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Blackmagic gear include ATEM Camera Control Panel, ATEM Television Studio Pro 4K, HyperDeck Studio Pro, HyperDeck Studio 12G, HyperDeck Studio Mini recorders, Blackmagic Web Presenter and a SmartScope Duo 4K monitor

Blackmagic Design今天宣布,广受好评的电视音乐会系列“Front and Center”使用了完整的Blackmagic Design超高清现场制作工作流程来制作其第九季的几集, 在Facebook live上进行直播,并在公共电视和DIRECTV上以SDR和HDR10传输. 

这几集包括吉他手、歌手和词曲作者小加里·克拉克., were shot using URSA Broadcasts, Pocket Cinema Camera 4Ks and Micro Studio Camera 4Ks, 并使用ATEM电视工作室Pro 4K直播制作切换器进行切换.

“Front and Center” highlights an eclectic mix of Grammy, Country Music Association, American Music and Academy of Country Music Award winners, rock icons and multi platinum sellers including Keith Urban, Carlos Santana, Steven Tyler, Miranda Lambert and more. 每一集长达一小时,在观众面前进行现场表演, 以及对艺术家的个人采访,讲述他们音乐背后的故事.

使用黑魔法设计工作流程的剧集由总部位于纽约的创意机构和制作公司LCM247制作. LCM247在洛杉矶的The Village录音棚现场录制,拍摄了小加里·克拉克.他的表演由两个URSA广播,一个手持在舞台上,另一个安装在24英尺. 和8台微型工作室摄像机4k,这些摄像机位于场地周围和舞台上.

“When shooting live, URSA广播的人体工程学与良好的广播镜头提供了更好的手持拍摄在快节奏的环境,” said Patrick Heaphy, LCM247’s creative director, and producer and director of the episode. 为了获得最佳效果,jib操作员还需要一个全广播变焦镜头.”

“微型工作室相机4k的尺寸使它们很容易放在舞台上,以及在场地周围. We had one on the drum kit, one on the keys, a general wide shot of the whole stage, a couple locked off around the venue, 我们甚至请了一位摄像师,用一台配有视频辅助4K监视器/录像机的相机和一个长镜头作为备用镜头,” he added. “能够通过ATEM摄像机控制面板远程拨号,这一点特别有用,因为我们的工作人员数量有限,而且还需要进行直播.”

ATEM摄像机控制面板位于视频村,该视频村还安置了ATEM电视工作室Pro 4K, HyperDeck Studio Pro, HyperDeck Studio 12G, HyperDeck Studio Mini recorders, Blackmagic Web Presenter and a SmartScope Duo 4K monitor. “We used the ATEM for live switching, and everything was ISO recorded to the HyperDecks, along with recording a clean feed and a program feed,” noted Heaphy. “然后,我们使用Blackmagic Web Presenter在Facebook live上对表演进行直播.”

Prior to the performance, 希菲和他的团队用三台4k袖珍电影摄影机拍摄了小加里·克拉克的座谈采访. “It has a great form factor and the lowlight capability is great, 更不用说MFT mount赞美我们的MFT镜头武器库, XLR的输入使得相机比单反相机更容易操作,” he said. “达芬奇解决工作室的工作流程也意味着你可以真正最大化的外观.”

The episode was edited and graded in DaVinci Resolve Studio, 希菲还使用了达芬奇Resolve Mini Panel,称其效率很高. “作为一个编辑平台,DaVinci Resolve Studio正在走向成熟, and that’s what made the transition for us easy,” he explained. “我们已经知道我们要在达芬奇解决工作室评分, so we thought, ‘Why not try editing too?“我们利用了它的多相机编辑功能,如果我们调整编辑,就不必再做另一个颜色通道,从而节省了很多时间。. It was seamless to flip to the color tab, and the shot already had the grade on it, or our colorist Dario Bigi could adjust as needed.”

“We had multiple deliverables, 所以能够使用一个工具进行SDR和HDR通道也很方便,” concluded Heaphy. “The theme in post was definitely efficiency, and while there is always a learning curve with any new platform, DaVinci Resolve Studio is getting it right. 它关注的是编辑和色彩师在寻找什么.”

About Blackmagic Design
黑魔设计创造了世界上最高质量的视频编辑产品, digital film cameras, color correctors, video converters, video monitoring, routers, live production switchers, disk recorders, 波形监视器和实时电影扫描仪的功能电影, post production and television broadcast industries. Blackmagic Design的DeckLink捕获卡在后期制作的质量和可负担性方面发起了一场革命, 而该公司获得艾美奖的达芬奇色彩校正产品自1984年以来一直主导着电视和电影行业. Blackmagic Design继续进行突破性的创新,包括6G-SDI和12G-SDI产品以及立体3D和超高清工作流程. Founded by world leading post production editors and engineers, Blackmagic Design has offices in the USA, UK, Japan, Singapore and Australia. For more information, please go to

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