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Matrox Video Will Showcase Its AVoIP Expertise at ISE 2024

技术创新者Matrox®Video今天宣布了其2024年欧洲集成系统(ISE)的活动, Jan. 30-Feb. 2 in Barcelona.

hnology innovator Matrox® Video today announced its activities for Integrated Systems Europe (ISE) 2024, Jan. 30-Feb. 2 in Barcelona. Matrox Video已经巩固了其作为AV-over-IP分发技术领导者的地位, manufacturing essential products to drive modern AVoIP applications. In Booth 5D500, Matrox Video将展示其为网络设计的完整产品组合中的一个选择, IP-based control rooms and live production environments.

Control Room Collaboration Over IP
In the Control Room Collaboration pod, attendees will see how Matrox Video’s encoders and decoders, IP KVM extension and switching solutions, 和视频墙控制器可以通过IP实现顺畅无缝的协作,提高操作员的效率和决策能力. To demonstrate, 该吊舱将配备视频墙和操作员工作空间,由以下Matrox视频产品驱动:

  • Matrox Extio™ 3 IP KVM extenders and KMLync USB键盘/鼠标开关通过实现跨多显示器工作空间的系统远程监控和控制,提高了操作员的效率,最多可提供4个4K或16个全高清显示器. In this way, 操作员可以可视化更多数据,并通过一个键盘和鼠标无缝控制多个具有4K/四高清视频端口的系统, fast switching, and built-in multiview capability. A secure and scalable IP KVM matrix system, Extio 3 operates at very low bit rate over Gigabit Ethernet LAN, WAN, and the internet.
  • Matrox Maevex encoders/decoders for H.264/H.265 streaming and recording – Maevex 6100 Series and Maevex 7100 Series offer high-quality, high-density, 超低延迟直播和录制,捕捉和共享所有AV源和各种协作应用程序的数据点. 用户可以配对Maevex 6100系列编码器和解码器,以实现来自多个源的全帧同步. maevex捕获的流可以显示在Matrox LUMA pro支持的视频墙上.
  • Matrox LUMA Pro graphics cards 利用英特尔®Arc™gpu创建多功能基带和基于ip的视频墙系统,具有强大的H.264/H.265 decoding. LUMA Pro supports up to two 8Kp60, two 5Kp120, or four 5Kp60 DisplayPort 2.1 monitors, 用户可以组合卡,形成多达16个同步5Kp60显示器的高密度输出视频墙. 帧锁定多达四个LUMA Pro卡便于轻松添加和同步显示. 采用先进的基于gpu的媒体编解码器引擎,并由Matrox Mura软件库支持, 这些卡使解码和显示超过40全高清流每卡. 此外,还将展出一款新的四HDMI®捕获PCI Express®卡,专为需要高达4Kp60的高密度HDMI流的视频墙用例而设计.

Video Production, Routing, and Distribution
本课程将重点介绍专业AV的现场制作以及SMPTE ST 2110在现场活动场所的使用, 例如剧院或公司和政府环境,组织在这些环境中进行现场活动, producing and mixing live content for distribution locally and beyond. 该演示将演示使用Matrox ConvertIP转换器和超低延迟编码器/解码器在组织的局域网内本地分发松下Kairos现场制作内容是多么容易和具有成本效益. 这些紧凑型设备支持SMPTE ST 2110和IPMX,并保持它们所分发的现场活动内容的质量和实时性, 同时也简化了网络需求,并在组织的标准网络基础设施内工作.

The ConvertIP 演示还将展示新的菊花链功能,该功能可以降低安装成本,提高网络效率和弹性. In environments like stadiums and arenas, airports and transportation hubs, and in various digital signage applications, ConvertIP菊花链使得在整个物理环境中高效且经济地分发多个内容流成为可能. Facilities get more out of any active network port, use less network equipment, and reduce installation of network wiring runs. All of this equals lower cost and more efficient and effective installations.

Streaming and Recording
Pro AV users interested in streaming and recording H.264/H.具有超低延迟的265内容将看到Matrox Maevex编码器和解码器的作用. Matrox Maevex 6100 Series encoders/decoders and the new Maevex 7100 Series encoders enable multichannel, ultra-low latency, low bitrate, high-quality, 在以协作为中心的环境中,同步流媒体和记录以及零延迟的AV内容实时输出传递. With these capabilities, 运营商可以将关键内容分发到任何位置,以方便通知, accurate, real-time decision-making.

Besides the pod demonstrations, Matrox Video将在几个合作伙伴展位展示Matrox ConvertIP系列, including AIMS, AMD, Panasonic, and NETGEAR. On Feb. 1, Matrox Video will host a cocktail party in its booth (5D500). 参加者可以在下午4点到6点之间顺便喝点饮料和开胃小菜.m. 并在整个展会期间访问matrix Video展位,以获得其他令人兴奋的机会.

More information about Matrox Video and its products is available at

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About Matrox Video
Matrox Video is a global leader in video technology. Featuring a complete portfolio of best-in-class hardware, software, APIs, and SDKs, Matrox Video enables OEMs, system integrators, value-added channel partners, and end users to push the boundaries of video innovation. Serving the AV/IT, broadcast, and emerging markets for over 45 years, Matrox Video is synonymous with quality, performance, interoperability, and support. Matrox Video’s legal entity is Matrox Graphics Inc., part of the Matrox Group.

Matrox和Matrox Video产品名称是Matrox Graphics Inc .的注册商标和/或商标. in Canada and/or other countries. 所有其他公司和产品名称均为其各自所有者的注册商标和/或商标.