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可作为物理服务器或基于云的解决方案使用, the JVC ProHD Broadcaster receives live HD video from compatible JVC camcorders, 为各种交付平台转码信号, 并提供可靠的信号传输

JVC专业产品 Company, a division of JVC Americas Corp., today announced its Professional Streaming Services for delivering live HD content to the Web and broadcast facilities. The new ProHD Broadcaster server powered by Zixi is the central component to the company’s new content delivery service. 可作为物理服务器或基于云的解决方案使用, Broadcaster receives live HD video from compatible JVC camcorders, 为各种交付平台转码信号, 并提供可靠的信号传输.

JVC’s new services are compatible with the new GY-HM850 and GY-HM890 ProHD shoulder-mount camcorders, 今天也宣布了. The cameras feature a built-in Zixi engine that streams to a 4G LTE, 3G, or Wi-Fi 网work while recording HD to solid state memory cards. Broadcasters that use these cameras exclusively for ENG are equipped to economically transmit HD video 来自野外 live on the air and live on their Web site.

“可靠的实时高清视频传输现在已经成为JVC的现实,埃德加·谢恩说, 工程总经理, JVC专业产品. “Today’s high-speed and robust 4G LTE connections provide the bandwidth necessary for live HD video streaming, 来自野外. 通过我们与紫溪的合作, we can provide a stable workflow that helps broadcasters and Web content producers be first on air and first online.”

新的服务依赖于JVC独有的双编解码器设计, which allows the transmission of live HD footage or file transfer in the background while shooters continue to record footage in their normal workflow. 当搭配Verizon 4G LTE调制解调器时, 通过USB直接连接到相机, the camera transmits footage to a broadcast facility in real time.

Improving on the company’s earlier live HD streaming and file transfer technologies, JVC’s new cameras feature Advanced Streaming Technology (AST) that provides content-aware error correction, 带宽的影响, 实时反馈流媒体状态. A built-in processor with proprietary algorithms maximizes bandwidth to ensure reliable transmission even under difficult conditions, while advanced content aware error correction compensates for up to 30 percent packet loss. JVC’s new Streamconfidence technology provides real-time stream and LTE status in the camera viewfinder and LCD monitor.

当与基于云的服务结合使用时, video delivery from the cameras to the Inter网 is available by entering a single IP address. 内容可以定向到多个目的地, 包括现成的用于直播的HD-SDI解码器. Broadcaster’s built-in matrix switching makes it easy to manage signals for distribution, 自动转码允许实时, direct-to-Web content delivery to almost any content provider.

With unlimited I/O and a Web control interface for easy operation, Broadcaster is a cost effective way for stations to handle multiple camera coverage at a single event. 每个摄像机都输入广播器并由广播器识别, which can be configured to provide an output signal to the station’s decoder for air. Cameras can then be chosen by station personnel and switched live. The result is affordable live coverage from multiple reporters and shooters without a multi-camera production truck.

Broadcaster also accepts video from Android and iOS devices, and handles transcoding automatically. 结果是, a broadcaster can take live video from a reporter who is on site at an accident, 例如, 但他只有一部手机可以提供事件的视频.

超越实时视频传输, JVC’s cameras provide secure FTP file transfer 来自野外, plus live monitoring and camera and lens control via Wi-Fi from a smart device (iPhone, iPad, 或Android)或通过LTE连接从工作室. For broadcasters who use metadata, a built-in GPS allows location information to be recorded. Metadata can also be edited on a smartphone or tablet and transferred to the camera via Wi-Fi.

3月上市, ProHD广播的建议标价为1美元,995 and requires a subscription to JVC Professional Streaming Services.

总部位于韦恩, 新泽西, 在长滩的西海岸行动, 加州, JVC专业产品 Company is a division of JVC Americas Corp.是JVC肯伍德公司的全资子公司.JVC is a leading manufacturer and distributor of broadcast and professional video and audio equipment, D-ILA前投影系统, 和Super LoLux高清视频安防产品. 欲了解更多产品信息,请访问JVC的网站 http://pro.日本胜利公司.com