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摩卡虚拟现实 is also the first plug-in to bring native 360-optimized planar tracking, 屏蔽, 对象删除, and horizon stabilization tools to host applications Premiere Pro, 后的效果, 媒体的作曲家, 核, 和融合

Mocha® VR is a groundbreaking new software tool bringing high-end visual effects and post-production workflows to 360°/VR filmmaking. Based on Imagineer’s Academy Award-winning planar tracking algorithm, 摩卡虚拟现实 is also the first plug-in to bring native 360° optimized planar tracking, 屏蔽, 对象删除, and horizon stabilization tools to host applications Adobe® Premiere Pro® CC, Adobe®后的效果®CC, 狂热的 媒体的作曲家®, 铸造厂的核™, 和Blackmagic Design Fusion.

摩卡虚拟现实 marks the first foray into the quickly expanding 360° filmmaking community by 母公司Boris FX the leading developers of creative VFX plug-ins including flagship products Boris Continuum, 摩卡职业, 最近收购了蓝宝石.

“Emerging 360°/VR content creators want to produce Hollywood style visuals and use high-end finishing techniques to make their 360° videos more impactful,罗斯·肖恩说, 首席营销官. “然而, the equirectangular format brings technical challenges to the artists tasked with delivering high quality deliverables. 摩卡虚拟现实 引入高效的, 为编辑节省时间的针后工作流程, 排字工人, 和整理艺术家. 我们很高兴 摩卡的 famous planar tracking can now be used to fix many problems associated with 360° post, 比如移除摄像头,稳定航拍画面.” 

"狂热的 is committed to working with third-parties to offer the most comprehensive tools and workflow solutions to create, 分发, 将媒体货币化,凯特·凯彻姆说, 产品经理, 狂热的. “Boris FX has extensive experience creating high-quality plug-ins for 狂热的 媒体的作曲家. 新 摩卡虚拟现实 AVX plug-in is notable for being the first third-party 360° video tool designed to support the 狂热的 editing workflow.”

早期 摩卡虚拟现实 beta testers have reaped the benefits of the powerful new 360°/VR workflow. “之前 摩卡虚拟现实, we were using Mocha AE to 拿出来scope for rig removal in 360° video projects. 与 摩卡虚拟现实在美国,做这项工作容易多了!丹尼尔·罗哈斯·罗阿说, 3GO 视频的时间. “节约时间 is a priority, so we are most excited about the horizon stabilization and 对象删除 tools.” 

摩卡虚拟现实 was crucial in executing the tracking and 对象删除 on our 360°/VR° action series ‘Augmented’,布莱尔·凯利说。, IGN.IGN的脚本VR系列“Augmented”剧照.



  • 360°平面跟踪: Imagineer’s award-winning planar tracking solution now supports equirectangular footage delivering the world's most robust 360° tracking solution for post-production.
  • 360°工作区: Optimized workspace and toolset works simultaneously in rectilinear and lat/long views bringing 360° capability to a variety of applications. 编辑和美工可以很容易地追踪, 拿出来, 创建的影响, and insert 图形 without worrying about equirectangular seams or distorted pixels.
  • 360°遮罩工具: Unlimited X-Spline tools for articulate shape creation and 屏蔽, 与传统的关键帧技术相比节省了数小时的时间. Roto-masks can be rendered back to host or exported to most editing and compositing systems.
  • 360°物体移除: 摩卡的 famous Remove Module now works on 360° video by analyzing temporal frames and removing unwanted camera rigs, 阴影, 船员, 更多的是为了节省大量时间.
  • 地平线稳定 & 重新定位: 旨在减少不稳定的运动, the new Reorient Module can drastical y improve nausea-inducing VR experiences by smoothing or stabilizing shaky, 手持, 无人机捕捉到的画面. 由稳健的平面跟踪驱动, a user can even track and stabilize difficult and out of focus footage.
  • 镜头扭曲工作流程360°合成: 插件 based lens correction workflow converts between lat/long and rectilinear for a simple workflow to add titles, 图形, 补丁, 和非360启用过滤器到您的360项目.
  • 插件 & 独立的工作流: Running as a plug-in inside industry standard editing and effects applications Adobe Premiere Pro CC, 后的效果 CC, 狂热的 媒体的作曲家, and 核 provides an immediate and accessible workflow for 360°/VR post tasks. Render finished shots to your timeline OR export tracking and 拿出来 data in a variety of formats for flexibility and project sharing.

定价 & 可用性
插件的Adobe, 狂热的或OFX主机

  • 新- $995美元
  • 从摩卡Pro 5升级- 300美元


  • 新- $1495美元
  • 从摩卡Pro 5升级- 300美元

年度订阅(包括多主机插件) & 独立的)

  • 795美元

Floating licenses for enterprise customers are available with a minimum requirement of 5 seats. 欲了解更多企业销售信息,请联系 sales@borisfx.com.

支持: Windows、macOS和Linux. 插件 support for Adobe 后的效果 and Premiere Pro CC 2017, 狂热的 媒体的作曲家, OFX主办:The Foundry的核和Blackmagic Design Fusion.

欲了解更多信息,请访问 www.borisfx.com.

Academy Award-winning planar motion tracking and 屏蔽 plug-in support includes the newly released VEGAS Pro 15