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Panasonic Announces Industry First 4K 50p Integrated PTZ Camera

AW-UE150 supports a variety of 4K interfaces, including 12G-SDI, HDMI, Optical Fibre and IP which supports HDR mode; simultaneous output of 4K and HD

 Panasonic has showcased its industry first 4K 50p, HDR integrated PTZ camera for the first time in Europe, at IBC 2018 in Amsterdam.

The AW-UE150 由于其50p传感器,提供了平滑自然的图像, 使其非常适合在广播中具有快速运动和高端应用的场景, corporate, education, rental and staging.

Integration is provided across a variety of 4K interfaces, including 12G-SDI, HDMI, Optical Fibre and IP which supports HDR mode. 此外,相机可以同时输出4K和全高清.

这艘新的国旗船模型是同类中第一个具有4K 50p和75个宽视角的模型.水平1度,20倍光学变焦和32倍智能变焦(高清模式下). 该相机允许从单个4K图像画布多达三个全高清作物, this offers greater flexibility and, alongside its compact size, makes it ideal for more challenging camera locations.

Other features include a 1-type MOS sensor, large size tally, various optical stabilizers and New Web UI support.

In addition to the release of the camera, 全新的AW-RP150遥控装置也在展会上展出,它提供了一个大液晶屏幕,用于监控和菜单设置. 该控制器提供了很大的可用性,除了传统的双手操作管理所有控制操作外,还可以单手操作一个操纵杆.

该控制器与UE150以及松下以前的相机型号兼容. RP150还为LCD面板增加了一个SDI输入,用于控制监控, and is capable of supporting up to 200 cameras in 20 groups.

“UE150确实是高端PTZ产品的参考型号. It is quite unique and cutting edge. 它的可用性是市场上最好的,它可以控制相机和裁剪功能, allowing users to manage several video feeds out of each camera,” said Sivashankar Kuppusamy, Marketing Manager EMEA for Panasonic. “当与新的摄像机控制单元相结合时,我们确信运营商将拥有一个远程摄像机解决方案,为他们提供可实现的最佳质量的远程摄像机系统,适用于各种市场,从企业安装到非常苛刻的真人秀电视使用.” 

AW-UE150和AW-RP150将于2018年12月发布,价格为11欧元,000 for AW-UE150 and €4,500 for AW-RP150.

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About Panasonic System Communications Company Europe (PSCEU)

我们的目标是让技术无形地协同工作,让企业自由地获得成功. We believe technology should just work. 如果企业能够简单地关注他们的客户,他们就会成功, 因为所有的技术都能协同工作. 这就是为什么我们致力于开发与客户工作方式相结合的产品和解决方案, 他们几乎是看不见的——是推动企业成功的幕后主力. 

PSCEU is made up of six product categories:

• Broadcast & ProAV 让您自由地用高质量的产品和解决方案讲述故事, 确保一系列远程摄像机的平稳运行和卓越的性价比, switchers, studio cameras and ENG P2HD. VariCam型号和EVA1的电影摄像机系列能够实现真正的4K和高动态范围(HDR),使它们成为电影的理想解决方案, television, documentary and live event production.

• Communication Solutions offers world leading telephony systems, SIP终端设备和专业的“网络”扫描器让您可以自由地专注于通信而不是连接. 

• Computer Product Solutions 通过其Toughbook系列坚固耐用的笔记本电脑,帮助移动办公人员提高工作效率, business tablets, handhelds and electronic point of sales (EPOS) systems. As European market leaders, 2017年,松下在坚固耐用的笔记本电脑和平板电脑的销售中占有57%的收入份额(VDC Research), March 2018).

• Industrial Medical Vision 生产应用于各种领域,如医疗,生命科学,ProAV或工业. The product portfolio includes complete and OEM camera systems, providing the freedom to see what can’t be seen. 

• Security Solutions, built on a heritage of providing evidential quality CCTV footage. 在所有环境条件下提供最高的图像质量,使用我们高度可靠的, advanced technology cameras and image recording systems, giving you the freedom to feel secure.

• Visual System Solutions 提供最广泛的专业显示器和投影仪,并允许视听专业人士自由创作. It leads the European high brightness projector market with a 39% market revenue share (Futuresource >5klm FY17 Q3, excl. 4K & digital cinema).

About Panasonic
松下公司是为消费电子产品客户开发各种电子技术和解决方案的全球领导者, housing, automotive, and B2B businesses. Celebrating its 100th anniversary in 2018, 公司已扩展到全球,目前在全球经营着591家子公司和88家联营公司, recording consolidated net sales of Euro 61.4 billion for the year ended March 31, 2018. 致力于通过跨部门的创新追求新的价值, 公司用科技为客户创造更美好的生活和世界. To learn more about Panasonic: