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FutureVideo Launches V-Station Multi-Camera Video Project Recording System

Project-based turnkey V-Station workstation simultaneously records up to 160 hours of full HD 1080p at 60fps from four independent HD cameras with eight audio tracks

FutureVideo®产品公司.今天,苹果宣布将推出一款革命性的 V-Station® HD 第四季度多摄像头视频项目录制系统, 2012 that simultaneously records up to 160 hours of full HD 1080p at 60fps from four independent HD cameras with eight audio tracks. The project-based turnkey workstation features intelligent project organization and management; automatic clip classification; fast clip search and review; synchronized playback, logging and editing; file-based workflow; and extensive backup and recovery—all in a single package.

“The video industry may think it’s seen something similar to the V-Station高清 多轨视频项目录制系统, 但事实并非如此,罗伯特·科恩解释道, FutureVideo的总裁兼首席执行官. “Most other multi-camera units are front-end production switchers for live broadcasts where a director switches among multiple cameras but outputs a single channel for broadcast.

“The V-Station高清 establishes a whole new product category, so that’s not what we do. It’s a back-end system that lets operators manage projects from beginning to end.  我们正在申请专利的专有软件, 他们可以获取四台摄像机的录像, 同步,, edit it and output a rough cut faster and easier than ever before.

Directors can then quickly view and edit multiple angles and 场景s simultaneously to maximize control over the rough cut, 让它更贴近他们的创意愿景,科恩补充道.

When the project is completed, operators have three choices. 他们可以:

1.      把录像保存在v站高清设备里供分析.

2.      输出粗切.

3.      Output a shot/content list and an edit decision list (EDL file) to a non-linear editing (NLE) system.

The V-Station高清 four-track DVR unit’s two-terabyte storage disk holds up to 160 hours of full HD video when utilizing all four cameras. 所有剪辑都驻留在一个磁盘上, eliminating the hassle of switching between multiple removable media. 每个摄像头源有四个HDMI输入, 程序有三个输出, 预览, 以及控制监视器.

The V-Station高清 multi-camera video project recording system also incorporates the following:

·         Project Manager Software: Automatically identifies video clips from all four cameras by project, 卷的名字, 场景, 拍摄并记录号码.

·         The Clip Browser Library Manager: Quickly finds any one of hundreds or thousands of recorded clips from multiple projects.

·         Multi-View® Player: Provides synchronized playback via its proprietary TruSync™ feature. Up to eight clips can be synchronized by time or event from any project.

·         SyncroEdit™: Edits clips from multi-angles into a rough cut for project visualization and assessment.

简化工作流程, the V-Station高清 unit generates comprehensive shot lists and edit decision lists (EDLs). The Microsoft® Excel®-compatible file contains all production metadata including each clip’s camera information, 项目记录设置, 每个剪辑的文件名, and date/time for review or for importing into a non-linear editing (NLE) system.

The V-Station高清 is ideal for cable TV indie producers, 戏剧表演, 政府机构, 医疗机构, 工业, 大学和高中的体育运动, 以及行为科学. It’s a particularly powerful tool for those with video observation and analysis applications.

V-Station高清 is offered in two versions: V-Station高清 Studio Edition at $12,995美元(建议零售价)和14美元的V-Station高清现场版,995(厂商建议零售价), 有触摸屏彩色液晶面板的, 以及各种现场配件.

关于FutureVideo Products, Inc.

FutureVideo is a privately held company headquartered in Orange County, California. 自1986年成立以来, FutureVideo has designed and marketed a range of innovative controller products for video and audio applications, 获得多项专利, 一路走来的优秀奖和“行业第一”. In 1992 the company began delivering the first of a new series of V-Station 3300 computer-based videotape post-production systems with the ability to auto-assemble the video project.  Controller products developed by FutureVideo have been used in sports, 电视广播, 法律, 军事, 活动影像, 教育和其他各种市场. Clients have included Panasonic, TEAC America, Pinnacle Systems, Canopus and more. 欲了解更多信息,请访问 http://www.futurevideo.com.