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Jimmy Eat World Concert Series Shot with URSA Mini Pro 12K in Blackmagic RAW

Blackmagic Design today announced that its URSA Mini Pro 12K 数码胶片相机 were used to shoot rock band Jimmy Eat World's streaming concert series Phoenix Sessions.

Blackmagic Design today announced that its URSA Mini Pro 12K 数码胶片相机 were used to shoot rock band Jimmy Eat World’s streaming concert series Phoenix Sessions. 以乐队表演他们的“幸存”为特色的三重奏音乐会,” “Futures” and “Clarify” albums were streamed to fans around the world, 三个流媒体分别聚焦于不同的专辑.

联合导演兼编辑凯文·加西亚选择了URSA Mini Pro 12K, 摄影师加布里埃尔·盖勒用Blackmagic RAW拍摄, 为其图像质量和灵活性. “Gabriel and I have been using the URSA Mini Pro 12K for the last two months on projects for Chaka Khan, blackbear, 舞蹈加文舞蹈和更多,加西亚说。. “We usually shoot in 8K for 4K delivery, and the color and skin tone are game changers. The flexibility of Blackmagic RAW in post is a huge factor as well with the integration of Generation 5 Color Science.”

“Jimmy Eat World是一支非常紧张的现场乐队, 随着整张专辑的完成, 我们必须把仓储当成一种商品, 所以在特定区域,8K是我们能做到的最高水平,他接着说. “流媒体内容, 我们被限制在1080的渲染, so having all that crop space allowed us to push shots in and reframe as needed or create new shots in post that we didn’t even think about when actually filming. Having the extra resolution has really changed our entire post production process for the better.”

凤凰会议期间, URSA迷你Pro 12k, along with URSA Mini Pro G2s and Pocket Cinema Camera 4Ks and 6Ks, 是用在各种各样的钓钩上吗, 多莉和万向节捕捉乐队. The cameras fed into an ATEM 1 M/E Production Studio 4K live production switcher complete with ATEM 1 M/E Advanced Panel, with Garcia and Codirector Sam Shapiro watching the multiview and calling shots throughout the performances. A Video Assist 7” 12G HDR monitor/recorder recorded the program out directly to an SSD with a HyperDeck Studio Mini recording to an SD card as backup. 完善工作流, a Video Assist 5” 12G HDR was used by a camera operator on a gimbal and a Blackmagic Audio Monitor 12G monitored audio.

“This workflow allowed us as directors to see all the cameras and record an Ultra HD switch cut, which gave us a starting point for the edit and reference for the audio team to mix with the visuals,加西亚解释道。. “DaVinci Resolve Studio用于色彩分级, and I also used it along with the DaVinci Resolve Speed Editor to quickly get the footage to a better starting place before editing began. The DaVinci Resolve Speed Editor is going to be a very useful tool moving forward on these large multi cam edits at high resolutions.”

随着音乐会的持续进行 www.jimmyeatworldlive.com 与Danny Wimmer Presents合作, Garcia noted that he’s been working alongside the company to achieve something different and special for the fans.

“We really want to get as close as possible to a live concert experience while you’re home, 与此同时, create content that generally can’t be done in a traditional concert style,加西亚说. “Phoenix Sessions had three very different and unique looks that wouldn’t work on a conventional concert stage, 如果他们这么做了, you’d be so far away that you would miss the incredible time and detail that was put into the creative design.”

“Jimmy Eat World是一支影响了我们所有人的开创性乐队, 在这个团队和其他地方,Phoenix Sessions创意总监Keith Koenig总结道. “Danny Wimmer Presents used Blackmagic Design gear to go above and beyond to capture this band's show in a manner that they deserved. 当你遇到这样的项目, 这不仅仅是完成它, 这是为了给球迷们公正的对待, 为了乐队和我们自己. Now, in the absence of a true live show, it's more important than ever. 我们很自豪能把这支乐队带到一个全新的水平.”

关于Blackmagic Design

Blackmagic Design creates the world’s highest quality video editing products, 数码胶片相机, 颜色校正技术, 视频转换器, 视频监控, 路由器, 现场生产切换, 硬盘录像机, waveform monitors and real time film scanners for the feature film, 影视后期制作和广播行业. Blackmagic Design’s DeckLink capture cards launched a revolution in quality and affordability in post production, while the company’s Emmy™ award winning DaVinci color correction products have dominated the television and film industry since 1984. Blackmagic Design continues ground breaking innovations including 6G-SDI and 12G-SDI products and stereoscopic 3D and Ultra HD workflows. 由世界领先的后期制作编辑和工程师创立, Blackmagic Design在美国设有办事处, UK, 日本, 新加坡和澳大利亚. 欲了解更多信息,请访问 www.blackmagicdesign.com

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