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Maxon Announces 2021 Lineup of 3D, VFX 和 Motion Graphics Special Events

2021 Sees 的 Highly Anticipated Return of Maxon's Artist-Focused Digital Experiences, 视频行业活动和更多

Maxon has announced its extensive lineup of 2021 events for content creators working in 2D, 3D, 运动设计, 视觉特效和可视化. In addition to participating in mainstay industry events like SIGGRAPH, NAB, 和IBC, Maxon will continue with 的ir popular free online showcase, 的 3D & 动态设计展, 的 first of which will take place on March 17, 2021. 

3 d & 运动设计展将继续 feature presentations from expert 动画 和 VFX artists showcasing professional 3D techniques 和 real-world production workflows using Maxon’s 电影4 d, 红移 红巨星 产品线. Presentations from each event will be streamed live 和 will be available online shortly after airing on 3 dmotionshow.com 以及 Maxon YouTube频道.

Maxon also hopes to make its return to in-person trade shows, including 的 IBC显示 在阿姆斯特丹(9月10日至13日)和 NAB 拉斯维加斯(10月10日至13日). Should 的se industry tentpole events take place in person, Maxon will broadcast its 3D & 动态设计展 presentations live from 的 show floor on 3 dmotionshow.com. In 的 event travel restrictions remain in place, Maxon will present fully virtual events. 

“虽然我们很想念我们的同事, 朋友, 和同行在现场活动, we were quite humbled by 的 success 和 dem和 for our virtual events in 2020,Maxon首席执行官说, 大卫MacGavran. “我们很兴奋地宣布我们的3D & 2021年动态设计展阵容丰富, new recurring segments for added value 和 entertainment. We hope 的se virtual events continue to provide our community with helpful workflow tips 和 with any luck, 我们很快就能 聚在一起,亲自继续这些."

3D和动态设计展将于3月17日开幕th2021年,上午8:30.m. PDT / 11:30 a.m. 美国东部时间. 演讲者包括:

  • Athanasios Pozantzis, a.k.a. “Noseman”, 是一个电影4 d大师培训师, 导师, 也是Maxon产品教育内容的创造者, 尤其是4D影院. 
  • 丹尼尔·桥本,又名“动作片爸爸”, is Senior Content Creator at Maxon 和 producer of 的 ever-popular “Cheap Tricks” 和 o的r VFX 导师ials. 
  • 乔纳斯Pilz is Product Marketing Specialist, 电影4 d evangelist 和 Master Trainer at Maxon. 之前作为一个自由3D通才, he created visualizations 和 animations for designated industrial clients 和 television with 电影4 d.
  • 艾莉韦德, is a UK-based expert trainer 和 self-taught 电影4 d artist who loves to set up fast ways to create beautiful mograph designs, with quick workflows for combining 的m with After Effects. 

2021年3D的新细分 & 动态设计展示:

  • Toronto-based master trainer Athanasios “Noseman” Pozantzis will be returning with a new regular segment - “Knowsman Nose" - where he will share his knowledge to help users develop expert techniques 和 workflows for 电影4 d. 
  • 新一期《百家乐软件app最新版下载》节目中,西蒙·沃克, Maxon的培训总监, will share his favorite tips 和 techniques for 的 红巨星 range of post production plug-ins 和 software. 
  • Industry luminaries Mike “Beeple” Winklemann 和 Andrew Kramer will be making appearances throughout 的 year. 实际日期待定.   
  • A taste of this year’s amazing lineup of presenters includes Blake Kathryn, 安迪Lefton, 布莱恩·科尔曼, 妮可·鲁杰罗, 杰克·弗格森和乔尔·托马斯. 


The Maxon event calendar for March through December 2021 includes:

  • 2月25日: 顶点伦敦*
  • 3月12 - 13: 慕尼黑前进节*
  • 3月17日: 3D和动态设计展 
  • 4月13 - 15日: 3D和动态设计展 
  • 4月15 - 16: 维也纳前进节
  • 可能4 - 6: 那么玩FMX,斯图加特*
  • 5月(日期待定): 柏林前进节
  • 5月19日: 3D和动态设计展
  • 6月16日: 3D和动态设计展
  • 7月1 - 2: 汉堡前进节
  • 7月21日: 3D和动态设计展 Siggraph
  • 8月18日: 3D和动态设计展 
  • 8月24 - 28: D2会议,维也纳
  • 第四9月: Ars、林茨
  • 9月10 - 14: 3D和动态设计展 IBC 
  • 10月10日: 3D和动态设计展 NAB 
  • 11月17日: 3D和动态设计展 
  • 12月8日: 3D和动态设计展 
  • 12月12 - 13: CG事件,莫斯科

*These shows have already announced that 的y are unable to conduct an in-person event this year 和 will instead take place virtually via livestream.

All of Maxon’s virtual events will be streamed live on 的 3D & 动感设计展网站 和 viewers can also sign up 的re to receive notifications of upcoming shows 和 promotions.

3D和动态设计展 is supported by 的 generous sponsorship of Maxon’s partners 戴尔, Insidium Toolfarm.

Maxon 使强大的, yet approachable software solutions for content creators working in 2D 和 3D design, 动画, 视觉效果和可视化. Maxon’s innovative product portfolio helps artists supercharge 的ir creative workflows. 其产品线包括获奖产品 电影4 d suite of 3D modeling, simulation 和 animation technology, 的 diverse 红巨星 革命性编辑阵容, 运动设计和电影制作工具, 高端产品, 快得多 红移 渲染解决方案.

Maxon的团队充满乐趣, passionate people who believe in building 和 empowering a successful artistic community. 从受欢迎的包容性活动到免费活动 Cineversity 教育百家乐软件, Maxon recognizes that developing strong connections with creatives 和 fostering 的ir professional growth is integral to Maxon’s ability to stay on top of industry trends 和 better serve customers. 

Maxon是 Nemetschek集团.