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Digital Juice Debuts ready2go Projects & Templates for Adobe After Effects Collection 16

动画模板图形,为After Effects用户提供各种专业成品外观, and feature expertly designed "drop zones" for text and video

Digital Juice®今天宣布,它正在发布ready2go™项目 & Templates for Adobe After Effects® Collection 16. ready2go项目是动画模板图形,为After Effects用户提供各种专业成品外观, and feature expertly designed “drop zones” for text and video. ready2go库中的这个新集合可以作为即时下载或盒装DVD产品购买. 这个系列的设计突破了专业风格的极限,适合各种婚礼视频的制作, 商业演示和网络节目宣传,以播放电视商业广告, sports highlights reels and training material.

“One of the things that sets ready2go Projects & 与其他内容提供商提供的模板不同的是,Digital Juice在每个项目中都包含多个“编辑友好”部分,” says David Hebel, CEO of Digital Juice. After Effects艺术家可以通过在他们的时间轴上放置无限系列的编辑友好的文本和视频片段来创建所需的长度和序列,从而构建自己的项目版本. 每个部分也可扩展到15秒,包括匹配擦拭和声音效果,以帮助您顺利过渡段之间.”

In ready2go™ Projects & Templates for Adobe After Effects® Collection 16, 你会发现超过88个独特的项目文件,从明亮和华丽的动画字幕到从邻近的高层建筑项目中看到的图形黑白城市景观,这些只是这个包中许多创意外观中的几个. “我们为您提供您所需要的多样性,以保持时尚的前沿,并处理任何类型的生产,” says Hebel. “即使对初学者来说,替换镜头和编辑文本也很容易. Plus, depending on your comfort level with After Effects, 你可以改变外观和感觉的每一个方面,从时间和色彩到背景, transitions and fonts used.”

Feature Highlights

  • Package available in both Instant Download and DVD formats
  • Over 88 different projects, including alternate camera motions and additional animated content, 提供各种各样的外观来处理大多数类型的产品.
  • Complete customization with the ability to take projects apart, change colors and fonts, add your own elements, turn on and off layers or adjust timing.
  • 为完整长度的项目模板提供的编辑友好段使得自定义项目的任务比以前更容易. 通过在您的时间轴上放置模板段来构建您自己的项目版本,以创建您所需的编辑或将每个段的长度延长至15秒.
  • NEW! 现在包含一些可循环的项目片段,使扩展动画更容易.
  • 11全屏网络质量擦除,包括自定义匹配的声音效果,以完美匹配每个动画的运动.
  • 包括10个最常用的HD和SD项目的大小格式,所以无论你是否在全高清工作, 720P, PAL, or NTSC you have access to the right project for every situation.
  • Unlike projects from other sources, 您通过DJTV接受持续和深入的培训,向您展示如何使用和自定义项目.
  • Nothing is hidden or impossible to get at. 你可以完全访问这个组织良好的项目,就像动画师设计它一样. 无论您的技能水平如何,您都可以在定制项目之前通过分析项目的设置方式来学习新东西.
  • 开发仅使用效果和功能内置到After effects无缝兼容. No third-party plug-ins required.

  • 1 DVD ROM (7.71 GB of data) or Instant Download file
  • 10 Coordinated looks
  • 88 Fully customizable native Adobe After Effects projects
  • 11 Ready-to-use HD and SD QuickTime Swipes!
  • Each project compiled in 10 formats:

1920 x 1080 @ 29.97 fps
1920 x 1080 @ 25 fps
1920 x 1080 @ 23.976 fps
1280 x 720 @ 29.97 fps
1280 x 720 @ 25 fps
1280 x 720 @ 23.976 fps
720x480 @ 29.97 fps (HD Video Zone Support)
720x480 @ 29.97 fps (SD Video Zone Support)
720x576 @ 25 fps (HD Video Zone Support)
720x576 @ 25 fps (SD Video Zone Support)

  • Proxies included for faster RAM previews
  • Works with Adobe After Effects CS4 & above
  • No 3rd party plug-ins required
  • Compatible with both Windows and Mac
  • Requires Juicer version 3.89 or above

Browse, Search & Select
Digital Juice® provides a free Windows® and Mac® utility, Juicer™ 3, that makes it easy to browse, search, and select from any of the ready2go™ Projects & Templates for After Effects Collections. 一旦选择了一个项目,用户就可以设置分辨率,然后收集和发送所有或选择项目元素到After Effects®. In addition, 因为每个After Effects项目都是由许多QuickTime动画组成的, 榨汁机3技术使用户能够灵活地独立导出动画,这样他们就可以与他们可能正在进行的任何其他项目一起使用.

Pricing & Availability
The new ready2go™ Projects & 模板后效果收集16可以通过数字果汁的网上商店订购 The package’s retail price is $249.95美元,但通常可以在特别促销活动中买到,最高可打五折. Check the website for details on specials. The company's free Juicer™ 3 software can be found at