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Produce Any Event From Anywhere With Evertz BRAVO Studio

Evertz的DreamCatcher™BRAVO Studio使内容创作者能够从现场事件中讲述更多故事.

At IBC 2022, Evertz将展示其dreamcatcher™BRAVO Studio虚拟制作控制套件,该套件为内容创作者提供了在云中创建更多故事所需的所有工具. BRAVO Studio解决了成本效益的挑战,为需要更多个人体验的观众制作更多内容. Whether it’s an individual player, influencer or celebrity feed, 来自现场活动的更多个性化内容正在被多个平台的观众消费.

On stand 1.F76 in Hall 1, 埃夫茨将展示BRAVO工作室是如何合作的, 基于网络的直播制作平台,重新定义了内容创作者和广播公司的创作体验. BRAVO Studio提供对传统控制室中所有服务的虚拟访问,并使其可供世界各地的制作团队使用.

“BRAVO Studio帮助您制作专业质量的内容,讲述来自世界各地的引人入胜的故事,” says Mo Goyal, Sr. Director, International Business Development at Evertz. “BRAVO Studio consolidates and simplifies production, both on-premises and in the cloud, to give storytellers, of any skill set, 他们与观众联系的方式几乎是无限的可能性.”

Simple to use, reliable and cost effective, BRAVO演播室通过专用网络从远程位置访问实时视频和音频, 5G networks or public Internet. The platform ingests multiple live camera feeds; provides live video and audio mixing with transitions; multiple video overlays for picture on picture or multi-box looks; slow motion replays; clip playout; highlight clipping and packaging; multiple dynamic graphics layers; and multi-image display of sources and outputs on the user interface. BRAVO Studio包括先进的数据驱动功能,有助于自动化和简化生产工作流程,为所有技能水平的小型创意团队提供高质量和一致性的生产. BRAVO Studio副驾驶包括基于实时游戏/事件数据源的亮点自动剪辑, storyboarding, and a built-in live editor for quick turnaround editing.

This all-in-one solution, 它可以用于任何生产,无论其大小或规模, is proving to be a game changer, particularly for events that include live sports, news, esports, entertainment, corporate, and government. 通过将对所有输入的访问与基于web的接口结合起来,并提供对传输协议(如SRT)的支持, RIST, and Zixi, BRAVO工作室确保实时UHD/4K视频和音频信号可靠和安全地发送和接收, directly from the cloud and with minimal latency.

BRAVO Studio uses MAGNUM-OS for orchestration, and VUE, Evertz’ Intelligent user Interface, 为支持团队提供工具,确保生产顺利进行. With MAGNUM-OS, BRAVO Studio使用户能够安排和自动化事件准备,包括传入远程馈送的路由, allocating resources, and configuring the operator stations. 这使客户能够以最小的努力在产品之间无缝过渡. VUE为工程支持团队提供控制和监控生产设备的工具,包括摄像机控制, color correction, and more. BRAVO Studio是完整的基于云的生产控制套件,重新定义了今天的现场生产.

有关DreamCatcher™BRAVO Studio的更多信息,请访问Evertz 1号展位.F76 in Hall 1 at IBC 2022, or visit

About Evertz Technologies Ltd.
Evertz Technologies Limited (TSX:ET) designs, 制造和销售电视视频和音频基础设施解决方案, telecommunications and new-media industries. The Company's solutions are used by content creators, broadcasters, 专业频道和电视服务提供商支持其日益复杂的多频道数字化, high & ultra-high definition television ("HDTV" & (UHD)和下一代高带宽低延迟IP网络环境,以及电信和新媒体公司. Evertz的产品可以让客户产生额外的收入,同时通过有效的信号路由降低成本, distribution, monitoring and management of content, 以及在内部部署和“云”中更加精简和敏捷的工作流流程的自动化和编排。. For more information, please visit