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Features over 100 new workflow improvements including a new shared collaboration space and access to more than 10,000高质量SFX(声音效果)

得很熟, 音频技术公司, 今天发布了其流行的基于云的V2版本, 声音效果库和工作流工具, 得很熟. With over 100 new workflow improvements including a new shared collaboration space and access to more than 10,000高质量SFX(声音效果), 得很熟 has achieved a new milestone in cloud-based audio workflows and quick access to SFX from anyw在这里 with an inter网 connection. The task of sound editing frequently takes a back seat in post-production, so it’s never been more important to remove barriers to creativity by speeding up the process of finding and placing sound to picture.

得很熟 is a unique, turnkey solution for adding sound to picture. 它不仅包含一个在线声音库, but it also features a specialized application for editing and placing sounds. 只需点击一下, 得很熟 subscribers can instantly audition any sound and edit it on-the-fly using the waveform view before dragging and dropping the desired portion of the sound into popular editing applications (such as Avid Pro Tools, 苹果逻辑和FCP, Avid Media Composer, 或Adobe Premiere Pro). 用得很熟, 避免了传统工作流中的多个步骤, 为编辑节省宝贵的时间. Only 得很熟 provides a centralized hub to search for sound effects not just in the cloud library, 也在本地存储上, 共享网络附加存储, 甚至通过Freesound这样的大型在线系统.org.

“No other software on the market integrates sound effects in the cloud like 得很熟,Christian Schaanning说, 得很熟联合创始人. “Our customers tell us 得很熟 is so fast that it feels like you are working on a local drive. You can work in every possible location as long as you have an inter网 connection. 不需要硬盘驱动器或加密狗. 在V2, we’ve raised the bar significantly adding new core features like a shared cloud collaboration space for sharing personal collections of SFX with colleagues and friends.”

在V2, every individual 得很熟 subscriber receives 10 GB of collaboration space in the 得很熟 Cloud. 多用户帐户可以获得所需的尽可能多的空间, 使他们能够将整个工作流程迁移到云端. Users can share personally created sound effects with colleagues and friends. Perfect for feeding picture editorial with SFX for rough cuts and sketches, shared sounds can be used in projects as easily as a sound from the 得很熟 Library.

Also in V2, users can now work on the same shared database over a 网work. 编辑可以从不同的帐户登录, and access sounds without indexing all sounds on different computers. 如果对本地数据库进行了更改, 比如添加更多的音效, 它们将自动出现在每个用户的库文件夹中. Unlike other systems, t在这里’s no separate server required, and setup is extremely easy.

对于Pro Tools用户, 得很熟 has implemented “Spot to Pro Tools” — By simply pressing one button, sound在Pro Tools中为光标指定一个声音效果区域, and automatically copies the audio to the sessions audio files folder. 最重要的是, the copied audio includes "handles" so an editor can trim start and end points of the sound clip to make it longer than the original selection.

“有100个新功能, 最直接的实现来自用户反馈, 得很熟 is a perfect fit for both video and audio editors alike,Peder Jørgensen说, sound的首席开发者和联合创始人. “Our beta users have been delighted, and we can’t wait for all of our users to get their hands on it. 对于V2,我们创建了a 新视频 这是我们引以为豪的. Hopefully you’ll enjoy watching it as much as we enjoyed making it.“点击 在这里 查看.

sound V2的其他亮点:

  • NAS over inter网 support – Access a sound library from a NAS drive directly.
  • Shared 网work database – Groups can share a local soundly library
  • SFX Store improvements – Re-built store UI with 100s of titles for easy targeted expansion of the sound effect library by category.
  • Multi-users can now generate their own license codes – great for educational institutions with many users.
  • New UI – Clearer and more concise menus and graphical elements
  • Search History – New “back” button enables users to go back in their search history to look for more sounds of the same type.
  • Increased speed control range – Right click and select 2x 4x 8x.
  • 更多的快捷方式和改进的搜索
  • 还有更多!

可立即从 http://getsoundly.com 对于Mac或PC来说,得很熟是 免费下载 包括300种声音. 高级SaaS版本包括10个,000+高级音效, 全音目录索引, 进入得很熟商店进行专门的应用内购买, 访问100个,000+更多的声音来自 Freesound.org 在得很熟内部使用,这些功能只需14美元.99元/月.

*See the original 得很熟 demo video from creators Christian and Peder 在这里