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GoPro and Technicolor Team Up on Protune Color Profile

新功能提供给HD Hero2客户通过固件升级相结合,使专业电影制片人大大改进和灵活的工作流程,无缝集成与其他源材料和后期制作平台

GoPro, the world's most versatile camera, and Technicolor, a worldwide leader in technology and color-science, 今天在拉斯维加斯举行的NAB 2012展会上宣布,他们已经致力于嵌入Technicolor的CineStyleTM color profile for the debut of the new GoPro ProtuneTM (a free firmware upgrade available here for the HD HERO2 camera.

Certified by Technicolor, and developed by GoPro, Protune模式固件升级是专业制作和后期制作市场的重大发展, 将Technicolor色彩科学融入GoPro最新产品发布的公司. 这些新功能结合在一起,使专业电影制作人能够大大改进和灵活的工作流程,以便与其他源材料和后期制作平台无缝集成.

Key features of the GoPro Protune mode include:

* 24fps frame rate, 使GoPro HERO2内容可以很容易地与其他来源交错,而无需帧率转换;

“GoPro Protune模式是整个专业制作市场的非凡发展-从电影制作人开始, cinematographers and DITs, 到越来越多地依靠HERO2进行电影制作的编辑和色彩师," said David Newman, senior director of software engineering for GoPro. “与Technicolor合作开发这款产品为我们提供了一定水平的技术专长,使Protune能够针对专业市场进行优化. 电影人每天都在为他们的电影制作投资的工具做出关键的决定, 我们相信我们与特艺的合作会让他们更容易做出决定. 我们期待着我们的客户的反应,当我们揭开Protune在NAB 2012."

“Technicolor很高兴在其Protune升级固件中为GoPro提供其色彩科学," stated Technicolor's Alejandro Guerrero, senior vice president, Technicolor Digital Productions. "With more than 130,000(和计数)电影摄影师已经使用我们的CineStyle色彩配置文件, 我们致力于扩展CineStyle工具包,并很高兴支持GoPro扩大其市场基础."

Seamless Integration with GoPro CineForm Studio
GoPro Protune模式使得与GoPro CineForm Studio的集成变得简单, 自动检测Protune设置并应用默认调整来创建令人惊叹的图像. 工作流程通过各种颜色调整预设进一步增强, or ‘looks' that further enhance the filmmakers' story.

使用Protune与GoPro CineForm Studio Premium和GoPro CineForm Studio Professional提供额外的好处, 提供广泛的色彩校正控制和可定制的预设,以创建专业, cinematic looks from the GoPro HERO2 captured content. Non-destructive 3D LUTs provide even more flexibility, enabling users to further tweak their images, 操纵饱和度、对比度和色彩校正控件来创建高度风格化的内容.

通过GoPro CineForm Studio软件,可以免费升级GoPro Protune模式, which is also available as a free download here.

About Technicolor
Technicolor, a worldwide technology leader in the media and entertainment sector, is at the forefront of digital innovation. 我们拥有世界一流的研究和创新实验室,使我们能够引领市场,为内容创作者和分销商提供先进的视频服务. 我们还受益于专注于成像和声音技术的广泛知识产权组合, based on a thriving licensing business. 我们的承诺是:为影院和家庭的消费者提供令人兴奋的新体验.
Euronext Paris: TCH •

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