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Telestream to Unveil Next-Generation Content Management Solution at NAB

Telestream Content Manager Announced Today at NAB 2023

At NAB 2023, on 布斯W1501, Telestream, the global leader in workflow automation, 媒体处理, video quality monitoring, and test and synchronization solutions for the 生产 and distribution of video, today announced Telestream Content Manager™.  The next-generation solution provides a single point of access for content across an organization’s entire storage ecosystem, including cloud and on-prem storage.

Built on the DIVA Core technology, Telestream Content Manager is tightly integrated with the Telestream workflow orchestration tools, as well as supporting all major MAM, 帕姆, 自动化系统.

“As media workflows continue to migrate to the cloud, content owners and aggregators find themselves with content stored locally and across multiple cloud platforms,” said Telestream SVP of Content Management Geoff Tog网ti. “We’re introducing Telestream Content Manager to provide a pathway to work seamlessly with any form of storage on-premises or in multiple cloud platforms simultaneously, while lowering our customers’ costs to do so.”

Three innovations combine to make this unification of cloud and on-prem content management practical and cost effective. 第一个, an intuitive web-based user interface provides users with the tools that they need to discover and work with their media content. All content information is indexed and searchable, including both system metadata, editorial metadata imported from other systems, and customer-configurable metadata. 一旦找到内容, it can be played back directly within the application and transferred to any connected device such as a storage, 生产, 或者播放系统.

第二个, auto-object discovery and the ability to index files directly from cloud storage eliminates the egress costs associated with copying to another location and enables enterprises to efficiently manage both legacy content and incoming files. 最后, the automation of content management actions and triggering of automated workflows enables greater efficiency through the ability to create sophisticated supply chain workflows that incorporate content movement, 生命周期管理, 媒体处理. 

Telestream Content Manager will be unveiled at NAB, 布斯W1501, where Telestream is showcasing its solutions for content creation and 生产, distribution and mo网ization.

It is planned for worldwide availability in Summer 2023.

For more information about Telestream’s NAB 2023 showcase visit:  http://www.telestream.net/company/events/nab/NAB-2023.htm