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Discovery Channel Royalty-Free Video Library Now Available to VideoBlocks 订阅rs

推出的项目包括30多个,000 jaw-dropping clips that will be available for purchase on the VideoBlocks Marketplace in early 2016

VideoBlocks, 第一个基于订阅的股票视频提供商, today announced the addition of Discovery Channel’s world class royalty-free video library to its Marketplace, 带来专业的拍摄, adrenaline-charged footage to the mass creative class for the first time in history. 推出的项目包括30多个,000 jaw-dropping clips, none of which have been previously broadcast. They will be available for purchase on the VideoBlocks Marketplace in early 2016.


The company’s agreement with Discovery Channel allows VideoBlocks’ subscribers access to content from around the world, ranging from breathtaking shots of volcanic eruptions 和 aerial footage looking straight into the eye of a hurricane, 珍稀野生动物在其自然栖息地的一瞥. The video clips are captured using state-of-the-art equipment at a cost that has made it all but impossible for budget conscious video editors to access—until now. VideoBlocks’ members have the opportunity to use the material royalty-free for personal 和/or commercial use, 没有分配限制.

“Discovery Channel has captured the breathtaking beauty of our pla网 in ways that no others have, 和 including this content in our Marketplace is game-changing for video editors,乔尔·霍兰德说, VideoBlocks创始人兼首席执行官. “This addition furthers our mission to provide premium creative content that everyone can afford, 和 we are honored that Discovery entrusted VideoBlocks to distribute their powerful content.”

至今已有超过3500万的视频下载, 每个月的新下载量超过100万次, VideoBlocks is committed to delivering the highest quality content to creators of all capacities 和 budgets, 都在一个地方.

2015年早些时候, VideoBlocks在原来的基础上增加了一个新的维度, 订阅型商业模式(99美元/年). 从他们的高清视频素材库中无限下载, Adobe After Effects模板, 和动态背景)与VideoBlocks市场. 

Members upload their own content for sale on a per-clip basis (HD clips for $49, 4K售价199美元, AE模板(19美元起), 和, 在库存库中独一无二, VideoBlocks allows contributors to keep 100% of the royalties from the sales.

Financial institutions take their small percentages from the transactions of course, but VideoBlocks covers their own costs for maintaining the Marketplace the same way that companies like Costco 和 Amazon Prime do, 通过订阅, leaving the content creators themselves the ones who receive the proceeds from every sale. 

在完成第一个全年的运营之前, VideoBlocks Marketplace已经交付了超过990美元,向2500多名捐助者支付了5000美元.

The VideoBlocks Marketplace created a unique opportunity for Discovery to mo网ize a staggering amount of never-before-seen content. Because of the vast amounts of footage required to create each hour of the documentary, 科学, 自然节目是电视网遗产的核心, some of the most stellar work of Discovery's cinematographers has never before been seen.

“There is always an abundance of great video footage that doesn’t make the final cut, 现在,未使用的内容有了归宿,格里塔·皮塔说, Head of Content Acquisition 和 Contributor Engagement for VideoBlocks. “This partnership will bring a robust library of Discovery Access’ exhilarating content found on Discovery Communications’ family of 网works to new audiences.”


VideoBlocks is a profitable, venture-backed stock media company recognized in 2014 by Inc. 杂志 as the eleventh fastest growing media company in the United States. 连同它的姊妹网站GraphicStockAudioBlocks, VideoBlocks使客户能够增强他们的创意项目, 包括像NBC这样的专业制作工作室, 探索频道和MTV向专业消费者和大学等爱好者开放, 教堂和视频编辑爱好者. Founder 和 CEO Joel Holl和 has been named one of the "Top 25 Entrepreneurs Under 25" by BusinessWeek 杂志, "Young Entrepreneur of the Year" by the United States Small Business Administration, “Entrepreneur of the Year” by Ernst 和 Young for the Greater Washington DC Region, 制作公司. 2013年入选杂志著名的“30位30岁以下”榜单. 该公司总部位于弗吉尼亚州莱斯顿.

关于Discovery Communications 

探索通讯(Nasdaq: DISCA), DISCB, DISCK) is the world’s #1 pay-TV programmer reaching 3 billion cumulative subscribers in more than 220 countries 和 territories. For 30 years Discovery has been satisfying curiosity 和 entertaining viewers with high-quality content through its global br和s, 由探索频道领导, 薄层色谱, 动物星球, 调查发现, 科学和涡轮/速度, 还有你.S. 合资网络OWN:奥普拉·温弗瑞网络, 并通过探索数字网络的投资组合, 包括约, Seeker和SourceFed. 探索频道拥有欧洲体育, the leading pan-regional sports entertainment destination across Europe 和 Asia-Pacific. Discovery also is a leading provider of educational products 和 services to schools, 包括一系列获奖的K-12电子教科书, 通过发现教育. 欲了解更多信息,请访问 www.discoverycommunications.com.