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Long-Form Online Video Leads on Every Screen, Says Ooyala

For the first time, 长篇内容代表了在每个屏幕上观看视频的大部分时间, according to Ooyala's Q1 2017 Global Video Index

Ooyala, 一个领先的软件和服务提供商,简化生产的复杂性, streaming and monetizing video, today released its Q1 2017 Global Video Index, revealing, for the first time, 长篇内容代表了在每个屏幕上观看视频的大部分时间. 本季度的报告还追踪了美国东海岸和西海岸视频消费的差异, the continued growth of mobile, as well as emerging trends in online video advertising. 

Long-Form Leads On Every Screen

而短视频有最大的机会被完整地观看, for the first time, 长篇内容——长度超过20分钟——现在占据了人们在各种屏幕尺寸上观看视频的大部分时间, at 63 percent.

这在很大程度上是由于服务提供给所有设备的优质内容越来越多. As longer content becomes more prevalent, short-form is losing its dominance, particularly as larger mobile screens are now more common.


?     98%的人在联网电视上观看视频,高于前一年的83%;

?     81% on tablets, also up notably from 51% the year before;

?     65% on computers, nearly doubling from a year before (35%);

?     55% on smartphones, a 26% increase from Q1 2016.

Global Video Consumption: Mobile Paves the Way

Mobile viewing continues to be a major driver of OTT growth, 2017年第一季度视频播放量达到了近57%的新高,其中智能手机占47%,平板电脑占10%. Although mobile plays were dominant in every region, Ooyala found an 11 percent variance in consumption between North American viewers and more active viewers in the Asia-Pacific (APAC) region; while Europe, the Middle East, 非洲(EMEA)和拉丁美洲(LATAM)的移动消费同比增长超过10%.

Regionally, the study finds:

?     在欧洲、中东和非洲地区,手机视频播放占所有视频播放的54%,高于之前的42%;

?     In North America, 手机视频播放量占所有视频播放量的一半多一点, up from 48% a year ago;

?     在亚太地区,61%的视频播放是在手机上进行的,高于一年前的46%;

?     In LATAM, mobile plays topped 56%—up from 46% a year earlier, with tablets representing 5%, the least of any region.

“Adoption of mobile devices isn’t slowing down, 消费者在智能手机和平板电脑上观看长篇内容和观看短片一样舒服,Ooyala首席分析师和战略媒体顾问说, Jim O’Neill.  “仅仅将内容传送到移动设备上已经不够了. Ensuring the highest quality video, in addition to easy discovery and navigation, 已经成为任何引人入胜的观看体验的必需品了吗. 视频提供商应该准备好让他们的所有内容都可以用于移动消费, and business strategies must embrace all screen sizes.”

The East vs West Divide: Time of Day & Device Use In the US

Ooyala发现,在一周的时间里,美国东海岸和西海岸的视频消费时间和方式存在差异. In general, 西海岸的观众倾向于更早地开始在所有设备上观看东海岸的早间新闻和股票市场更新, regardless of the device. The report shows:

?       Personal computers: Ramp up in the morning as early as 5 a.m. local time on both coasts, peaking mid-day on the weekdays, but trailing off quickly as the work day ends. 个人电脑是唯一在工作日比周末早晨消耗更多的设备.

?       Smartphones: Both coasts see peak activity between 9-10 a.m. and again around 9 p.m. 由于个人原因,高峰时间之间的差异很小, go-to nature of smartphones everyday of the week.

?     Tablets: See the greatest consumption on weekend mornings. Around 6 p.m., for both coasts, consumption trails off on the weekends, but rises to the highest consumption on weekday nights, and more so on the East versus the West.

More Q1 2017 Global Video Index Highlights:

?     亚太地区的移动视频消费增长幅度最大,自去年以来增长了15%;

?     广播公司增加了对平板电脑投放中档广告的依赖, delivering 54% of total mid-roll ads on those devices. Mobile devices represent nearly 66%, unseating PCs (26.5%),与2016年第四季度pc占据最大份额(39%)相比大幅下降.

About Ooyala:

Ooyala是一家领先的软件和服务提供商,它简化了生产的复杂性, streaming and monetizing video. Providing a set of Integrated Video Platform solutions, Ooyala的全套产品包括世界上最大的优质视频平台之一, 领先的广告决策平台和媒体物流解决方案,可改善视频制作工作流程. 内置优越的分析能力,先进的商业智能, Ooyala's solutions help broadcasters, operators, media and production companies get content to market faster, 在每个屏幕上构建更具吸引力和个性化的体验, and maximize return for any video business.

Vudu, Star India, Sky Sports (U.K.), ITV Studios (U.K.), RTL Group (Germany), TV4 (Sweden), Mediaset (Spain), America Television (Peru), 和Media Prima(马来西亚):这些只是选择Ooyala的数百家广播公司和媒体公司中的几家.

Headquartered in Silicon Valley, Ooyala是全球电信和IT服务公司Telstra的子公司,在金奈设有办事处, Cologne, Dallas, Guadalajara, London, Madrid, New York, Paris, Singapore, Stockholm, Sydney, Tokyo, 并在全球许多其他国家开展销售业务. For more information, visit