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松下船舶VariCam 35和VariCam HS

VariCam 35和VariCam HS都将提供苹果ProRes 4444和ProRes 422 HQ*支持高清录制, positioning the new camera/recorders within a well-established and widely accepted HD workflow

VariCam 35的精湛的图像处理在多种格式,从原始的4K RAW到更实用的4K, UHD, 2K, HD and ProRes capture formats make it an unparalleled tool for high-end filmmaking, commercials and episodic production as well as live 4K events. 具有高速1080p图像捕获,最高可达240fps, 配套的2/3“VariCam HS为最苛刻的纪录片提供非凡的高清图像, 运动或SFX慢动作应用程序.

VariCam 35和VariCam HS都将提供苹果ProRes 4444和ProRes 422 HQ*支持高清录制, positioning the new camera/recorders within a well-established and widely accepted HD workflow.** Both VariCams include Panasonic's AVC-ULTRA family of advanced video codecs.

VariCam 35和VariCam HS采用了一种创新的设计,即4K和2/3英寸摄像机头与普通摄像机头分开,但可停靠, 共享录音模块, enabling professionals to switch between s35mm and 2/3" camera heads to best suit their creative needs. 这种系统的灵活性可以通过连接s35mm 4K摄像机和AVC-ULTRA记录仪的脐带电缆来扩展, 为jibs提供“盒子”相机功能, 起重机和其他远程摄像机的需求.

这两种型号都有一个可移动的控制面板,便于实时控制,当相机处于固定或远程位置时,方便菜单访问. 他们提供了一个生产坚韧的铝合金机身,以确保在最具挑战性的拍摄地点的耐用性和可靠性.

The VariCam 35 utilizes a new Panasonic super 35mm MOS sensor for 4096 x 2160 (17:9) 4K image capture; this imager when combined with the AVC-ULTRA codecs for 4K enables very manageable and practical 4K production file sizes. The new imager boasts an impressive 14+ stops of latitude, 并忠实地捕捉高对比度, 无妥协的宽动态范围图像.

Through a strategic product development alliance with Codex Digital, Panasonic will deliver a high-speed 4K uncompressed RAW recorder for the VariCam 35 camera.*** This dedicated recorder will capture uncompressed 4K VariCam RAW (V-RAW) at up to 120fps, bolstering the VariCam 35's suitability for high-end cinema applications.

强大的色彩管理功能为无可挑剔的图像保真度提供了广泛的色域, 并允许支持学院颜色编码系统(ACES)工作流,以完全保真地掌握原始源材料. VariCam 35还提供相机内色彩分级功能.

最大限度地提高所记录图像的动态范围, 松下开发了一种新的日志曲线(V-Log),它优雅地将图像数据的14+停止映射到录制文件. VariCam 35允许分配各种lut到单独的记录通道和相机输出. 例如, shoot UHD and record non-destructively with the V-Log LUT, 但在HD /代理记录上分配一个“内置”709 LUT,用于编辑和预分级的实时正常对比度. The camera's monitor, EVF and EVF outputs have similar selectable LUT capabilities. The VariCam 35's In Camera Grading feature is fully flexible, 相机能够同时记录未分级的4K母版(带有相关的元数据分级信息)和分级(烘烤)的高清图像.

Among the camera/recorder's top-level production features are real-time, 高帧率, 变速4K录制高达120fps, 与高级工作流程并行, 同时4K/ UHD, reference 2K/HD and proxy recordings for in-camera on-set color grading and monitoring / editing ease. 该相机还配备了新开发的具有光学变焦功能的OLED电子取景器(EVF). 24-bit LPCM audio is added for in-camera audio master recording.

The VariCam 35 delivers an unprecedented breadth of recording formats, 包括AVC-ULTRA 4K中的4K和UHD, and 2K and 1080p HD in AVC-Intra 100/200**** and ProRes. Addressing the need for high-speed file exchange, the camera encodes a high-resolution 3.5Mbs proxy in parallel with 4K and 2K production formats, 启用快速, 高效的离线编辑. 元数据管理也将可用,任何元数据都写入所有录制格式,以便轻松匹配回高分辨率或4K主文件.

Professional interfaces include: 3G-HD-SDI x4 for 4K QUAD output; an HD-SDI out for monitoring (down-converting from 4K); a dedicated VF HD-SDI output complete with all of the EVF status and display data; and two XLR inputs to record four channels of 24-bit, 48 khz音频. 该VariCam 35特点是一个标准的35毫米PL安装.

The VariCam 35 uses Panasonic's new expressP2 card for 高帧率 and 4K recording. The camera is equipped with a total of four memory card slots, 两个用于expressP2卡,两个用于microP2卡. The new 256Gbyte expressP2 card can record up to 90 minutes of 4K/4:2:2 content. The microP2 card is designed for recording HD or 2K at more typical production frame rates.

VariCam HS Offers 12-bit 4:4:4 AVC-ULTRA Acquisition for Field Mastering and Archiving, Efficient 4:2:2 10-Bit Recording for Documentaries and Sports

VariCam HS采用三个新开发的, 1920 x 1080p的MOS成像仪,纬度14站, 提供对各种照明条件的完全控制,实现无与伦比的1080p本地录制/操作. 相机/记录仪结合了经典的RGB成像仪/棱镜系统,为关键应用提供等波段全分辨率彩色处理.

摄像机的主要功能包括实时高帧率和1080p下240fps的低速录制(使用AVC-Intra Class100)。, plus the ability to ramp / change frame rates during record. To complement the impressive video quality, the new VariCam HS offers 24-bit LPCM audio capabilities. 强大而有创意的图像控制,如矩阵, 细节, gammas and a new Log recording capability allow ultra precise, 强大的创意控制图像参数.

VariCam HS具有一系列高质量的录制格式,包括AVC-Intra Class100(录制为1080/24p), 25, 30p, 50或60p, VFR最高可达240p), AVC-Intra Class200 (up to 30p/60i) and 12 bit sampled AVC-Intra Class4:4:4 (up to 30p). AVC-Intra Class200和AVC-Intra Class4:4:4在图像质量最重要的应用中提供了惊人的性能.

除了FilmRec和动态范围拉伸(DRS)图像对比度管理控制外,VariCam HS还配备了V-Log. VariCam HS采用松下荣获艾美奖的色差补偿(CAC)技术,可最大限度地减少横向色差,并显着提高光学系统的调制传递函数(MTF). VariCam HS还提供相机内色彩分级.

VariCam HS编码一个高分辨率的3.5Mbs proxy file in parallel with higher bandwidth production formats, 启用快速, 高效的离线编辑. Professional interfaces include: RGB4:4:4; a 3G-HD-SDI out to support 1080/60p; an HD-SDI out for monitoring; and two XLR inputs to record four channels of 24-bit, 48 khz音频. The camera's 2/3" B4 lens mount enables use of a remarkable variety of prime lenses and servo zooms, lensing possibilities simply not available on larger formats.

VariCam HS还使用松下的新expressP2卡进行高帧率记录(帧率高于60fps). The new 256Gbyte expressP2 card can record about 32 minutes of 240p 1080 HD video.

VariCam 35的建议标价为55美元,000; the VariCam HS has a suggested list price of $46,000. Both prices include the AU-V35C1G s35mm 4k or AU-V23HS1G 2/3" 1080p camera head, 加上AU-VREC1G通用记录仪, AU-VCVF1G OLED取景器, AU-VSHL1G肩垫/三脚架安装.

有关VariCam 35的更多信息, VariCam HS and other Panasonic professional video products, 访问 www.us.松下.com/varicam 或联系松下电子邮件: 877-803-8492.


松下提供可靠的业务技术解决方案,将数据与决策者联系起来,为我们的客户和客户的客户带来更好的结果. Panasonic engineers reliable products and solutions that help to create, 捕获和交付所有类型的数据, 在哪里, 何时以及如何需要它. 松下为各种规模的政府和商业企业提供的全套专业解决方案可解决统一的业务通信问题, 移动计算, 安全和监视, 零售网点, 办公, 视觉通讯(投影仪), 显示, 数字标牌)和高清视频制作. 松下商业解决方案由松下系统通信公司北美分公司提供, 松下公司北美分部, the principal North American subsidiary of Panasonic Corporation.

All brand and company/product names are trademarks or registered trademarks of the respective companies. All specifications are subject to change without notice. 松下信息

solutions for business can be obtained by calling 877-803-8492 or atus.松下.com/business-solutions.


松下北美公司为消费者提供广泛的数字和其他电子产品和解决方案, 商业及工业用途. The company is the principal North American subsidiary of Osaka, 总部位于日本的松下公司和中心

松下的你.S. 品牌,市场,销售,服务和R&D操作. 在Interbrand 2014年度“全球最佳绿色品牌" report, Panasonic ranked number five overall and the top electronics brand in the report. 作为可持续发展努力的一部分, Panasonic Corporation of North America relocated its headquarters to a new facility, 符合LEED认证标准, 毗邻纽瓦克的宾州车站, NJ. 了解更多关于松下的信息 www.松下.com.

* Apple ProRes格式由Apple Inc .授权.

** ProRes support will be available in December 2014 through a free firmware upgrade.

*** The Codex Digital RAW recorder will be available in December 2014.

**** avc - intrat200仅适用于FHD录制.