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New 抗利尿 Tool Optimized for NVIDIA GPUs Replaces Need for Video Capture Cards

Newest member of the free 抗利尿 Tools download uses NVIDIA GPU power on the PC for pristine game streaming and other video applications

抗利尿®, part of the Vizrt集团 along with the NewTek and Vizrt brands, today announced the 抗利尿® 屏幕捕获HX应用程序的NVIDIA gpu. 抗利尿 Screen Capture HX works in collaboration with NVIDIA GPU–based PCs to capture screens and make them available as an 抗利尿 source on the 网work, eliminating the need for expensive video 捕捉卡 when sharing or streaming content from another computer.

抗利尿 Screen Capture HX针对NVIDIA gpu进行了优化, thereby removing all reliance on a PC’s CPU when capturing a screen. 它通过网络传送原始视频, at resolutions up to 4K and frame rates up to 120Hz without compromise.

“Our mission is to make IP video easy to use and fun for anyone to make a great show,” said Dr. 安德鲁·克罗斯,R&D代表Vizrt集团. “Offering full NVIDIA GPU-accelerated support for 抗利尿 allows gamers to use applications like OBS Studio, XSplit, TriCaster®, or any of the thousands of applications that support 抗利尿.”

“抗利尿正在帮助玩家, creatives and enterprises tell stories online using the ground–breaking capabilities of 抗利尿 Screen Capture HX,杰拉尔多·德尔加多说, NVIDIA高级产品经理. “使用NVIDIA gpu, 屏幕捕捉HX提供了一个实时, no–compromise solution for 网work–driven content creation.”

抗利尿 Screen Capture HX also allows users to run a PowerPoint presentation on one machine with embedded transitions, 动画, audio, or movies included and use it on another machine as part of a live presentation, 生产, 或者网络流. The tool will also allow users to remotely control one machine using another on the 网work with full frame–rate video, 即使在4K显示器上, 完全支持移动键盘, 鼠标, 接触表面, 剪贴板, 机器之间的音频和视频.

抗利尿 Screen Capture HX的功能包括:

  • Full resolution screen capture up to 4K and above, at frame-rates up to 120 Hz or higher
  • End-to-end hardware accelerated implementation of 抗利尿®|HX including screen capture, color conversion, and video compression
  • Using the high–quality dedicated encoding pipeline on NVIDIA hardware. 完全控制视频比特率, it is possible to have perfect image quality while using almost any 网work – including wireless!
  • 令人难以置信的低延迟屏幕捕获
  • Support for capturing audio from any sound device – input or output – fully synchronized with the video signal
  • 完整远程KVM解决方案, 允许远程控制键盘, 鼠标, 剪贴板,甚至从远程机器触摸
  • Full control over the video bandwidth, resolution, and frame–rate being used

抗利尿 Screen Capture HX is provided as part of the free 抗利尿 Tools and is available as an installable option when the latest version of 抗利尿 Tools is installed on a machine utilizing an NVIDIA GPU.
抗利尿工具可在此下载: http://www.NDI.tv/tools/#download-tools
欲了解更多信息,请访问 http://www.抗利尿.tv


抗利尿是一个品牌 Vizrt集团. 抗利尿 software is in the hands of millions of customers worldwide and allows multiple video systems to identify and communicate with one another over IP. 抗利尿可以编码, 发送和接收高质量的许多流, 低延时, 帧精确的视频和音频实时. 这有利于任何网络连接的视频设备, 包括相机, 转换器, 视频混合器, 图形系统, 捕捉卡, 以及许多其他生产设备. # sdv #抗利尿central #抗利尿.tv


作为IP视频技术的领导者, NewTek is transforming the way people create 网work-style television content and share it with the world. 来自体育赛事, 网络脱口秀, 生活娱乐, 教室, 以及企业沟通, to virtually any place people want to capture and publish live video, we give our customers the power to grow their audiences, 品牌和商业比以往任何时候都快.

The NewTek brand joins those of Vizrt and 抗利尿 under the umbrella brand of Vizrt集团. The NewTek brand is 100% committed to its Channel Partners as its route to market.

Clients include: The Supreme Court of the United Kingdom, 纽约巨人队, NBA发展联盟, 福克斯新闻, 英国广播公司, NHL, Nickelodeon, 哥伦比亚广播公司, ESPN电台, 福克斯体育, MTV, 笨蛋.电视,今日美国,美国.S. 国土安全部(DHS), the National Aeronautics and Space Administration (NASA), Celebro媒体, 卡迪夫城市大学, 普华永道会计师事务所, 布拉格查尔斯大学, 品诚梅森律师事务所, 超过80%的美国人.S. 财富100强.

如欲了解更多有关新科技的资料,请浏览: www.newtek.com推特YouTubeFlickr 或者和我们联系 脸谱网.


Vizrt is a worldwide market leader in the areas of real-time 3D graphics, 工作室自动化, sports analysis and asset management tools for the media and entertainment industry. 这包括交互式和虚拟解决方案, 动画, 地图, 天气, 社交媒体, 视频编辑, 合成, 以及多平台视频点播和直播工具. Vizrt has customers in more than 100 countries worldwide including CNN, 哥伦比亚广播公司, 狐狸, 英国广播公司, 英国天空广播公司, 天空体育, 哥伦比亚广播公司体育, 福克斯体育, 半岛电视台, NDR, 英国独立电视台, 二台, 副, 华盛顿邮报, TF1, 中央电视台, NHK和这个名单还在不断增加. Vizrt has nearly 600 employees and operates in 40 offices worldwide.

Vizrt is a privately-owned company by Nordic Capital Fund VIII. 如需进一步资料,请参阅 www.vizrt.com.