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DigiBox Partners with NewTek to Become the Company’s First UK and Ireland Distributor

The agreement will expand DigiBox's portfolio and streamline the supply of NewTek solutions to the region

DigiBox, a value-added distributor with 25 years’ experience in broadcast, proAV and postproduction throughout the United Kingdom and Ireland, 今天宣布与NewTek®的新合作, 部分 Vizrt集团.

NewTek?is the leader in IP video technology that gives every storyteller a voice through video.?它也是NDI®的主要合作伙伴之一, Vizrt集团旗下品牌, 也是世界上使用最广泛的, 免版税IP标准. NDI使任何人都可以实时使用, ultra-低延时 video on existing IP video networks currently available on billions of devices.

作为一个长期存在的, and well-established supplier in the UK and Ireland market, DigiBox is ideally placed to distribute the full portfolio of NewTek’s software-defined 视觉叙事工具 including the successful TriCaster® family, 3Play®视频回放系统和PTZ摄像机.

也被称为知识产权技术专家, DigiBox have worked closely with many products that harness the power of NDI technology since its launch in 2015 and have been strong advocates of the protocols varied applications ranging from broadcast to the boardroom.

新泰克很适合我们的投资组合。” DigiBox董事总经理兼首席技术官Marc Risby评论道. “We are looking forward to leveraging our established network of resellers and systems integrators across a wide range of vertical markets and expanding further into the general AV and enterprise spaces to build on NewTek’s momentous growth during the pandemic.”

DigiBox prides itself on its dedicated technical sales and skilled engineering teams who work closely to meet the challenges of today’s content producers whether it’s for a live broadcast or a corporate webinar. We believe this will strengthen NewTek’s position in the UK offering local support and professional services, 使我们能够更好地为该地区的客户服务.”

Due to significant and sustained growth for NewTek in the UK and Ireland it was essential to work with a distributor to continue our success. DigiBox were the ideal choice to support our expansion as it allows our partners and end users local access to 加快项目的需求为可达性, easy to use live production tools increases across various verticals including Corporate/Enterprise, 教育和现场表演等等. We are looking forward to bolstering our ability to serve these markets with NewTek solutions through DigiBox and can’t wait to showcase the inevitable ground-breaking projects that will emerge,” EMEA销售总监Mark Coombes说.

DigiBox will hold a range of NewTek stock in the UK to ensure quick delivery to the dealer network. 欲了解更多信息,或在网上安排 演示NewTek系列,请联系: sales@digi-box.co.uk


总部设在赫特福德郡, DigiBox为英国的ProAV服务, broadcast and postproduction markets for more than 25 years. DigiBox represents hardware and software solutions from innovative, 世界领先的制造商, 包括AJA, Adder, Kiloview, Gefen, LMP, RGBlink, SNS, Salrayworks, Theatrixx, YoloLiv和Vimeo企业. We have an experienced sales team specialising in technical sales, content distribution and digital workflows and a dedicated engineering support team. 欲知详情,请浏览 www.digi-box.co.uk


作为IP视频技术的领导者, NewTek is transforming the way people create network-style television content and share it with the world. 来自体育赛事, 网络脱口秀, 生活娱乐, 教室, 以及企业沟通, to virtually any place people want to capture and publish live video, 我们为客户提供了扩大受众的能力, brands, 企业比以往任何时候都快.

The NewTek brand joins those of Vizrt and NDI under the umbrella brand of Vizrt集团. The NewTek brand is 100% committed to its Channel Partners as its route to market.

Clients include: The Supreme Court of the United Kingdom, 纽约巨人队, NBA发展联盟, Fox News, BBC, NHL, Nickelodeon, 哥伦比亚广播公司, ESPN电台, 福克斯体育, MTV, TWiT.电视,今日美国,美国.S. 国土安全部(DHS), the National Aeronautics and Space Administration (NASA), Celebro媒体, 卡迪夫城市大学, 普华永道会计师事务所, 布拉格查尔斯大学, 品诚梅森律师事务所, 超过80%的美国人.S. 财富100强.

欲了解更多关于新泰克的信息,请访问:www.newtek.com, Twitter, YouTube, Flickr or connect with us on Facebook.


NDI是Vizrt集团旗下品牌. NDI software is in the hands of millions of customers worldwide and allows multiple video systems to identify and communicate with one another over IP. NDI可以编码, 发送和接收高质量的许多流, 低延时, 通过视频, 还有实时音频. 这有利于任何网络连接的视频设备, 包括相机, 转换器, 视频混合器, 图形系统, 捕捉卡, 以及许多其他生产设备.

# sdv #NDIcentral # ndiv


Vizrt?Group®?is guided by a single, passionately held purpose; that?“更多的故事,更好的讲述”,供应?media content creators around the world with software-defined?视觉叙事工具?以及帮助他们创造更有影响力的解决方案, 获奖内容, (more stories) in a manner that is right for their business needs (better told).

该组包含三个?最强的名字?在广播技术行业;?NewTek, NDI®?and?Vizrt.?这三家公司都是创意企业,建立在?创新?和成长?以我们为人,以成为目标?最?推荐?我们所服务的市场的解决方案提供商.


Vizrt?集团是一个全球性的多元化组织?over?来自58个国家的600名员工?不同的民族,?在16个国家设有办事处?全世界的国家. 它是北欧资本基金VIII的私人所有.