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Telestream将Facebook Live添加为无线广播流媒体目的地


Telestream®, 领先的数字媒体工具和工作流程解决方案提供商, 今天宣布,其流行的直播软件Wirecast的最新版本现在将Facebook live作为流媒体目的地, 允许用户创建高质量的广播,并从他们的计算机流到他们的 Facebook timelines with just a few clicks.

Facebook最近宣布,所有用户都可以通过iOS和Android设备上的Facebook应用程序将直播视频传输到他们的订阅源. With Wirecast, 用户现在可以通过使用多个摄像头来提升直播视频的制作价值, graphics, effects, 转换和其他专业能力. 直接集成了Wirecast和Facebook Live, Wirecast用户可以在Wirecast界面内直接向Facebook live平台发布直播流.

有这么多企业在Facebook上保持存在, 流媒体直播内容提供了一个吸引更多关注者的绝佳机会,同时增加了整体流量. Creating dynamic, eye-catching content with titles, graphics, 而过渡能让善变的观众保持专注.

“Facebook Live允许人们和企业与朋友联系, 粉丝和追随者以更激动人心的方式互动," comments Barb DeHart, Vice President of Desktop Business & Corporate Marketing at Telestream. “使用Wirecast直播制作软件, Facebook用户可以创建独特和专业的直播与专业的生产能力, such as multi-camera live switching, lower thirds and titles, green screen, instant replay, scoreboards, and much more," added DeHart.

Wirecast是广播专业网络直播节目的理想选择, news, online gaming, sporting events, concerts, church services, corporate meetings, lectures and much more. With Wirecast, 用户可以在多个实时摄像机之间切换,同时动态混合其他媒体,如电影, images and sounds, 并添加生产功能,如过渡, built-in titles, chroma key support, virtual sets and live scoreboards.

因为Facebook Live现在是Wirecast的综合广播目的地, once they have started streaming, 用户将能够看到现场观众的数量, 正在观看的追随者的名字, and a real-time stream of comments, throughout the live broadcast. 一旦广播完成,视频将像任何其他帖子一样留在他们的时间轴上.

Wirecast 6.0.7以Facebook Live为目标,现在可以从Wirecast 6免费更新或购买 Prices start at $495.

About Wirecast
Wirecast is the only cross-platform, 集所有功能于一身的直播制作软件,可实现捕获, live production, 并对直播流进行编码,以便同时向多个服务器和平台进行广播. Wirecast是流媒体或录制直播互联网节目的理想选择, broadcasting breaking news and sports, streaming live concerts and games, transmitting church services, corporate meetings, lectures and more. 专业生产功能包括现场记分牌, 3D virtual sets, chroma key support, advanced audio controls and more.

More information is available at


About Telestream

Telestream提供世界级的直播和点播数字视频工具和工作流解决方案,允许消费者和企业在桌面和整个企业中转换视频. 许多世界上最苛刻的媒体和娱乐公司,以及越来越多的用户在广泛的商业环境, 依靠Telestream产品来简化操作, 接触更广泛的受众,从他们的媒体中获得更多的收入. 电视流产品跨越了整个数字媒体生命周期,包括video capture and ingest; live and on-demand encoding and transcodingcaptioningplayback and inspection, delivery, and live streaming; as well as automation and orchestration of the entire workflow. Telestream公司总部位于加州内华达市. The company is privately held. For more information,