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Key new features for streaming producers include cross-platform codec support, 10位色彩校正, Flash出口国, 更新坐标制图器, 原生图像稳定, 还有新的响度计

Grass Valley™ has begun shipping the highly anticipated latest version of its EDIUS® multiformat nonlinear editing software. EDIUS 箴6.5 now includes a comprehensive 3D editing workflow and cross-platform codec support.

Grass Valley is making its renowned intermediate codec technology freely available to other third-party applications. In addition to the PC-based HQ/HQX codecs, a QuickTime version of Grass Valley’s HQ and 10-bit HQX codec (for Windows and Mac platforms), 现在可以免费下载.

“We were careful not to release this new version of EDIUS until all of the new features that our customers requested of us were included and reliable,查理·邓恩说, Executive Vice President of Products for Grass Valley. “As the market has demanded new features to accommodate new file-based formats and 3D production, we have kept pace and want to ensure our users that we are committed to the platform and will continue to add new improvements and the most critical features as they become available.”

EDIUS 箴6.5拥有全面的3D工作流程, complete with 3D stereoscopic editing tools and new 3D support across its editing peripherals. The full family of 3D-compatible Grass Valley editing peripherals—such as the STORM™ 3G and STORM 3G Elite editing hardware (with stereoscopic 3D I/O through a single 3G SDI source and/or dual 3G SDI signals)—are now all supported from the EDIUS timeline. EDIUS software and hardware supports all of the most common stereoscopic modes—including the side-by-side, 前 & bottom, and line-by-line display methods.

EDIUS 箴6.5 also incorporates 10位色彩校正, 一个新的Flash导出程序, several improvements to the Layouter tool, 原生图像稳定, 内置响度计, and closed-caption pass-through support.

A special systemized EDIUS version, called EDIUS Elite (based on EDIUS 箴6.5), is also available that takes full advantage of the proxy files created and stored on the Grass Valley K2 Summit™ 3G server. EDIUS Elite also allows users tight integration with the Grass Valley STRATUS™ media workflow application framework, 并包括音频比特流
(Dolby-E/ AC-3)直通支持.

通过一个简单的软件升级, every K2 Summit production client and K2 Solo™ media server can now be used as a 3D production server for 3D recording or replay, 2X或3X慢动作录制设备, or as a server for recording from 2-6 simultaneous camera feeds with at least one channel reserved for playback. The systemized EDIUS Elite version also allow users to directly access K2 content and edit it while recording, as well as the ability to directly output back to the K2 for playback.

新的EDIUS 箴6.5 software is now shipping for a list price of $699. Existing EDIUS 6 users can upgrade to the new version for $299. 30天免费试用EDIUS 箴6.5 (as well as the free QuickTime version of Grass Valley’s HQ and 10-bit HQX codec for Windows and Mac platforms) is now available from Grass Valley's website athttp://www.grassvalley.com/edius.

请注意:EDIUS 箴6.5 should not be installed on a computer that already has EDIUS 6.0 x安装. Doing so will automatically uninstall the older version of EDIUS.

Highlights of Grass Valley's forthcoming 6.5 upgrade to the EDIUS NLE (coming in June) for pro event and corporate video producers include improved a native stabilization utility, Alpha通道支持, 10位效果和过滤器, and several enhancements to the Layouter including a drop shadow function and new options for selecting a scaler.