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得很熟 Intros Cloud-Based Sound Effects Library and Workflow Tool

得很熟 lets video and audio editors instantly search the cloud or local sound libraries, 定制的声音, 并立即将它们置于画面中, 只要有网络连接的地方

得很熟, 一家刚起步的音频技术公司, 今天发布的声音, 一个基于云的声音效果库和工作流工具. 得很熟 represents a completely new approach to sound effects access and editing. A cloud-based sound library with access to thousands of premium sound effects and a powerful workflow tool, 得很熟 lets video and audio editors instantly search the cloud or local sound libraries, 定制的声音, 并立即将它们置于画面中, 只要有网络连接的地方. Traditional sound effect libraries can be expensive, hard to use, and not very portable. Content creators know that good sound can make or break a video or film, and 得很熟 was created to give affordable access to thousands of sounds along with access to a community of specialist sound designers.

可立即从 http://getsoundly.com 对于Mac或PC来说,得很熟是 免费下载 包括300种声音. 高级SaaS版本包括6000+高级音效, 全音目录索引, 进入得很熟商店进行专门的应用内购买, 访问100个,000+更多的声音来自 Freesound.org 在得很熟中使用,只需14美元.99元/月.

“Professional sound designers typically have access to libraries of sound that they work with on a daily basis. 得很熟 lets them index their local libraries while also giving them access to thousands of fresh and constantly evolving sound effects available in the cloud,Christian Schaanning说, 得很熟联合创始人. 对于视频编辑, there’s never been a more affordable way to find the right sound and get it into your project quickly no matter where you are.”

Watch the 得很熟 demo video from creators Christian and Peder:

声音是独一无二的, 将声音添加到图像的交钥匙解决方案, 不仅包含一个在线的声音库, but also a specialized application for editing and placing sounds. 只需点击一下, 得很熟 subscribers can instantly audition any sound and edit it on-the-fly using the waveform view before dragging and dropping the desired portion of the sound into popular editing applications like Avid Pro Tools, 苹果逻辑和FCP, Avid Media Composer, 或Adobe Premiere Pro. 用得很熟, multiple steps are avoided from traditional workflows saving valuable time for editors.

得很熟是我用过的最快的SFX工具,托马斯·特雷恩说, 他是奥斯陆Uhort的视频编辑. “I counted my steps to get SFX from my previous tool into Premiere Pro; it was 11 steps! 用得很熟, I’ve taken that down to down to 3 steps which can literally save me hours on a project.”

Utilizing a cloud-based library gives audio and video editors the flexibility to work from any location with access to a world-class sound library. 没有磁盘携带或丢失, 切换编辑程序, rooms, 或者操作系统从来都不是问题. 对于没有大型传统声音库的内容创作者, a low-cost SaaS model for a constantly evolving sound library represents a great value. 对于已经拥有图书馆的编辑, 得很熟实现最快的搜索, access, and placement of those effects all within one single application.

“当我在Pro Tools工作时, 如果我在云层中有一个5分钟的大气轨迹, 我需要导入整个东西, 把它放在时间线上的其他地方, 试镜,, 把它修剪成我需要的样子, 把它移到时间轴上正确的位置. 用得很熟, 我只是简单地播放, 选择我想要的位, and drag just what I want straight into the right place on the Pro Tools timeline. 《百家乐软件》的编辑迈克·桑顿(Mike Thornton)说 专业工具专家.

“After an intensive public testing for a full year (and 5 years in development), 得很熟终于结束了测试,准备与世界见面,Peder Jørgensen说, sound的首席开发者和联合创始人. “Our beta testers tell us we have created the world's easiest way to get and use sound effects – a true game-changer for everyone involved in content creation.”


  • 即时搜索 快速找到声音跨云库+本地文件
  • Access 世界上任何地方的云音效
  • Tweak & Edit pitch, speed and reverse on any sound, and hear the results in real-time
  • 这家商店 allows additional free and premium sound effects libraries - immediately delivered
  • 导入本地文件 - including metadata - to easily manage your existing SFX collections
  • 拖放 whole sound files - or snippets - from the 得很熟 cloud straight into your project
  • 访问广泛的 Freesound.org 直接从得很熟内的库
  • 智能,无损压缩闪电般的快速传输
  • Index local wav, aiff, mp3 and flac files up to 192khz 32bit from mono to 5.1.
  • 从mp3格式的制作音乐库中读取元数据
  • Built on Google's infrastructure for unparalleled redundancy, safety and speed
  • 可用于Mac和Windows

现可于 http://getsoundly.com:

  • Free -包含300个音效
  • 溢价 - 14.99元/月, 6000+高级音效, 全音目录索引, 先进的存储, 包括在得很熟中使用Freesound
  • 24小时通行证 - $9.99 -高级访问24小时

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得很熟 makes the revolutionary cloud-based 得很熟 sound effects library and management tool. 一家位于奥斯陆的初创公司, 挪威, 得很熟 was founded by two professional sound designers: Christian Schaanning (a recipient of the 阿曼达北欧电影奖加拿大电影电视学院奖,并被提名 电影编辑协会 and 金色的卷 awards in the US) and Peder Jørgensen (creator of several apps and audio workflow tools, 长期担任广告音效设计师). The 得很熟 team brings a perfect mix of sound design experience and agile UX-focused software development together to help content creators become more efficient and more creative when adding sound to pictures. After all, sound without a picture is music, a picture without sound is a painting. 欲了解更多关于sound的信息,请访问 http://getsoundly.com