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Vaudeville Sound为Shutterstock创建世界上第一个沉浸式声音资产目录

Industry's First At-Scale Custom-Built Catalog With More Than 60,000 Immersive Assets; Leverages Vaudeville's Global Talent Base of Designers, Field Recorders, Foley Artists, Mixers

Vaudeville Sound Group, a leading global audio design, production, and post-production group, 今天宣布,它已经创建了世界上第一个大规模沉浸式声音资产目录, for Shutterstock. With more than 60,000 immersive assets, 该目录为Shutterstock客户提供一流的沉浸式空间音频效果,用于项目中, 增加了Shutterstock领先的高质量3D模型许可平台, videos, music, photographs, vectors, and illustrations.

Vaudeville的沉浸式音频资产是从头开始录制和构建的, 并提供身临其境的体验和应用程序创建者一个新的声音工具集,原生到他们的平台和工作流程. Vaudeville’s approach was to work natively in 3D – from capturing, designing, mix and delivery, 一切都是使用该公司独特的3D声音对象工作流构建的. The catalog leverages Vaudeville’s global talent base of designers, field recorders, foley artists, and mixers.

声音对象是与扬声器无关的360声场,包含场景或对象包含的所有空间精确信息, 给用户一种身临其境的感觉. 3D声音对象在声音再现环境之间完全可互操作, including Dolby Atmos, 5.1、Aura 3D, IMAX, HOA以及传统的立体声和双耳输出.

Vaudeville Sound在2022年成立了一个新部门,完全专注于开发和制作沉浸式音频. 该公司率先在电视和电影中使用增强的立体声和原生3D音频,并扩大了其创作能力, 捕捉和设计自然和超现实的3D声音,并为不同的客户群创建合成音频. 

“客户对增强虚拟空间的内容的需求推动了我们的发展, and experiential productions, and immersive audio is a major addition to our catalog,” said Kate Calabretta, the director for music, sound, and video for Shutterstock. “我们与Vaudeville Sound的合作使我们能够为空间音频提供一流的库, 哪个在工业和消费应用中获得了更大的认可, 随着XR行业在生产领域的足迹越来越大.”

Shutterstock acquired leading 3D asset library TurboSquid in 2021, creating the industry’s largest 3D marketplace. 其沉浸式音频目录的开发补充了其视觉库,以满足广泛的客户需求. 该公司最近还与OpenAI建立了合作伙伴关系,以便从其图像目录中生成人工智能作品. 

“For years, 沉浸式音频是属于电子游戏和虚拟世界的小众领域. 我们看到客户在电影和电视项目中对空间音频的采用有了巨大的增长, as the consumer’s demand for Dolby Atmos, for example, 是否有助于推动制作和后期音频的界限,” said Mirko Vogel, managing director for Vaudeville Sound Canada. “It was a natural progression for us to create an immersive sound catalog with Shutterstock; they see the future of on-demand cloud services for producers, and we are excited about the possibilities of these collaborations.”


Shutterstock, Inc. (NYSE: SSTK), 是提供全方位服务解决方案的全球领先创意平台吗, high-quality content, and tools for brands, businesses and media companies. Directly and through its group subsidiaries, Shutterstock的综合收藏包括高质量的许可照片, vectors, illustrations, videos and music. 与超过一百万贡献者的不断增长的社区合作, Shutterstock每周增加数十万张图片,目前拥有超过3.5亿张图片和2000多万段视频剪辑. 

Headquartered in New York City, Shutterstock在全球设有办事处,客户遍布150多个国家. The Company also owns Bigstock, a value-oriented stock media offering; Shutterstock Studios, an end-to-end custom creative shop; Offset, a high-end image collection; PremiumBeat, a curated royalty-free music library; and Shutterstock Editorial, 为世界媒体提供编辑图片和视频的主要来源.

For more information, please Shutterstock at and follow Shutterstock on Twitter and on Facebook.


Vaudeville Sound Group是一家全球领先的广播创意声音设计和混音公司, streaming platforms, AR/VR, gaming and events. 该公司拥有一个领先的沉浸式和空间声音制作和开发单位,并率先开发内部音频后期制作工作室, providing full management, supervision, staffing for all types of audio post-production projects. 歌舞杂耍的获奖人才在英国,美国和加拿大的工作室工作. The company has won many awards and nominations, including BAFTA, LIA, Clio, RTS, British Arrows, Cannes Lions, New York Festival, D&AD, and many others. For more information, visit