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proDAD为GoPro动作/运动射击者推出prorenalin All-in-One应用程序

ProDrenalin helps GoPro action/sports shooters remove fisheye & perspective distortion, stabilizing, correcting rolling-shutter distortion, de-noising, color correction, and adjusting the brightness & contrast of the video - all in a single effective, affordable application with batch processing capability

proDAD, 备受赞誉的数字视频效果和图像增强技术开发商今天宣布了ProDrenalin, a revolutionary all-in-one software application for GoPro 动作/运动相机用户通过去除鱼眼来显著改善他们的视频 & perspective distortion, stabilizing, correcting rolling-shutter distortion, de-noising, color correction, and adjusting the brightness & contrast of the video – all in a single effective, affordable application with batch processing capability.  著名的Mercalli Stand Alone (SAL)专业视频稳定器移动到版本3,具有自动稳定配置文件选择, batch processing, and support for 4K & 2.7K video clips.

ProDrenalin – The essential tool to make GoPro videos even better.

GoPro Hero动作相机被称为世界上最通用的相机,它们在消费者和视频专业人士中越来越受欢迎.  proDAD的新prorenalin运动相机增强软件使用户能够在分享或带入视频编辑器之前优化他们的视频.  ProDrenalin is a stand-alone Windows application.

ProDrenalin's Key Features:

  • 自动删除鱼眼失真和纠正透视失真从视频或静止的照片,只需选择正确的GoPro相机配置文件;
  • Rock-steady stabilization – proDAD's video stabilizer, 拍摄后视频稳定的黄金标准是ProDrenalin的一部分,它是全自动的;
  • Rolling-shutter correction – Improves the skew & jello that sometimes happens during fast action panning;
  • 降噪- prorenalin有效地去除随机图像传感器噪声和锐化视频与3个质量选项;
  • Simple color correction, brightness & 对比度调整工具,给视频更多的“电影外观”的最佳印象;
  • 能够旋转视频,以防相机不小心安装颠倒或在错误的角度;
  • Ahead-of-the-curve support for 4K and 2.7K video resolutions;
  • 批处理允许无限数量的剪辑加载到ProDrenalin进行优化(与每个剪辑单独设置),而不是一个接一个地处理它们或需要将它们带入视频编辑器;
  • 并排比较显示了原始和优化的视频之前渲染和导出流行的行业标准格式;
  • 与所有GoPro Hero相机在所有支持的分辨率完全兼容, 能够导入proDAD的Defishr™应用程序制作的其他动作相机配置文件.

Mercalli V3独立视频稳定器-行业标准变得更好.

Also new is a major update to the stand-alone version of the Mercalli video stabilizer application; the professional-grade stabilizer relied upon by video pros all over the world.  新的Mercalli V3 SAL包含了许多经常被要求的改进,包括:

  • Batch processing - Instead of stabilizing videos one at a time, 用户现在可以将无限数量的视频加载到Mercalli V3 SAL中进行自动批处理;
  • 自动配置文件选择- Mercalli V3 SAL可以分析视频剪辑并自动选择最合适的稳定配置文件, thus streamlining the stabilization process;
  • Support for 4K and 2.7K video clips; many NLEs don't even support this yet!
  • 导出稳定的视频行业标准格式,包括MP4!
  • 新的原生64位和32位Windows独立应用程序,具有多核/多线程优化和支持无限视频分辨率.

“ProDrenalin是同类应用中的第一款,它是一款全光谱图像增强工具,可以改善GoPro相机拍摄视频的各个方面." Said Andreas Huber, Managing Director of proDAD.  “用户可以专注于享受他们的冒险和捕捉行动,因为他们知道ProDrenalin可以在之后进行润泽."

Price & Availability

ProDrenalin will be available beginning in May for $49.在proDAD网上商店可以买到00美元,还有35美元的预购特惠价.00 available now until the product begins shipping.  Mercalli V3 SAL现在以149美元的入门价格上市.00 from the proDAD online shop.  Mercalli V2 SAL users can upgrade to V3 for $40.00.  较老的Mercalli Expert V1用户可以花80美元升级到Mercalli V3 SAL.00. Learn more at

OEM Licensing

许多proDAD的图像增强技术,包括稳定, image de-warping, de-noising; and proDAD's renown digital video effects library are available in SDK form for OEM licensing and inclusion into a wide-range of hardware/software solutions.  Inquiries are welcome via email: