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Trost Motion和DitoGear合作提供精密运动电影摄像机滑块

Trost Motion and DitoGear are offering a bundled solution for filmmakers; the MotionKit with OmniController for Trost Motion

Trost Motion (今天宣布,他们已与DitoGear™(,将精密运动控制系统与Trost motion的电影摄像机滑块系列相结合. As a result of this partnership, Trost Motion and DitoGear are offering a bundled solution for filmmakers; the MotionKit with OmniController for Trost Motion.

Trost Motion滑块和DitoGear MotionKits的结合产生了业界最坚固的滑块, most rugged and versatile camera system, 能够处理任何高端电影摄像机,如RED Dragon和Arri ALEXA, all the way down to standard DSLRs. 新的DitoGear MotionKits for Trost Motion还可以支持重达176磅的相机平台进行水平运动, and 22 pounds in vertical motion.

This new bundle is available immediately, 而DitoGear则为12月31日前购买的顾客提供20%的假日折扣, 2015. 有关DitoGear MotionKit的更多信息,请访问 To purchase this new system, please visit

“Trost Motion和DitoGear首次出现在NAB 2015上,展示了将这两个伟大的相机系统结合在一起的可能性. The reaction from filmmakers, DPs and cinematographers was amazing,” said Gabe Cheifetz, president and co-founder of Trost Motion. “Our two companies share the same vision; we place such high value on precision design and excellence in everything we create, just like our users; filmmakers and cinematographers not willing to compromise anything for their art. 这个捆绑包只是我们与DitoGear合作的开始. 我们对能够带给社区的想法和设计感到兴奋.”

“我们很高兴能与Trost Motion合作——伟大的工具诞生于激情和专注,” added Patryk Kizny, brand director and partner at DitoGear. “Trost拥有这两种特质,他们的产品正是电影人所需要的——高质量的工程诞生于洞察力,并在改进中得到加强. 对于需要移动相机和讲述故事的最佳射手来说,由DitoGear提供支持的Trost将是一个杀手级组合.”

DitoGear Bundle for Trost Motion
带有omniccontroller的MotionKit增加了相机快门的精确控制以及单轴运动控制设备. 模拟操纵杆可以让电影制作人在菜单系统中导航,并直接控制设备, 整个包是防水的户外环境的理想选择. Several operating modes are available, including real time operation, time lapse, stop motion and motion recording and playback.

Pricing and Availability
带有omniccontroller的MotionKit for Trost Motion捆绑包立即可用,定价为1美元,445.00 USD.

For customers who purchase before December 31, 2015, DitoGear is offering a special Holiday Discount, with 20% savings on the bundle. Enter the code TROST20 on checkout at to get instant discount.

For detailed specifications, please visit:

如欲购买新的MotionKit与omniccontroller for Trost,请浏览:

About DitoGear
DitoGear™已经赢得了便携式运动控制设备的领先制造商之一的声誉. 除了用他们自己的电动滑块不断挑战极限, heads and FIZ units, DitoGear™通过广泛认可的品牌(包括Trost motion)为第三方设备提供运动控制模块, Glidecam, Cinevate, Kessler Crane and Dynamic Perception. For more information, please

About Trost Motion
我们是一个由电影人、数字媒体艺术家、开发者和设计师组成的小团队. We have a singular vision; to make camera sliders for filmmakers with unparalleled precision. 我们通过为高设计设定标准来做到这一点, versatility, durability, 以及对任何拍摄环境——从摄影棚到北极圈——都足够强硬的现场准备. We believe that well-designed, 精密滑块是相机的延伸, 并结合高品质的捕捉与精准, fluid movement yields stunning imagery. 欲了解更多信息,或购买Trost Motion滑块,请访问 And follow us on Facebook, 推特和Instagram,看看世界各地的电影制作人如何用我们的设计创造出令人惊叹的内容.