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在大流行之前,远程工作已经在增加,大流行更是火上浇油. Microsoft Teams帮助分散的员工通过录制在线会议虚拟地联系起来

VIDIZMO EnterpriseTube, an enterprise video platform已经发布了与微软Teams的集成,后者是统一通信领域的领导者. 将Teams与VIDIZMO集成将允许组织将所有会议记录整齐地组织在类似youtube的点播视频库中,他们可以从自动视频管理功能和改进的回放中受益, 包括:
  • Automatic transcoding for optimal playback
  • 机器生成的转录和翻译这些转录在50+语言
  • AI-powered platform-wide & in-video search
  • Secure internal or external Sharing
  • Detailed video analytics
  • 视频交互功能,如测验、评论、注释等.
  • 视频嵌入
  • AI-assisted video redaction
  • Integrations with other IT systems and API
  • 和 .

Learn More 关于VIDIZMO's Microsoft Teams Integration

View a Live Demo of How a VIDIZMO Portal Looks Like

Online Meetings on The Rise

Remote work was already on the rise prior to the pandemic, with a 400% increase in the last decade. 随着社会距离措施的实施,疫情又火上浇油. Global Workplace Analytics predicts that even post-pandemic, 25 to 30% 全世界的劳动力每周至少有一天或更多的时间远程工作.

As one of the leading video conferencing platforms, Microsoft Teams helped the dispersed workforce connect, 沟通, and collaborate virtually through online meetings. 组织也开始选择记录他们的在线会议以备将来参考, supporting employees in different time zones, and removing the need for redundant meetings.

Challenges of Managing Recorded Teams Meetings

Recording work meetings indeed provides many benefits. However, Microsoft Teams stores its videos on SharePoint and OneDrive. 这些平台不是为处理视频而设计的,这可能导致组织难以管理这些记录.

毕竟, 管理成千上万的会议记录意味着你需要确保它们是安全可共享的, accurately searchable, and organized neatly. 不仅如此,您还将失去其他各种关键视频功能.

VIDIZMO + Microsoft Teams: How It Works?

用户可以简单地在SharePoint或OneDrive中预先定义一个观看文件夹,用于存储会议记录. 一次同步, 存储在此文件夹中的所有录音将自动被摄取到他们在VIDZMO上的个人库中. 修剪掉不必要的片段,或者剪辑成更短的视频. Be sure to categorize these, arrange them in appropriate playlists, and feature the key videos on the home page.

Define who can access which recordings. Feel free to restrict the recordings to certain users, specific groups, the entire organization or open to the public. 为用户分配六个预定义角色之一(或创建一个自定义角色),以限制他们的功能,如下载或共享. 管理员还可以设置自定义安全策略来限制在视频门户上执行的操作.

用户可以通过在视频中添加小测验等互动元素,让视频更吸引人, 施舍, surveys and forms. 他们可以跟踪评估报告,以及以各种仪表板的形式可视化地总结的详细视频分析.

There are various ways of securing videos, including SSO integration, end-to-end encryption, password-protection, role-based access controls, content segregation through various user groups, DRM的支持, IP restriction and location restriction.

用户可以通过多个具有密码保护的可过期链接安全地在内部或外部共享录音. 通过向外部用户提供临时的经过身份验证的门户访问,只允许一定数量的视图,并限制可用性的持续时间,从而实现访客共享.

VIDIZMO还将帮助管理员定义策略,并通过审计日志等各种功能来满足所有与视频相关的合规性需求,以监控用户活动, automated redaction through facial and object recognition, anonymous user policy, and custom retention period.

除了安全性之外,组织还可以从各种智能搜索功能中受益. 自动转录录音在12+语言和翻译成50+语言. Users can even manually upload transcription files. 这些是用来自动分配多语言标签到您的视频,以提高搜索. VIDIZMO的人工智能功能允许用户在视频中搜索语音, 屏幕上的文本, faces and objects.

The best part is that CDN support, modern video streaming protocols like HLS and MPEG-DASH, 自动转码允许录音在全球任何设备上访问, 浏览器, and in any bandwidth condition. Users can also embed the recordings onto their organization's website or 3rd party applications like LMS.

“视频会议平台和企业视频内容管理系统之间的协作是企业管理快速增长的会议记录的迫切需要,” 纳迪姆汗, CEO of VIDIZMO. “VIDIZMO EnterpriseTube可以帮助企业更好地管理会议记录, index them for improved search and discovery, allow users to securely share them, all through a simple YouTube-like portal."

MS Teams集成是VIDIZMO EnterpriseTube软件包的一部分,可在内部部署, in commercial or government clouds (Azure and AWS), as a hybrid solution or as a ready-made SaaS application. VIDIZMO also offers hosting for FedRAMP and other government compliances.


VIDIZMO is a Microsoft Gold partner company providing a secure enterprise video content management system to Fortune 500 companies and government organizations. The platform serves end-to-end enterprise video use cases like training & learning, marketing & sales, video archival, live events, etc. 使用它来流媒体直播和点播视频,您可以集中存储和管理录制的会议以及所有其他视频. With 20 years in the video industry and customer-first philosophy, VIDIZMO truly helps fulfill all your enterprise video needs.