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Telestream Rips Up Rulebook with Launch of 光速实时捕捉 C2

New dual-channel ingest solution provides unbeatable value: lowest cost access to capture plus Vantage 媒体处理

Telestream, a leading provider of workflow automation, 媒体处理, quality monitoring and test and measurement solutions for the production and distribution of video, has announced the immediate launch of a new two-channel version of its 光速实时捕捉 系统. 积极的定价, 光速实时捕捉 C2 offers a fully featured dual channel ingest solution that is ideal for enterprise-scale workflows such as news and professional sports, which rely on 远程生产 and editing capabilities.

Although it is the little brother of the Lightspeed Live family, Capture C2 reflects all of the 媒体处理 power and workflow automation sophistication that the company has pioneered in recent years. 随着发展, the workflows for ingest and 媒体处理 that are used for large scale events are now viable for the smaller and less complex instances.

The new dual-channel ingest solution captures two concurrent HD inputs up to 1080p60 while at the same time generating a low-res proxy of the content. 支持所有主要的高清编解码器, the server provides powerful production tools, such as simultaneous edit-while-capture, transcode-while-capture and deliver-while-capture.

Telestream’s 光速实时捕捉 is the only capture portfolio that supports all the common formats, HDR, 录像机数字化, 远程生产, IP输入和交付到Avid系统, without hardware changes and without compromising capacity. 现在, the company has integrated this new server 系统 alongside its flagship software-based Vantage Media Processing Platform with dramatic effect. 第一次, the Vantage for Capture option adds world-class transcoding that runs directly on the 光速实时捕捉 C2 server alongside Live Capture, 直播, Avid集成和更多.

光速实时捕捉 C2 is the product of a major development initiative within Telestream: it marries best in class ingest and 媒体处理 capabilities and unmatched value for money. 今天, 光速实时捕捉 C2 represents one of the lowest cost ways to buy Vantage and Live Capture together.

The Capture C2 box offers all the software features and functions of larger-scale 系统s in an economical 2-channel hardware configuration. These facilities include Live Edit sub-clipping of live and growing capture files using an HLS proxy embedded in a user-friendly web-based UI. 除了, Live Play enables live confidence monitoring for QC, 并播放自定义播放列表. 第三, Live Schedule automatically schedules events for capture using an easy to use web-based UI.

“光速实时捕捉 C2 is a game-changer product that flies in face of convention since it empowers users with all the power and creative potential that Vantage offers on a 2 channel capture server,Scott Matics说, Senior Director of Product Management at Telestream. “We believe in enabling broadcast and media professionals with technology that makes a difference where it matters – 光速实时捕捉 C2 makes all the high-end use cases available to everyone.”

光速实时捕捉 C2 is available globally with immediate effect. For more product information, pricing options and sales contacts, go to www.telestream.网/lightspeed-live/lightspeed-live-capture.html

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