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J.T. 鲁尼采取虚拟制作与基诺弗洛的MIMIK 120的下一个水平

Full-Spectrum, 基于图像的视频照明瓷砖为著名的虚拟生产先锋提供前所未有的现实主义

Kino Flo照明系统自豪地分享其MIMIK 120全光谱, 基于图像的视频照明瓷砖被创意制作人和虚拟制作专家J.T. Rooney, a well-known pioneer in immersive technology for entertainment. 与野生墙壁一起工作-用于创建反射等效果的LED侧板-鲁尼和他的创意团队利用多个mimik来用光全光谱色彩的人才和前景主题.

Optimized for virtual production environments, the MIMIK 120 mirrors video content, 提供扩展的光谱带宽和电影色彩保真度时,照明人才和设置元素. 获得专利的Kino Flo配对算法将传入的RGB视频墙信号转换为四个或更多的独立发射器,产生同步的前景照明,在虚拟场景上提供最大的真实感.

“随着越来越多的作品使用LED墙来照亮前景中的人才和其他主题, 人们越来越需要一种解决方案来与野生墙壁携手合作,以增加全光谱白光并提供更逼真的外观,” explained Rooney. “Furthermore, it can be difficult to achieve natural skin tones with wild walls alone, 而且它们的价格标签使得它们仅用于反射的成本过高. MIMIK 120是作为满足所有这些需求的LED体积和墙壁的补充解决方案而创建的. 我的团队已经在许多业界知名的项目中使用了MIMIK,比如will的音乐视频 and J Balvin’s ‘Let’s Go,’ and ABC/Disney’s ‘Dancing With The Stars’ Season 32 open. In addition, it’s unique in its ability to genlock to the volume, 当同步灯光效果与相机上的体积图像时,哪个是重要的.”

Controlled by the Megapixel VR Helios LED processor, MIMIK 120在百万像素基础设施中与LED卷无缝集成, making it simple for gaffers, DPs, and lighting directors to use. In addition, the versatile tile offers optional control from a lighting desk, providing workflow flexibility. With their lightweight carbon fiber frame, MIMIK 120s can be used in several configurations — individually, stacked like a video wall, flown as a ceiling, or put on traditional lighting rigs. With their high brightness of 10,000 nits, the tiles are also an efficient solution, 尤其是当鲁尼被组合在一起的时候——这让鲁尼可以用更少的阵型做更多的事情.

“世界各地的虚拟制作舞台都以采用最新的沉浸式娱乐技术而闻名,” said Frieder Hochheim, president of Kino Flo. “So, 很荣幸我们的MIMIK 120被像鲁尼这样的技术专业人士使用-他们处于虚拟生产的前沿-创造独特的色彩准确的图像. 正是这种紧密的合作激励着Kino Flo不断创新,并提供最好的照明解决方案.”

“Since I began using the MIMIK 120, 没有一个项目我没有使用Kino Flo的照明瓷砖,” added Rooney. “And not only have my clients been blown away by the realism they deliver, but crew members find them very easy to use, while talent reports that they improve their experience filming takes. 他们在为世界上一些最大的品牌提供最好的最终产品方面发挥着关键作用.”

Rooney has also utilized the MIMIKs to provide lighting for the opening of “Dancing With the Stars’” Premiere Night; commercials for ESPN’s “NBA Primetime” and the BMW i5; and many more projects.


About J.T. Rooney
J.T. Rooney is a Partner and Creative Producer at Silent Partners Studio. Based in Los Angeles and Montréal, Silent Partners Studio是一家视觉设计和制作工作室,其工作横跨现场娱乐, concerts, installations, broadcasts, events, virtual production, and mixed reality. Silent Partners Studio于2020年共同创立了XR Studios,并一直是创意制作领域的行业领导者, technical consulting, and virtual art department work for virtual productions. J.T.’s work at Silent Partners Studio and XR Studios includes major projects such as the 2020 MTV VMAs; concerts with Billie Eilish, Camila Cabello, and Kid Cudi; commercial projects with BMW, Ricoh, ESPN, NBA, and other global brands; and film and television projects with Disney+, Apple TV, Amazon, and more. J.T.他在虚拟生产领域的开创性工作使他成为行业快速发展领域的领导者和代言人. 他致力于为行业专业人士开发创新的新技术, and participates in boards, groups, and companies pushing the craft forward.

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About Kino Flo
自20世纪80年代为其True Match®管开发颜色科学部门以来, Kino Flo has been at the forefront of LED design and manufacturing, creating a color-correct, color-stable line of tungsten and daylight LED emitters. 该公司在所有产品型号上保持了三十多年的色彩质量. From film to digital cinema cameras, 其他对色彩要求很高的行业,如智能手机校准和艺术修复工作室, Kino Flo is recognized for unrivaled color management. 从好莱坞的大片系列电影到亚特兰大等世界各地的新兴制作中心, Eastern Europe, and China, 基诺·弗洛照明公司在这部电影的灯光制作中扮演了重要角色, television, TV broadcast, and photography communities. Kino Flo获得了奥斯卡奖的技术成就,并继续推进艺术和科学的软照明与一个开创性的家庭基于led照明系统.