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New 对于一个 Switcher Helps The Journey Upgrade Online, In-Person Experiences for Weekend Services

The Journey, 一个位于纽瓦克的非宗派教堂, Del., has installed a new 对于一个 HVS-490 video switcher as part of an effort to upgrade its online services as well as the I-MAG (image magnification) experience for its in-person services.

对于一个 Corporation of America today announced The Journey, 一个位于纽瓦克的非宗派教堂, Del., has installed a new HVS-490 video switcher as part of an effort to upgrade its online services as well as the I-MAG (image magnification) experience for its in-person services.

而“旅程”是一栋1080i的房子, the plan is to convert to 4K production within the next five years, as well as build a studio to expand its online offerings. Purchased through 大道系统 in Milwaukee and installed in February, the new HVS-490 replaced an older 对于一个 switcher to create an upgrade path to 4K.

“对于一个 has been a great product for us,” said Will Alger, production director for The Journey. “The new switcher lets us add modules as we need them, 因为它是另一个对于一个, the training for our volunteers has been very smooth.” 

用2个M/ e, the HVS-490 allows The Journey to produce separate programming for their online and in-person services simultaneously. Alger said it can be uncomfortable when members see themselves worshipping on the big screens in the room. 结果是, the in-person services focus more on shots of the pastor or musicians, while the online service includes more crowd shots to help them feel part of the in-person experience.

服务期间使用6个输出. One output feeds the I-MAG screens on either side of the stage, while a second feeds the streaming video feed (which is also recorded). 输出也专门用于信心监视器, 给整个校园的电视提供信号, 用于视频教学的投影仪, 以及用于ISO相机的第二记录器, 所以志愿者摄影师可以回顾他们的工作.

主校区每周末举办四场礼拜, 星期六晚上一次,星期天早上三次, 在复活节和圣诞节期间提供额外服务. Alger said video production is part of every service, and most services are streamed live. The Journey also holds one Sunday service each week at a high school auditorium in Hockessin, Del. While music and other elements of the service are in person, the worship message from the pastor is streamed live from the Newark campus.

To create a more cinematic look for its live streaming, The Journey also invested in new Panasonic cameras with Canon lenses last summer. “We want to create an intimate experience for people who can’t be in our room,” Alger explained. “We really want them to feel part of the service, even if they’re not physically there.”

“The vast majority of our clients are houses of worship, 其中很多都是志愿者组织,特里·罗兹说, 客户和供应商关系主管, 大道系统. “对于一个提供可靠, cost-effective solutions that are simple enough to use for the novice or volunteers, while also providing the flexibility that professionals demand. 简而言之,它们给我们带来了内心的平静.”

当配备可选的I/O扩展卡时, HVS-490支持40路输入18路输出, 36路输入/20路输出, 或者32路输入/22路输出, 包括双通道HDMI输出. Integrated 某个浏览器框架 and multi viewers reduce the amount of equipment required for live production. Event memory and macro functions make it easy to setup the switcher quickly for live performances, while support for multiple control panels enables several operators to work on separate tasks. MELite™ technology extends the switcher’s 2 M/Es to 6 M/E performance, and eliminates the need for multiple switchers in a multi-monitor staging scenario. +, 对于一个’s FLEXaKEY™ technology transforms a traditional AUX bus into a functional 混合 effects with cuts, 混合, 湿巾, 键, 以及包含完整预览的DVE.

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