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日立和LiveU将合作推出一款集成了LiveU的LU40紧凑型视频上行设备的专业直播摄像机,并将其集成到日立的专业摄像机中, 使摄像机操作员能够实时查看和管理LiveU的传输状态和视频质量

Hitachi and LiveU (, the leader in portable live video-over-cellular solutions, 宣布一项新的合作,提供一种集成的专业直播摄像机,将LiveU的LU40紧凑型视频上行设备集成到日立的专业摄像机中, 使摄像机操作员能够实时查看和管理LiveU的传输状态和视频质量.

Sean Moran, VP of Sales & Marketing for Hitachi Kokusai Electric America, said, “我们对LiveU的上行技术感到非常兴奋,这不仅适用于广播应用,也适用于其他细分市场.  This is only the beginning of our collaboration; we’re committed to building a strong integration between our two solutions to offer global customers the ultimate live video camera.”

Samuel Wasserman, LiveU’s CEO, said, “与日立的合作是LiveU为专业摄像机操作员提供实时功能并简化现场工作流程的全球战略的重要一步. 我们的开发团队正在紧密合作,以构建一个独特的解决方案,服务于许多不同的市场.”

日立的高画质广播和专业高清电视摄像机系列拥有50年的历史,在美洲众所周知.  Not only do they offer one of the best R.O.I.’s in the industry but, are backed by a well-known global and trusted brand name, HITACHI, one of Japan’s most financially stable companies.  所有目前生产的日立高清电视摄像机型号都可以与LiveU LU40一起使用,作为安装在摄像机后部的外围设备.

LiveU的手持LU40设备为广播公司和在线媒体提供了高度稳健且经济高效的高清视频上行解决方案. 重量不到25盎司(700克),LU40-S配备了一个易于使用的触摸屏界面. The device includes LiveU’s proprietary internal antenna for stronger connectivity and new live newsgathering features such as: low latency for interview-mode; Store & Forward; file transfer (FTP); video and audio indicators; and under one minute boot-up time.

LiveU在美国和其他国家拥有蜂窝连接的专利. LU40以及LiveU的所有产品都是基于这项专利技术.

LiveU将在2013年NAB展®上展示其全方位的实时视频上行解决方案, April 8-11, at the Las Vegas Convention Center, booth #SU5511.

Ken Zamkow, LiveU’s Director of Sales and Marketing, will be speaking at the Broadcast Engineering Conference, at 10:00 am on Thursday, April 11, 2013年“从超级碗到大学:使用蜂窝绑定技术的现场体育报道”-电视IP会议.

About Hitachi

Hitachi Kokusai Electric America, Ltd. designs, manufacturers and markets video cameras, digital transmission, processing and recording devices for the broadcast television, cable, video production, and industrial vision markets. For more information, please call (516) 921-7200 or visit Hitachi's web site at Hitachi Kokusai Electric, Inc. (TSE, OSE: 6756), is a Hitachi, Ltd. (NYSE: HIT) group company.

About LiveU

LiveU is the pioneer of broadcast-quality, 蜂窝视频解决方案,允许从世界各地的任何位置进行实时视频传输(高清和标清).  With top-tier customers in 60+ countries, LiveU的解决方案已被用于突发新闻和高调事件, including the 2012 US Presidential Campaign, London 2012 Olympics, Hurricane Sandy, 2011 British Royal Wedding, Japanese Tsunami, GRAMMY Awards® and Super Bowl. 从背包到智能手机,LiveU提供了一系列完整的视频直播设备. LiveU’s solutions include multiple 4G LTE/3G, HSPA+, WiMAX and Wi-Fi cellular links, 根据可用的网络条件,哪些是为获得最大视频质量而优化的.

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