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Live X Embraces Vinten Vantage and µVRC Controller


Vinten®, Vitec集团品牌,是手动和机器人相机支持系统的全球领导者, today announced that Live X, a full-service video production company based in New York City, 采用了与μVRC(微vrc)控制器配对的Vantage机器人摄像头. Working together, Vantage和μVRC提供了一个完整的平移倾斜变焦(PTZ)解决方案,与Live X的技术和创意愿景保持一致.

In a compact and lightweight form factor, Vinten Vantage在与传统PTZ摄像机头相同的价格点上实现广播质量的视频和卓越的运动控制. 通过支持广泛的传统工作室POV以及来自各种制造商的电影和专业视频摄像机, including Canon and Sony, Vantage让Live X可以自由选择最能满足每个项目要求的相机和镜头.

"The latest and most innovative technologies are critical to our work, and that goes right down to our camera support gear. Of course, Vinten is a brand that needs no introduction in that area, and we have no fewer than 10 Vinten tripods in our operation," said Corey Behnke, lead producer and co-founder, Live X. Vantage/µVRC系统将世界一流的Vinten工程技术集成在紧凑且经济实惠的机器人解决方案中,使我们能够更自由地推动直播的创意边界."

Live X以其交付平台无关的经验而闻名, high-profile live streams such as the Democratic National Convention, 2009年,本克在时代广场发起了新年前夜的网络直播,他已经连续做了17年. Among the company's current clients are Vox Media and Daily Burn 365, for which a six-person team produces two concurrent web-based, live fitness shows every morning.

Live X使用Vantage/μVRC定期与一系列相机-包括索尼PMW-300s和索尼FS5s, Blackmagic Micro Studio cameras, 以及Ursa Mini Pros——支持该公司用于4K流媒体的12G-SDI架构. For niche projects, such as a recent shoot for a fashion brand, Live X团队还将Vantage与佳能C300电影摄像机或单反相机等专业相机一起使用. With the Vantage head providing a common PTZ platform, Live X can convert any of these cameras instantly into a robotic setup, removing the staff learning curve each time a different camera is used.

“相机互换功能是我们最喜欢Vantage的一点. 这意味着我们可以满足客户对相机的选择和对图像质量的相关要求," Behnke added. 在μVRC的控制下,Vantage提供了异常平滑的相机运动. 我们已经从用PTZs做运动到添加创造性的运动,比如使用Vantage同时平移和缩放. µVRC的触摸屏提供了丰富的功能,如相机选择, pre-set shots, essential shading, color matching, playback, and integration with third-party video switchers."

Neil Gardner, global product manager, Vinten Automation, commented, “为全球品牌领导者提供难忘而迷人的直播和流媒体活动, Live X has refined the craft of live streaming. The Live X deployment of our Vantage/μVRC combo is a showcase for its extreme versatility; for instance, 他们在三脚架上安装了三个vantage,可以在工作室里以许多不同的配置移动. 我们很高兴Live X现在计划扩大其Vantage库存,用于远程制作."

More information on Vinten and its products is available at

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A Snapshot of Vinten
Vitec集团旗下品牌Vinten®是手动和机器人相机支持系统的领先供应商. 客户依靠Vinten卓越的工程技术和全球支持的解决方案来获得广泛的技术和市场. Founded over 100 years ago by William Vinten, Vinten品牌仍然基于其创始人的指导原则,高度创新的设计和极高的制造精度. 提供一流的产品范围,包括手动支持, robotic heads, pedestals, and controllers, Vinten is the premium solution for studio and outside broadcast. With over 80 registered patents, Vinten通过使相机操作变得轻松,从而解放了摄影师的创造力. For more information on Vinten, visit

A Snapshot of Vitec Group
Vitec集团是全球领先的高端品牌解决方案提供商,致力于不断变化和快速增长的图像和捕获共享市场. Vitec Group's customers include broadcasters, independent content creators, photographers, and enterprises. Vitec Group's activities comprise design, manufacture, 以及高性能产品和软件的分发,包括摄像头支持, wireless systems, robotic camera systems, prompters, LED lights, mobile power and batteries, monitors, and bags. Vitec Group employs around 1,700名员工遍布全球10个不同的国家,分为三个部门:成像解决方案, Production Solutions, and Creative Solutions. Vitec集团在伦敦证券交易所上市,2016年收入为376英镑.2 million. More information can be found at


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Visit Vinten at the 2018 NAB Show, Booth C6025 (With Vitec Group)

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