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Grass Valley Announces EDIUS 7

EDIUS 7现在是Windows 7和Windows 8 64位操作系统的原生64位应用程序, 充分利用高达512 GB(取决于Windows版本)的已安装内存进行超密集的媒体操作, such as multilayer 4K and 3D editing

Grass Valley®已宣布EDIUS®7,草谷的非线性视频编辑应用程序的最新版本. EDIUS is a proven, 行业领先的解决方案,编辑工作在快速转向生产广播新闻, newsmagazine, and studio program content, as well as professional video editors working on organizational, documentary, and 4K theatrical productions. EDIUS 7现在是Windows 7和Windows 8 64位操作系统的原生64位应用程序, 充分利用高达512 GB(取决于Windows版本)的已安装内存进行超密集的媒体操作, such as multilayer 4K and 3D editing. 

“没有其他非线性视频编辑软件能给用户提供EDIUS这样的实时速度和功能," said Mike Cronk, Senior Vice President, Marketing, Grass Valley. "Its compatibility with all major file formats, 无需渲染即可进行实时编辑的能力——即使是在具有原生64位架构的4K中——意味着EDIUS 7是广播或后期制作环境的理想解决方案."

In addition to support for a wide range of Grass Valley hardware, EDIUS 7将于2013年第三季度发布,并在IBC 2013上首次公开展示,现在对来自Blackmagic Design和Matrox的第三方输入和输出硬件开放, 并计划在2013年第四季度支持AJA视频系统硬件. 这为EDIUS用户提供了更大的灵活性,可以通过一个编辑界面集成到各种环境中,该界面可用于新闻字段编辑, newsroom desktop editing, news finishing editing, studio productions, and other high-quality editing for delivery to mobile devices, Internet-connected platforms, traditional television, and for theatrical release. EDIUS 7还支持EDL项目导入/导出与达芬奇解决方案, as well as a new color grading workflow.

“看到Blackmagic Design的桌面视频产品与Grass Valley的EDIUS合作,我感到非常兴奋. 使用我们的PCIe DeckLink 4K Extreme和基于Thunderbolt的UltraStudio 4K捕获和播放设备处理超高清工作流的客户现在将有更多的顶级产品选择,他们可以使用,因为他们构建了惊人的工作流来处理最高质量的格式," said Grant Petty, CEO, Blackmagic Design. 

EDIUS 7中的其他增强功能包括改进的4K工作流程, 支持最新的文件格式(包括XAVC/XAVC S和AVC-Ultra), automatic program update checking, updated MPEG and H.264/AVC performance, faster handling of large quantities of still image files (JPG, TGA, DPX, and others), 和一个高斯模糊过滤器,以应用更好的质量模糊和防止莫尔纹图案混叠伪影.

EDIUS 7 supports any mix of SD, HD, 2K, and 4K resolution on the timeline in real-time, with editing performance increasing as CPU power increases. EDIUS 7还针对多核和英特尔第四代酷睿i CPU系统进行了优化.

“我们一直在倾听客户的意见,并回应他们的需求, and this is reflected in EDIUS 7," continued Cronk. "We've improved the 4K workflow, opened the program up to third-party hardware, and increased support for the latest file formats, so that our users can still 'Edit Anything.随着EDIUS用户不断追求更高的质量和更大的灵活性, 我们正在响应这个新版本EDIUS的功能."

EDIUS 7 will be available in Pro and Elite versions. EDIUS Pro 7 is targeted at the professional, stand-alone user. EDIUS Elite 7旨在编辑在网络连接的生产环境中协同工作, 并与GV STRATUS®非线性制作工具和草谷K2媒体服务器和存储无缝集成,具有多个编辑站就地编辑的能力, record directly to K2, 并在摄入时同时编辑直播视频(Simul edit). GV STRATUS integration will be available by September 2013. 

A free 30-day trial of EDIUS Pro 7 is available at

EDIUS Pro 7 and upgrade information is available at Those who have purchased EDIUS Pro 6.5 or hardware bundles including EDIUS Pro 6.从2013年6月1日起,所有用户将有资格免费升级到EDIUS Pro 7. 当EDIUS 7发布时,将在EDIUS Pro 7网页上提供升级信息.


About Grass Valley 

Grass Valley正在改变电视直播的制作和传播方式. Recognized with 18 Emmy® awards for technology innovation, 草谷的产品组合-从图像采集到播放-提供了一个完整的端到端灵活的工作流程, 面向未来的解决方案,使广播公司和内容所有者能够构建多屏幕, multiplatform futures. 通过简化和加强内容的制作和分发方式, Grass Valley为客户提供了在工作室中发挥创意所需的自由, the field, and the newsroom. 将IT技术的优化与同类最佳媒体系统相结合, Grass Valley的下一代解决方案提供更高的质量和更高的效率. Customers include world-leading broadcasters, teleproduction facilities, service providers, government, religious, educational, corporate, and independent video professionals. Grass Valley is headquartered in San Francisco, 并在北美和拉丁美洲设有办事处,在全球保持本地业务, Europe, the Middle East, and Asia-Pacific regions.
