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Roker实验室使用Blackmagic Design的Web Presenter流媒体和编码设备, HyperDeck Studio迷你广播平台和ATEM电视工作室高清直播制作切换器,以支持其直播流工作流程

Blackmagic Design今天宣布,Roker实验室使用Blackmagic Design的Web Presenter流媒体和编码设备, HyperDeck Studio迷你广播平台和ATEM电视工作室高清直播制作切换器,以支持其直播流工作流程. 这包括使用Roker Labs Live的网络演示器以及数字生活方式专家Mario Armstrong的“Never Settle”节目的制作.

Roker Labs是直播领域行业领先的创新者. Focused on media and innovation, Roker Labs tests streaming technologies, pioneers new streaming formats and produces next-generation, interactive experiences across leading content platforms. It produces dozens of successful live streams, including hugely popular cooking, entertainment, technology and science shows.

本·拉特纳是Roker实验室的直播技术主管,是主要的技术操作员和设计师. Roker的每一个节目都有非常不同的技术要求, 其中一些是直接从Roker实验室拍摄和流媒体的,而另一些则是在纽约市的各种大小地点拍摄的. 因为拉特纳通常是唯一可以拍摄和指导流的工作人员, his production gear has to be compact, easy to use and mobile.

Roker Labs Live是一个新闻节目,涵盖了直播行业的新发展. Each episode features interviews with experts and celebrities, such as American Ninja Warrior host Matt Iseman, as well as executives from the streaming, media and technology sectors. 在每一集中使用Web Presenter来管理节目嘉宾的返回提要, 以及允许制片人远程观看演播室的制作.

“网络演示器已经成为Roker Labs Live的每个流的关键部分,”Ratner说. “我们的制作人喜欢它,因为它节省了他们去工作室的路程,但仍然允许他们从世界任何地方提供实时输入. For example, 我们最近在纽约录制了一个采访,采访对象是《百家乐app下载》的萨舍尔·扎马塔,我们洛杉矶的制片人能够从我们的网络主持人feed中实时关注这一高调的录音."

对于马里奥·阿姆斯特朗的“永不妥协”秀,拉特纳使用网络演示者通过Skype进行直播. “永不妥协”是一个高质量的脱口秀节目,在纽约有现场观众,在网上有互动观众. In developing the show, 阿姆斯特朗决定与不同的观众举行一系列众包制作会议,以帮助他决定节目的最终形式. 在这些众包会议中,Web Presenter被用于将来自不同设备的素材转换成720p视频, with the final program recorded on a HyperDeck Studio Mini.

“‘永不妥协’的skype是一个完美的例子,我们总是要为快速流做好准备. The setup was fairly simple. 我用我的笔记本电脑连接到网络演示器,从任何来源获得720p视频. 那是我们在电脑上播放高质量视频最容易的时候. Worked right the first time and every time," said Ratner.

"With the HyperDeck Studio Mini, 能够在活动结束后直接交给客户一份SD录音真是太棒了. Normally we would have to upload it to the Internet, and it would take hours, but now we just hand off an SD card. The client was incredibly happy," he continued.

Ratner, who is also a freelance streaming director, additionally used Web Presenter, HyperDeck Studio Mini和新的ATEM tv Studio HD在Roker实验室外工作. 最近,他使用了ATEM电视工作室高清最近与非常受欢迎和著名的科学家尼尔·德格拉斯·泰森制作. For Neil's podcast StarTalk Radio, Dr. Tyson collaborates with science educators around the world.

Ratner was the only operator for the shoot, 它包括三个ISO相机和ATEM电视工作室高清用来做流的线切割, which was additionally recorded via his laptop.

"For this one, I was a one man band. And on top of that, I was using the ATEM for the first time, 所以我用一件全新的装备来应付三个摄像头的拍摄," said Ratner. "The ATEM has everything I need right in front. The easy access front panel was a lifesaver, 我可以直接操作所有的开关功能,这是我最喜欢这款新机型的地方. 因为我是一个人,所以它自带的多视图也绝对是我的救星."

"Overall, I am using all three of these products more and more. 他们就像我们正在做的这些快速流的神奇子弹,”他说.