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New Wirecast web services enable convenient, affordable access to live captioning and distribution services

Telestream, 领先的数字媒体工具和工作流程解决方案提供商, today announced version 10 of Wirecast, Telestream屡获殊荣的Mac和Windows直播和制作软件. 新版本增加了对直播和直播字幕工作流的支持,引入了Wirecast live Captions和Wirecast Restream, two new web services hosted on Telestream Cloud.

随着这些面向Wirecast客户的新web服务的发布, Telestream旨在解决当今直播者面临的两个最常见的问题:为直播活动创建字幕以及对高效多平台分发的需求, even when upload bandwidth is limited. Wirecast Live字幕是提高聋人和重听观众访问直播流的完美工具, and provides affordable, CEA-608 formatted, RTMP-embedded closed captioning to Wirecast streams.

Live Captions使用先进的基于机器学习的语音转文本引擎来实时收听和转录来自您的流的音频. Once the speech is transcribed, Telestream屡获殊荣的字幕技术以正确的格式嵌入文本, compliant CEA-608 closed captions within the RTMP stream, 然后将其分发到任何目的地——所有这些都完全在云中. 这允许在Wirecast 10或更高版本中生成的任何流包含discreet, 封闭字幕,可以显示从任何封闭字幕兼容的网络播放器.

“Compliant, 格式化和嵌入式608直播字幕传统上对大多数直播制作和流媒体来说都是遥不可及或过于昂贵的,” said Tom Prehn, Product Manager, Telestream. “如此高的质量和合理的价格在业内尚属首次.”

Although machine-generated, Wirecast Live字幕服务具有很高的准确性. 当使用清晰易懂的源材料时,Live Captions的准确率超过90%. Wirecast的实时字幕服务目前有5种语言版本, including: English (US), English (UK), French, Portuguese (Brazilian), and Spanish.

The other web service, Wirecast Restream, 允许用户在不牺牲质量的情况下将他们的流同时播放到多个目的地和平台, bandwidth or computing resources. 使用Telestream基于云的媒体处理生态系统,单个上传流可以“重新流”到多个在线平台目的地平台. Previously, 流到多个目标平台需要一个强大的工作站来处理每个目标的多个同时编码需求. 将每个自定义流传播到目的地还需要一个重要的网络上传连接.

Restream服务允许用户流到多个目的地,而不会影响他们的带宽或处理百家乐软件-甚至他们的Wirecast工作流程,” said Scott Murray, VP Product Management at Telestream. “With Wirecast 10, 现在,使用笔记本电脑等重量轻得多的计算机和标准的互联网连接来完成更大的多平台流媒体活动是可能的.”

Along with the compute and bandwidth advantages it offers, Wirecast Restream is convenient and simple to implement. 它允许用户通过使用一个简单的复选框菜单重新流到多个目的地. When users add an output destination in Wirecast, 他们可以决定是否要Restream为他们提供feed. Wirecast自动将正确的登录凭据和RTMP发布点传播到Restream, without the user needing to leave the Wirecast interface.

“我们特意设计了Wirecast 10,这样用户就不必改变他们的工作流程来利用这些服务,” said Prehn. “Users simply sign up for a Telestream Cloud account, add their intended destinations in Wirecast, as they always have, and check the “Enable Restream & Captions” check box for that destination. That’s it.”

Additional feature highlights in Wirecast v10:

  • Facebook Live cross posting
  • Includes Titler Live 4 from NewBlueFX
  • 48Khz audio processing

Pricing: 无线广播网络服务是基于使用分钟的低成本月度订阅服务. Restream订阅起价仅为每月25美元,Live Caption订阅起价为每月60美元.

To start using Web Services, 用户应该下载最新版本的Wirecast(10或更高版本),并注册一个Telestream Cloud帐户. Find out more at

Wirecast 10 is available everywhere now.