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New Drag & Drop系列2特效包滴从数字果汁

全新的Drag & Drop series consists of 8 unique volumes of clip-based video effects that you can combine with your video footage for dramatic effect.

Digital Juice® announced today that it is releasing its much anticipated follow-up collection of clip-based video effects called Drag & Drop Series 2. 全新的Drag & Drop series consists of 8 unique volumes of clip-based video effects that you can combine with your video footage for dramatic effect. All effects are delivered as 1920x1080 Full HD Quicktime clips that will work with all editing and motion design software including Avid, Adobe Premiere Pro, Sony Vegas Pro, Final Cut Pro, After Effects, Apple Motion, Edius and more.

“我们在这条产品线上取得了成功!Digital Juice首席执行官大卫•赫贝尔说道. “The response from the initial product launch told us that we were creating and designing the right products. We knew that video editors and 动画 artists needed something to give their projects a creative ‘boost’ and Drag & 答案是放弃. These clip-based visual effects take all the drudgery out of the editing process while letting you, 作为设计师, focus on what really matters -- getting a great look that complements your footage.”

这本书的每一卷都是新的 Drag & Drop Series 2 具有至少40 QuickTime剪辑, giving you the variety you need to find the perfect enhancement for your footage. 没有什么新东西要学,因为 & Drop leverages the power you already have with your editing software. “Simply by dragging any of these designs on top of your footage with the appropriate blend mode, 你可以把你的镜头从无聊变成令人兴奋, 瞬间提高产品的生产价值, 让你在几秒钟内看起来像个编辑天才,” says Hebel.

“With Drag & Drop, 你不仅会得到即时的满足, but the looks you can achieve are so amazing that your clients and viewers will marvel at the results,” says Hebel. “You could easily create an awe-inspiring open for a big network show in minutes, 而不是几天或几周. 另外,通过拖动组合文本或徽标 & Drop background alone can give you a quick and easy titling solution that won't overwhelm your content.”

Drag & Drop Series:

The Drag & 下降速度线 体积包括超过 90 uniquely useful high-end clips containing a variety of streaking light effects that add a subtle touch of speed and hipster style to a dull or uninspired production while providing just the right amount of fast motion to transition the action from one scene to the next in the blink of an eye. 

The Drag & 轻触玻璃 体积包括超过 40 独特有用的高端光泽边缘背景, each designed to add a shining accent to your production via the enticing interplay of smooth reflecting surfaces, 捕捉光线的几何线条和阴影色彩空间. 反射光的闪亮边缘在视觉上非常吸引人, drawing all eyes along shifting glossy lines as the lights move subtly across a shiny object. This touch of what the eye perceives as glass lends an element of magical sparkle and shining luxury to what would normally be a mundane scene.

The Drag & 落差边缘 体积包括超过 50 独特有用的高端粗切背景, each designed to add a border of active dirt and texture to your footage, 赋予它未知的兴奋. A smooth and clean frame has its place, but pristine can't always be queen. A rough and ready ragged border can add just the right amount of cutting edge style to your production. 

The Drag & 掉落颜色泄漏 体积包括超过 100 独特有用的高端色彩泄漏背景, 旨在通过微妙的彩色光线来激活您的镜头. The gentle bath of luminous color provided by the color leak elements in each Drag & 下降剪辑增加了活跃的颜色的新鲜飞溅到每一个生产, 在构思和强调你的主题时, 给它应得的轻盈. 

The Drag & Drop Hot Spots 体积包括超过 40 独特有用的强光颜色背景, designed to shine a spotlight on your footage with a rayburst of colored light. 每个拖拽中提供的发光颜色的激光束 & Drop clip adds a focused splash of active color and light to every production, 同时构建和强调你的主题, 给予它应有的重视.

The Drag & 滴布流 体积包括超过 40 独特有用的高端流动织物背景, designed to pillow your footage in a sumptuous wave of colored cloth. The gentle ripples of luminous sheen provided by the fabric folds in each Drag & 滴夹添加一个微妙的流动的活跃的颜色,每一个生产, while wrapping your subject matter in the love and attention it deserves.

The Drag & 放下虚无缥缈的想法 体积包括超过 40 独特有用的高端空灵背景, each designed to add mystery and suspense to your project with an enticing interplay of gently wavering light and shadowed spaces. 微妙的运动和随机的灯光效果提供了每个拖动 & 下降剪辑添加一个蜿蜒的神秘到您的生产, 在构思和强调你的主题时, 让它脱颖而出,赋予它应有的重要性.

The Drag & Drop Glitz & Glamour 体积包括超过 50 独特有用的高端闪光背景, each designed to add a glamorous accent to your production via the enticing interplay of strings and grids of sparkling lights in shadowed color spaces. The shimmering motion and sparkling light effects provided in each Drag & Drop clip添加奢华的暗示,以您的生产, 在构思和强调你的主题时, 让它脱颖而出,赋予它应有的重要性.


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  • Juicer 3.90(免费下载)

Browse, Search & Select
Digital Juice®提供了一个免费的Windows®和Mac®实用程序, Juicer™ 3, 这使得它很容易浏览, search, 并从任何拖动中选择 & Drop系列的基于剪辑的效果.

Pricing & Availability
The new Drag & Drop系列的基于剪辑的效果 can be ordered through Digital Juice’s online store individually or as an entire collection via instant download athttp://www.digitaljuice.com. Individual volumes retail for $79 each or you can purchase the entire collection for $249, 每卷成本的60%折扣. 在网站上查看特价商品的详细信息. 该公司的免费榨汁机™3软件可以在http://www.digitaljuice.com/juicer/

关于Digital Juice®
Digital Juice® is the world-leader in royalty-free broadcast animation content for video, 运动图形和多媒体专业人士. Digital Juice®产品几乎在每个主要工作室中使用, broadcast, 以及包括NBC在内的有线电视台, CBS, ABC, CNN, HBO, CNBC, Fox News, and countless high profile television shows such as American Idol and the Grammy Awards. 该公司提供免版税的动画, music, stock footage, 有机薄膜效应, 图形字体, 分层ps图象处理软件插图, After Effects®项目文件, 插件和制作齿轮来各种各样的视频, 动画, 印刷和网络爱好者. The company is known for its extremely high quality and innovative content as well as for its aggressive and affordable pricing.