 等等, proDAD的新 ProDrenalin action camera enhancement software gives users the ability to quickly and easily optimize their videos prior to sharing them or bringing into a video editing application for additional editing.

ProDrenalin 主要特点:

  • Automatically remove fisheye distortion and correct 透视失真 from video or still images by simply selecting the correct GoPro camera profile;
  • 稳如磐石的稳定- proDAD的视频稳定, the gold standard in post-capture video stabilization is part of ProDrenalin它是全自动的;
  • 滚动快门校正-改善倾斜 & 在快速行动计划中有时会出现果冻;
  • Simple video clip trim-editing by dragging "beginning" and "end" markers to the desired points;
  • 去噪, ProDrenalin effectively removes random image sensor noise and sharpens the video with 3 quality options;
  • 简单的色彩校正,亮度 & contrast adjustment tools to give videos more of a "film look" for the best impression;
  • 能够导入序列的静止图像, convert them to video and optimizing them; ideal for those desiring to create 4K or larger resolution movies with higher frame rates;
  • Ability to virtually adjust and rotate the video in case the camera was accidentally mounted upside-down or at the wrong angle;
  • 支持2个.7K、4K及更高的视频分辨率;
  • Batch processing allows an unlimited number of clips to be loaded into ProDrenalin for optimization (with individual settings for each clip) instead of processing them one by one or needing to bring them into a video editor;
  • Side-by-side comparison shows the original and optimized video prior to rendering and exporting in popular industry standard formats;
  • 英语, 德国, 法国, 意大利, 西班牙语, 葡萄牙语, 荷兰, 波兰的, 日本, 中国人, 台湾, 支持韩语;
  • Fully compatible with all GoPro Hero cameras in all supported resolutions and action cams from Sony, CamOne, Roliei, and others; with the ability to create & import custom camera profiles made by proDAD's Defishr™ application.

价格 & 可用性

ProDrenalin 目前售价为49美元.从proDAD网上商店,亚马逊.和优秀的经销商包括 ToolFarm. Customers who ordered the "pre-order" special can now download using the links provided in their confirmation email.  A free fully functional demo version is available for users to try. 了解更多关于 ProDrenalin at proDAD.com.


Many of proDAD's image enhancement technologies including stabilization, 图像de-warping, 去噪; and proDAD's renown digital video effects library are available in SDK form for OEM licensing and inclusion into a wide-range of hardware/software solutions.  欢迎透过电邮查询: licensing@prodad.us

proDAD develops and distributes innovative video effects solutions for creative video editing and multimedia applications. 成立于1990年, the company serves the international market with numerous renown, and award winning products including Adorage® and VitaScene® video effects products, 象形文字®视频标题, and Mercalli® video stabilization + rolling-shutter correction plug-ins.  proDAD合作, 在发展层面上, 与包括Adobe在内的领先创意软件开发商合作, 苹果, 狂热的, 科立尔, 草谷, 迷幻, 和索尼. proDAD's headquarters are situated in the southwestern 德国 town of Immendingen, 德国, 并在美国和日本设有分支机构.